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YOURSAY | Time to wake up, Gerakan

YOURSAY | ‘PAS does not care two hoots about you.’

Lau downplays PAS-Gerakan differences, calls to strengthen PN

DontGetMeWrong: It is so shameful to see a once mighty party reduced to grovelling scrap from a hardcore Malay nationalist/Islamic coalition. 

What can Gerakan bring to the Chinese community if ever Perikatan Nasional wins Putrajaya? 

Yes, they might have a token ministerial post but can they block any Islamisation of the country? 

PAS does not care two hoots about Gerakan. Time to wake up, Gerakan.

Honest: Gerakan president Dominic Lau, grow a spine! PAS has never and will never change. 

They will keep humiliating you and talk down to you and you expect us the non-Malays to be led by you?

Have some dignity! A small-time PAS leader slapped you unprovoked for defending the Chinese and now you’re still apologising. 

Then Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor slapped you even more and you looked down like an obedient child. This is so disgusting! You have no spine!

Sealthedeal: Seriously, what is wrong with Lau? Does he ever believe that Islamists are going to be fair, correct, and respect non-Muslims?

He and his party deserve the anger of non-Muslims for his absolute disregard for his race.

It's mind-boggling what drives Lau and his followers, it’s beyond comprehension.

This is an existential fight for equality for the minority population. What do they not understand? Can they sleep at night?

Lost for more words that there are people like him who forget the decades of repressive policy from successive governments.

JBond: The body language of those fellows sitting beside him and the absence of his deputy said it all. He is probably going to be thrown out by his own party sooner rather than later. 

Who wants a president who has zilch in the right place? But desperado can’t be choosers. 

Pakatan Harapan would not want them since they have DAP, MIC, and MCA. As a lone ranger, they would die faster.

Gerak mati, tak gerak pun mati. That’s their fate in a nutshell.

One Malaysian: PN was formed in 2020 and you mean until now you can’t find time to sit down and sort out your differences? 

It's not as if you guys have no time, it’s just that your party is so irrelevant in PN that they don’t want to waste time asking for your opinions!

Checkmate: It’s obvious Gerakan is an unwanted child, they have nowhere to go. So with their tails between their legs, they have to swallow whatever dirt thrown at them and gladly crawl back to PN.

The late Gerakan leader Lim Chong Eu must be rolling in his grave to see the party led by a bunch of spineless, thick-skinned, good-for-nothing clowns.

Gerakan has become DAP's mouthpiece: Penang PAS Youth leader

Mosquitobrain: Penang PAS deputy youth Muhammad Hafiz, keep on barking.  

By now, PAS-controlled states must have progressed by leaps and bounds.

Turnedback: PAS, what is wrong with DAP? They are morally upright, DAP did not steal billions in taxpayers' money.

PAS is very hypocritical, they accept funds collected from sales of liquor and also gaming numbers and casinos.

AverageJoe: Gerakan, don’t suffer insults in silence. Have some dignity and pride and leave PN.

Then the non-Malays may vote for your party in the next election. Otherwise, don’t bother to stand for election because your candidates will not get any support.

Anon25: Like most PAS office bearers, you seem to lack good education and a proper understanding of the world outside of your little “tempurong”.

Gerakan has nothing to do with DAP.

No educated self-respecting Chinese or Indian will join your PAS supporters’ group

This group implies that non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims and will not be accepted in PAS. Are Indian Muslims accepted in PAS?

Open Minded 2281: After the Chinese school funding issue, PN can forget about taking over Putrajaya. While efforts were being made to win over non-Malays, this incident will push non-Malays further from PN.

The idea of getting more Malay support will not work as the support is so high that any gains will be limited.

Winning Scarecrow: Indeed Gerakan should not compete with DAP to please 95 percent of the Chinese. 

Gerakan should remember that there is always five percent of the Chinese who support PN and they are happy that PAS is banning drinking, gambling, cinemas, and open concerts in states ruled by them.

It is Gerakan’s duty to take good care of these five percent of Chinese who despise and will never vote for DAP or Madani. 

Instead of becoming the mouthpiece of DAP, Gerakan should fight for the rights of the five percent of Chinese who are against sinful vices like drinking, gambling, wearing shorts, and LGBTs.

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