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YOURSAY | Real wolves are those who robbed the country dry

YOURSAY | ’Daim should stop the drama and face charges.’

Anwar wolf in sheep's clothing – Daim

Gasinggeorge: Former finance minister Daim Zainuddin should not act like he is an ordinary person.

An immensely rich ex-minister is not ordinary.

He should be humble and realise that the government’s coffers are not full like his own.

It does not matter if he never participated in any corrupt act. There has been corruption that goes back decades, carried out by a class of rich elite who are close to or are in government like he once was.

As a consequence, all members of this class are suspect and should be expected to explain their wealth at some time.

Daim’s time has come because of the revelations in the Pandora Papers, putting the spotlight on his wealth and taxes.

It should have nothing to do with wolves, sheep or revenge. It has to do with a government needing to find funds wherever it can.

And it is for the good of the rakyat.

Anonymous_221043: Yes, Anwar is a wolf. He is an efficient, well-organised, fearless and honest wolf - someone the country needs right now.

Divide and rule, as well as cry wolf, is what the political elite of all races have done for years.

The country’s wealth has been plundered in unimaginable proportions.

Malaysia, as a consequence, has become famous around the world for all the wrong reasons.

The amount of money that has been syphoned out is staggering and unbelievable.

How could human beings do this to other fellow humans? We woke up at last. Long live Malaysia!

Apanama is back: Daim, whether Anwar Ibrahim is “a wolf in sheep's clothing” or not is for the Malaysians to decide.

Voters know what is going on, and they are not fools to see who has assets beyond their means. Daim, you need to fight the case and win. Good luck!

Do not be distracted and end up saying things that are not relevant to your case. Prove that you got your assets in legal ways.

If you have nothing to hide, you will sail through the case easily.

If not, you will be Najib’s new “neighbour”.

I AM A MALAYSIAN: Empowering the relevant authorities to go after those who have hoarded obscene amounts of suspiciously acquired and undeclared wealth is a significant milestone in reform that has long been yearned by fair-minded Malaysians.

These people used to be heavily protected and considered untouchable.

Our wish that they be brought to justice has now been made a reality by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

If Daim is a man of integrity as he wants us to believe, he should just explain in court why he knowingly defied the law and refused to comply with the authority's lawful notice to declare his mega assets.

Saying things about and against Anwar at this time is a pointless distraction.

Gerard Lourdesamy: If Daim is so concerned about the country's future, he should donate about RM100 billion to the country.

We will all be very grateful and sing praises of him forever.

Perhaps his wife and children can keep about RM10 billion for themselves, just to be fair.

The only wolf in sheep's clothing is former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

His act of betraying Pakatan Harapan and Anwar will never be forgotten or forgiven.

As for you, Daim, you supported Harapan in 2018 because of your loyalty to Mahathir and your desire to get rid of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.

This is so that Mahathir could take over Umno. That is why the entire apparatus of the state was used from 2018 until 2020 to go after top Umno leaders for corruption.

The only difference between then and now is you and Mahathir are no better than the rest.

So, stop the drama and face the charges. The rakyat is not dumb.

We have been taken for a ride by all the politicians since 1981.

The system is rotten to the core thanks to greedy and unaccountable leaders, their families and cronies who have ruined this country.

BlueFish0451: You came out to support Mahathir, not Anwar.

This was later confirmed when he refused to honour the agreement to hand over power to Anwar.

Instead, he planned the Sheraton Move to stop Anwar.

What’s happening today is clear Mahathir and you were trying to save yourselves from Anwar.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing was you, pretending to support Anwar but hijacking his win instead.

Thank God you finally failed despite a temporary success.

RZee: That’s rich. Daim, you and your cronies destroyed Malaysia and now worry about its fate?

We are glad that you, your family and your cronies' obscene wealth is there for all to see.

Why are you so scared to declare and disclose it, if it was all earned legitimately?

If the majority of the people in this country are happy you are so obscenely rich, so be it.

BlueFish0451: The real wolves in sheep skins are those who robbed the country dry and told the poor it was done by those from another race.

Effective Jan 1, 2024, Yoursay will only be published three days a week due to manpower constraints. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.

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