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YOURSAY | Govt action against Bersih protest a betrayal of reform promises

YOURSAY | ‘Bersih’s march shows our frustration and disappointment in the Madani government.’

Around 100 Bersih protesters hand over memorandum to MPs

Undecided: It was a catch-22 moment for Pakatan Harapan and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim when the Agong wanted a unity government after the 15th general election.

It was the only practical thing to do after the instability caused by the Sheraton move. Without Umno, led by its president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, there would be no unity government led by Anwar and/ or Harapan.

Now that Zahid’s case has been granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) and former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak was given a discount on his jail term (from 12 years to six years), I guess we have to accept it under protest.

The main thing is the DNAA must not be repeated by politicians in the future as demanded by Bersih.

Meanwhile, why was it necessary for the police to warn the public not to participate? Such reform-focused protest will not attract many participants unless there is a big scandal like 1MDB behind it.

The warning just portrayed the government as being undemocratic.

Apanama is back: Currently, we have two types of betrayal of voters’ mandate: 1) Backdoor manoeuvres, with this move and that. Sheraton Move is an example.

2) Betrayal by a so-called reformist who keeps on talking about reforms but at the same time, breaks his promises one by one as well as undertaking selective issues.

For example, selective prosecution on one hand, but DNAA (Zahid) and discounted jailed term (Najib) on the other hand. Maybe there could be more on the way. I believe both are an equal betrayal of voters’ mandate.

MarioT: So much of hype about reformation before he (Anwar) became PM but once he got the post, he started to show slackness and reluctance to make the much-hyped changes.

The economic situation has gotten worse and we are now paying more for goods that come in and for the foodstuff we consume. Our currency is in a jittery position.

He blames all and sundry but not his own weaknesses and failures to address the decline in the economy and our currency value.

Bersih’s march is to show our frustration and disappointment with the Madani government. I salute these brave people.

Ramalama2: It is simple and obvious, if there is no timeline and no clear direction, it means no vision and no commitment to the nation, just whatever the PM likes to do in favour of his own personal interest.

Everyone can repeat this - “Give him time” - but we need that timeline and framework to see his hidden moral compass now, not when it’s too late. If not, whatever promises, speeches and campaigning were just to mislead voters and the rakyat.

GanMu: Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Karim rose to the occasion as a truly honourable statesperson. I like his statement “we must have the courage to speak the truth, to bring about change (even if) it is not easy, especially the test when it comes to holding power”.

Hassan’s remarks remind me of this famous quote “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” This man minces no words - his thoughts, actions, and words are in perfect alignment. A potential leader.

Hassan is the man to watch - he has very strong characteristics of a PM. Hopefully, Anwar passes the baton to him.

Steven Ong: Another untrustworthy PM like all the former PMs who depend on the support of the privileged who do not want reforms as reforms will take away the privileges, they are enjoying without working hard like the unprivileged citizens.

Both the PM and supporters do not want reforms as they want the old system which benefits them all, but it is slowly destroying the economy and the ringgit. They still believe they are a privileged people on earth and refuse to acknowledge the fact and truth that we are all equal on this planet.

This planet is dying because of all the abuses by selfish, greedy, and wicked people who only care about themselves.

Letdown 2018: Street mob mentality only further burdens the common public. No amount of shouting and disruption is going to move those in power to act as their motives up till now are just self-serving.

Malaysian politics is centred around political parties and not individuals, irrespective of how capable one can be.

It would be more realistic to find a middle ground that is acceptable and beneficial to all rather than outright blind reformation that will cause more problems and turbulence.

VS: The PM should explain in Parliament to Harapan MPs about his reformasi movement, now known as Madani programme before the next general election.

There is no point in merely changing names and shouting slogans to stay in power. It will harm the nation further.

Look at the manifesto before GE15 (November 2022) and see how much has been achieved so far. Credit to the former Harapan government under former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad for bringing the 1MDB convict to prison.

Make the changes that Bersih had requested and you will find a no-nonsense government in place. They are protesting and expressing all these out of frustration with the government.

The government could have appointed better, more effective, and hardworking ministers. Also, appoint a financial consultant who is experienced in the private sector if needed. Former DAP MP Tony Pua is a good man for this type of work.

Do not play appeasement politics. It is very dangerous. Be transparent, you will never have to fear.

Orange Panther 1466: Congratulations Bersih on a successful statement-making event. I hope the relevant people get the message loud and clear.

Let us see if a more vocal reminder is needed. I am sure many would be willing to go down to the streets again if the need arises. Kudos to the new Bersih leadership and all participants in today’s march.

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