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YOURSAY | Education should be free for everyone

YOURSAY | ‘Children should not be segregated into rich and poor categories.’

Rich may no longer enjoy subsidised education, says PM

NMSparks: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, why don’t you give us the exact picture of what it is that you are so strongly against?  

There are so many government-funded boarding schools that cater only to the majority race in this country, and only the best among that group are selected for full scholarships to study overseas (UK, US, Australia, and so on).

In that group of the majority race, there are so many children of elites who obtain free top-of-the-class education at the government's (taxpayer’s) expense and the scholarships thereafter.

You are referring to this practice, which ought to have been stopped a long time ago or should not have been allowed in the first place.  

But you are unable to say, obviously, because you are a man who has been “diligent” in fighting for the “underprivileged” elsewhere, but in your backyard, there is a discriminatory policy of giving free first-class or overseas education reserved only for the majority race.

Anonymous9483: Anwar has a beef with the term rich. He seems to constantly pander to populism to win votes.

Let’s say, for example, he intends to remove the eligibility of T20 families in subsidised education.

The lower household income threshold for the T20 category is about RM10,960. A household with both husband and wife earning RM5,480 each would have automatically been disqualified.

I know very well that for a household with two children living in Klang Valley, RM10,960 per month is sometimes just enough after paying for your mortgage, car loans, food, school fees and so forth.  

Worse still, he seems to be discouraging people from earning more.

If you and your wife make RM5,000 per month, but you have a child who is exceptionally brilliant in studies, does it mean your child will have to pay the price for your success and end up not getting any subsidies and scholarships?

I would argue that a better proposition is to let every student enjoy the basic and free education of six years of primary school and five years of secondary school.

The extra allocation should then be used to subsidise students via scholarships based on merit.  

This way, you efficiently allocate your resources to those who are most likely to succeed and can repay society, whether through their contributions or taxes.

Those who are less academically inclined can always opt for alternative routes such as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET),  which is subsidised anyway.

IndigoTrout2522: Subsidies should be based on financial needs. Students' applications should be verified for accuracy.

Deliberate falsification should be penalised. University or college scholarships should be based on meritocracy or financial needs.

Most students will be fairly benefited as their families are not in the rich or super-rich categories.

Constitutional supremacy: Anwar says subsidies for the education sector are currently enjoyed by the elite and the wealthy. As usual, he makes a general sweeping statement.

Who are the elite and the wealthy? What about Anwar’s children? Which schools did they go to?

Most countries are making education free.

Here it is like creating a class war. Anwar has spoken out against the wealthy many times but has not defined who is considered wealthy.

A couple with a joint income of RM10,000 and one child are “wealthy”, bearing in mind the cost of living, and paying for house and car loans.  

The Constitution does not allow discrimination like what Anwar is proposing now. 

Focusapp: Populism at work. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. Does it raise education standards?

Education is a necessity for all. What about seizing corruption loot?

Cutting the budget for religious pandering?

The education system in Malaysia is on a downward trajectory because of embedded political and religious factors. More and more are turning to vernacular and international schools. 

UB40: Anwar said “may”. Why not use the word “will”? Be brave to put a stop to this nonsense and give education to the poor or needy who justly need it for their future.

I know of a local director whose sons got a full scholarship to study in the United Kingdom.

I am sure many people with connections, especially in political parties, get free education thanks to taxpayers. This abuse must be stopped.

KK Voter: Sounds like another of Anwar’s “specialities” - the premature, pre-announcement intended to excite the public but ends up creating massive confusion or panic instead. This will then be followed by his ministers defending him and saying, “Don’t speculate, wait for details.”  

Can’t wait to read all the different interpretations of what he just said in the comment section.

MarioT: It is good that Anwar realised the problem of the rich taking advantage of education subsidies. 

These rich and privileged individuals are grabbing everything meant for the poor and needy.

Their greed knows no bounds. You should look into every aspect of aid and support given to those who need it the most to ensure it is being dispensed to them.

If found to be misused, punish the culprits.

Freethinker: Wonder where he cuts the line to define a rich person. T2? T20? Above M40?  

Remove the two-class system, enact a need-based system and use entire government machinery to help the poor and allow businesses to thrive under an open market system.  

Stop moral policing and focus on economic growth and job creation. Cutting subsidies is not the only way to improve the economy.

It’s just like corporations trying to cut costs on employee expenses.

Anonymous 13928521937351840: Well done, Anwar. Continue to drive rich people away. Let them go to Singapore and other countries. Majulah Singapura.

Those ultrarich won’t care about your subsidies.

Those who care are those on borderline T20 and M40, those who look rich on paper but are struggling due to high taxes and high commitments.

These are the people who will run away.

Sampehpagi: All citizens are entitled to quality education for up to 13 years.

Scholarships should be given to the poor for further studies.

Children should not be segregated into rich and poor categories. Children are not political tools.

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