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YOURSAY | Dismissal of Najib's leave action expected

YOURSAY | ‘We will soon see another round of hearsay applications.’

Court bins Najib's leave action over house arrest

Vijay47: I will not compliment the court’s decision… as it might be offensive to His Lordship.

For the simple reason that former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, for all his desperation, should not even have dared make such a pathetic, hopeless application destined to fail ab initio, as lawyers love to say.

The dismissal was a foregone conclusion, one that even the judge’s driver would have reached. The same goes with his tea lady.

It is astounding that Najib would have filed an application that relied wholly on some “he said-she said-someone said” foundation without submitting a shred of documentary evidence or otherwise in support.

The cheek of the ancillary applications! Najib wishes, if you kindly please, to be “forthwith removed to his known residence in Kuala Lumpur, to serve his imprisonment sentence under house arrest”.

Thus, as his mood moves him, he wants the luxury of staying at any of his KL residences innumerable as they might be.

The public stands in humble gratitude that the application did not refer to his residences wherever they are throughout the world.

I am surprised that he did not demand that while at Kajang, he should also be served his staple quinoa.

Yet there is another abject loser – how could you, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, supposedly a lawyer of great renown and dexterity, actually lodge such a ridiculous petition even if at your client’s behest?

Man on the Silver Mountain: Najib will soon have his revenge. There will be appeal after appeal, exhausting court processes. It will not end.

In fact, he may see out his jail term before his trial is completed.

In the meantime, he is still acting like the VVIP he was, using luxurious government cars in a designer jacket and tie, cruising around Kuala Lumpur to attend a trial.

It is a life that many ordinary Joes could only wish for. Who says crime does not pay?

Apanama is back: They all knew it was hearsay, right from the beginning. Or it could even be a “cooked up hearsay.” Or a cerita dongeng (fairy tale) becomes hearsay because someone said so.

What a joke. They are wasting the court’s time and its process.

Kudos to judge Amarjeet Singh, who dismissed Najib’s legal action over the existence of an alleged royal supplementary order permitting house arrest.

By the way, I am disturbed by this line, “The judge noted that judicial review leave applicant Najib never tried to get Zafrul (Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz) to affirm the addendum’s existence from the very onset."

Najib’s lead counsel Shafee plans to file a separate legal action over the alleged royal addendum, namely in the form of a writ of summons to the civil court.

Thus, they may pull Zafrul in to affirm the next application. We will soon see another round of hearsay applications.

Newday: Hearsay just doesn’t cut it, does it Shafee? You knew this all along but still proceeded. Is it just plain arrogance that led to this position?

Or do you just love consuming the court’s time to ensure your client’s name remains in the public sphere?

A bit of both, I suspect. Good luck with the appeal, but hearsay is hearsay.

Anonymous_3f4b: Lawyer Shafee is correct. Why can’t the government confirm or deny whether the addendum order exists or not?

Just say so in clear words and end the speculation in the wake of the two supporting affidavits of Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Pahang Menteri Besar Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

If there is, the government must explain whether the former Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Pardons Board have the authority and jurisdiction to issue the addendum order and whether the said order is part and parcel of the main order.

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is avoiding the issue.

Cicak: Najib and his people will never take no for an answer. There will be appeals upon appeals that will be thrown left, right, and centre.

It’s clear, like water (not the one from Kelantan), that the government is not serious about getting Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor locked up in jail for good.

Their court cases are going to be on the Guinness Book of World Records, the one that has the most interruptions, appeals and whatnot. The world is watching.

EmEmKay: It is important to be cautious and vigilant against scams, as they can affect anyone regardless of their social status.

Scamming is so rampant everywhere, and it looks like even Najib got scammed with news of a non-existent royal addendum for house arrest!

Cogito Ergo Sum: Even a secondary school pupil will know what is heresy.

It took a High Court judge to confirm all the drivel by the various political luminaries was just heresy. I wonder on what grounds the appeal will be made.

There is no substantive reason why an application for appeal should be granted. There was simply a lack of concrete evidence.

OrangePanther1466: I think the judge is justified in his decision as the main protagonist, Zafrul did not provide any affirmation of what he had shown to Zahid and Wan Rosdy.

Most likely such an “addendum” was an afterthought and backdated, so it is of no effect as Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah had stepped down as king.

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