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YOURSAY | Peace more important than freedom of speech

YOURSAY | ‘In a multi-racial society like ours, we need some sort of control.’

'Most dictatorial govt': Ambiga slams new social media licensing move

COMMENT | Govt must halt social media licensing plan

IndigoHamster4797: I disagree with former Bersih chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan branding the Madani government as the most dictatorial government.

The Madani government is learning from their experiences to strengthen their position in the government.

The opposition-friendly web portals, blogs, and commentaries, such as the late MGG Pillai’s current affairs discussion forum Sangkancil and his column in Malaysia-Today, were channels that were effectively used to influence and galvanise opposition supporters, mobilise people to the streets on which, in the long run, changed the government.

The Madani government cannot afford the opposition to make these key influencing platforms be used against them.

To control these social media via licensing is just being pragmatic, learning from their best practices during their days in the opposition.

Mgpowl: Once again Pakatan Harapan’s hypocrisy is on full display.

It was the social media platforms that made Harapan parties popular and enabled them to reach large audiences that became their voter base.

Now they are biting the very hands that fed them.

This government does not know how to rule by democratic principles and must be stopped before they use more laws to protect themselves.

Rajawan: It is too early to pass such a judgment on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, especially when former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had done far, far worse with the Internal Security Act (ISA), the Sedition Act 1948, and the Printing Presses and Publication Act (PPPA) of 1984 during his initial 22-year reign.

The opposition Perikatan Nasional has used social media to great effect to spread disinformation to poison the minds of voters and maintain their influence.

The kinds of posts PN put up on social media during the campaign period of the 15th general election include:

Examples of the posts put up during GE15 include :

•  Former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin saying that Christians and Jews are planning to take over Malaysia.

• Malay rights will be abolished if DAP wins.

• Another May 13 will occur if Harapan wins the general election.    

So, some form of check and balance by Harapan is needed to stop PN’s disinformation campaign.

Starwars: Ambiga, never forget that you once basked in the limelight and created a name for yourself and you even became a sort of “spokesperson”, luring the people to vote for Harapan.

Were you clueless about Harapan then? Now that Harapan is not delivering on what they promised, you try to change your colour.

Anyway, what’s wrong with legislation and licensing social media platforms? Are you ignorant about what is happening on social media with all sorts of bullies running around?

You are part of the problem.

Moontime: Ambiga, I’m sure you were around when Ops Lalang happened. Do you think that it might happen again with this government? Most dictatorial? I beg to differ.

The intention is to curb scammers, hate speech, and vitriol from wreaking havoc in this country.

All the pessimism about this law comes from our experience and nobody wants history to repeat itself.

Look, if you’re dissatisfied with the law, vote for a new government in the next general election. Heaven forbid that PN will be in power.

They will do even worse by only allowing Harakahdaily as mainstream news. Kiss our free speech goodbye if ever PN comes to power.

LoveMyCountry: What are you all fussing about? In a multi-racial society like ours, we need some sort of control.

Ambiga condemns every government. Why doesn’t she just enter politics and get elected as an MP and then bring up issues in Parliament?

Just because she is a lawyer, she thinks she knows everything. I don't need freedom of speech, I want a stable government.

Chefoo: What are you up to, Ambiga? Social media have become a platform to spread fake news, let alone defame the government day in and day out.

Some sort of control ought to be implemented.

Don’t harp on free speech when our society is not mature enough to censor people’s thoughts.

Everything revolves around race and religion now.

Dr Suresh Kumar: I have been saying since 2008, that this guy is not trustworthy and that Bersih should remain apolitical but Ambiga and her gang did not do that.

Pakatan Rakyat was so pleased with Ambiga’s support that they even proposed her name as a candidate in the 13th general election. Ambiga refused and I respect her for that.

But the thing is, if I could see through the chameleon’s pretentious self as early as 2008, how come Ambiga, a legal eagle, and her Bersih comrades failed?

It is too late now.  Live with it.

YellowZebra2860: So many commenters were mad at people who agreed with the law.

Funny how anonymous commentators shout fire when the government wants to hold platforms accountable.  

Vitrol and fake news are rampant - I find it tiresome that I even have to fact-check stuff that my family members share.

Yes, Malaysians are a big part of the problem because of our inability to withhold judgment as well as spread hearsay without proof.

Being wrong means nothing when you can just move on to the next “hot” news.  

Look, if Malaysians are smart enough and vigilant in deducing information, the law is not needed. But you and I both know that’s not the truth, right?

BlueFish0451: Ambiga, please don’t allow too much freedom for scammers and criminals to flourish.

Some form of control is needed.

Old age savings are lost and livelihoods are destroyed. Individuals are not able to defend themselves against organised crime, more so on the internet platforms.

Regulations and interventions are needed to protect the citizens.

Let’s support this initiative.

IndigoJaguar7545: I'm sure all politicians are very happy about new laws to protect them.

These laws will not be used to protect the “rakyat”, we all know that.  

You don’t see PN opposing this law, do you?

Dr Mahathir isn’t against it and neither is PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang. 

This is because they secretly would love a law like this. 

TruthBeTold: Ambiga, perhaps you should suggest how you want to solve problems like cyberbullying and scamming online.  

Then, suggest how you want to solve all the cyberbullying, scammers, etc. Someone has already taken her own life due to cyberbullying.

Lots of elderly people and pensioners lost thousands in savings because of scammers.  

If you also cannot give a good solution, don’t easily condemn other’s attempts.

Letdown 2018: These Harapan politicians were rolling on the streets for freedom of information.  

This shows how the thirst for power changes one's standing.

Casualuser: This is a very nuanced situation. On the one hand, social media is rife with hate speech and fake news, scams, predators and brain-rotting content.

We have to stop all these menaces from ruining society while allowing room for freedom of speech. I don’t know if this licensing requirement puts us on the right path. 

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