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YOURSAY | People must adjust to new reality without subsidies

YOURSAY | ‘It is about time we swallowed the bitter pill.’

Suspend decision to float diesel prices, MCA veep urges PM

MarioT: There are bound to be teething problems with any big national changes being implemented.

Subsidised diesel smuggling and misuse have been happening for a long time.

Even with the removal of blanket subsidies and only targeting a certain group with it, smuggling will still happen as the floating price of diesel is still cheaper than our neighbouring countries.

However, the targeted subsidy amount of RM200 is a paltry amount for the business community and there is a possibility of an increase in the price of food and services.

It has to be fine-tuned so that no one who deserves the subsidy is left out and we consumers do not have to pay extra for food and services.

Anonymous_3f4b: Just get on with it. The announcement has been made and there must be thorough follow-through. Enough time has been given.

Those who are perpetually not keeping up with the news will always ask for more time.

They would prefer that the policy be cancelled.  

The government has to bite the bullet. It is not popular, but a decision has to be made lest the country’s finances plunge further into the red.  

Whether you like it or not, you have to live with it and adjust your spending, personal, business expenditures, and budgetary requirements.

Brace for the time when RON95 is floated to market price as well and inflation will rise in tandem.

OrangePanther1466: I thought I could never agree with whatever Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh says but in this instance, I do agree that the way to go is to remove the subsidy gradually over an extended period.

This will allow the public to adjust to the new reality. 

Giving cash subsidies is not the answer, as there will be many who will not benefit from it.

So to maintain their profit margin, they will pass on the increased fuel price to their customers. 

This will lead to another round of inflation.

Thunderbolt: All subsidies must be removed as soon as possible. How long can the government afford to feed this subsidised opium to the people? 

The fact that the masses rely so much on subsidies reflects governmental failure, both past and present.

Failure to raise the people’s living standards, earning capacity, and independence from subsidies. 

This is compounded by massive corruption and zero meritocracy.

Hmmmmmmmm: There are several types of people in this world and their actions determine whether they will get rich or not.

With so much prior notice given about the pending increase in diesel prices, there are still people who need subsidies but do not register.

There are some who dutifully register to take advantage of any subsidy. 

The ones who will make a killing will be the diesel smugglers, who would have hoarded diesel after knowing about the impending price increase.

This increase of RM1.20 per litre will be a big windfall for them. This, my friends, is how some people become rich.

Dummies Dhimmi: It is a systemic lethargy in the country. This was not sudden but everyone had plenty of time if they were interested or affected.

No amount of extension will be enough. Why didn’t MCA not go to the ground to help out? These guys are always trying to upend the apple cart.

Drknow singh: Why did  MCA vice-president Wee Jeck Seng wait until now and bring his concerns?

MCA didn’t know the subsidies would be cut?

I don’t understand why MCA is only now making noise when the subsidy removal has been rolled out. Be proactive during cabinet meetings and bring up concerns then.

泰哥: These people don’t input their thoughts during the implementation stages but put public statements after the implementation of the removal of diesel subsidies.

One is a doctor (Akmal) and the other is a business management degree (Wee).

Can these two offer any alternative solution on how to channel the subsidies to the needy rakyat? Somehow I doubt it.

Thesaint: However many extensions you give Malaysians, they will keep appealing for more.

It’s time ( in fact long overdue) to implement it immediately. Those diesel users have only themselves to be blamed for being tardy in registering for the Budi Madani initiative.

This time, when it burns a hole in their pockets, they will be more diligent and responsible in registering.

Politicians and their members can go to the ground and help them to register. Don’t do house calls during election time only. Now is the time.

Sad Malaysian: Suspending it? No. Not possible after so much energy is put into it by the civil service.

However, I am not sure why diesel is suddenly sold at full market price instead of a gradual rise.

Unless, of course, it is to limit the profiteering and hoarding may start if you do gradual subsidy removal. Well, we’ll have to see how the market reacts to it.

YOM: Wee, what you need to do is to come up with a comprehensive alternative policy, not just take the easy way out by asking for it to be suspended.

This applies to all opposition politicians. It is very easy to criticise without coming up with concrete alternatives.

BlueCondor1165: Stop grandstanding MCA. I commend Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for taking this course of action despite it being unpopular and unpleasant.

It is about time we swallowed the bitter pill. Think long-term. Think for the nation. We got to do what we got to do!

LimeSinga1592: It’s bashing season again for politicians who don’t have useful ideas to improve the country to gain cheap publicity.  

Removing subsidies is the right direction to go. Sure, there will be teething problems. Give them time to work it out.

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