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YOURSAY | No need to fret when there’s nothing to hide

YOURSAY | ‘Daim’s family should just declare wealth to prove innocence.’

Daim's wife: My husband being persecuted for his success

Annonymous: In the article, Na’imah Abdul Khalid, the wife of former finance minister Daim Zainuddin said, "Is the prime minister suggesting that hardworking and capable Malay cannot become wealthy without resorting to improper or illegal means?

“This will only serve to perpetuate false stereotypes about the capabilities of the Malays.”

As usual, the two R cards are used to justify or use in defence of their actions, legitimate or otherwise.

Does Na’imah mean that the authorities have no right to investigate her husband just because he is a Malay?

Why has a good, honest, not corrupt, clean husband, and a kind Malay business person refused to declare his asset as required under the law and not fulfilled even after five extensions requested by Daim given by the MACC in the last notice sent since last June?

Apa pun boleh: Na’imah cries persecution even before the investigation commences.

Daim could have been anything, even a tycoon before he went into politics, but once he got into politics, he was answerable to the people. He is not the first former politician to be investigated either.

So why is the wife hitting the panic button even before the investigation takes off?

Does she know something others don't know about Daim's wealth? Why fret about something if there is nothing to hide?

Vote4changejohor: Many questions have been left unanswered for the last 40 years since the "Renong deal" crisis spooked the country's stock market and businesses.

Although there were purportedly many ongoing crony businesses at that time, there was scant attention to see how such practices affect the nation.

Daim was the finance minister at the time, he may be able to let the public know more about this matter.

This investigation and the input from various aggrieved parties will be a better path forward to resolve the event around 1997.

Mat M Din: Daim should make every effort not to dillydally and disclose his income.

If the income is derived from legitimate sources, he should have no problem disclosing it.

The sooner the disclosure is made the better. It would help to calm down the political upheaval and enable the uncertain situation to go back to a normal and peaceful end.

He should cooperate fully with MACC to enable the investigation to be conducted easily without fuss.

PurpleTurtle8618: This public statement is not necessary. Investigations by authorities, who have been empowered to do so, is a normal process and certainly not an act of persecution.

At the end of the day, concrete proof needs to be presented to the court (if any) to determine his fate.

Of course, like others, he will have the opportunity to defend himself. So why should Daim be treated differently?

Robbie98: MACC is requesting Daim and his family to explain how he made his billions.

All of us tax-paying mortals have been asked the same question over the years when we buy a house, buy a car, or invest in any financial instruments.

We comply, we have to comply or get penalised. An honest businessperson, a" tycoon" should have no problem answering the question.

His accountant will do it for a fee. So why all this drama? Are politicians a special breed? Malaysian drama.

Malaya: Daim could have been a successful business tycoon 40 years ago before taking on a public office job.

But he could also make full use of your public office job to enhance his millionaire status to become a billionaire person via power abuse or corruption tactics.

Now, if Na’imah thinks that her husband is clean, sue the government. Don't cry that it is political persecution.

If he is clean, she can sue these so-called bad guys. I believe they have the money to sue them and I also believe they want to see them all fall.

V S: Legitimacy of his and his family’s wealth can be easily sourced through the declared income from their income tax returns every year.

Why an investigation now after so many, many years? Why is the Pandora Papers revelation being investigated now?

Why are there no investigations on other Malaysians also mentioned in the report?

This does sound very vindictive.

Darwin Fernandez: No doubt Daim is successful, but the question is what happened after he became finance minister and with his close associate with the then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

This is an open secret and everybody in Malaysia from then until now has wanted an answer to it.

If he is clean all the way, why do you need to worry or come up with a statement to the media? Just prove that the accusations are a lie and keep your head up.

GrayWhale9916: in the 1980s, my friend's father bought a piece of land for RM2 million.

He was questioned by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and finally was not able to fully account for the source of funds. He has to pay taxes and penalties.

For Daim, it is MACC because of things like the Ilham Tower and money in overseas accounts. Just show them the source of all his wealth.

Fools seldom differ: No amount of outbursts will bring about any sympathy for Daim’s predicaments.

Let the law take its course, the truth will prevail. There must be a storm to stir the ocean.

LimePanther5220: Rumours about Daim’s purported corruption and wealth have been swirling for years.

This investigation could actually be good for him. He should take it as an opportunity to clarify and put to rest all the suspicions about his wealth.

RedGopher0486: MACC must press charges without delay if they have a case, then let the courts decide.

By the way, how much did Daim inherit and how much did he make as a lawyer? But to be fair, the same questions must be raised to almost all who hold the title of Datuk, Datuk Seri, Tan Sri and Tun.

RedWolf4463: Let the investigators do their work and the courts decide based on facts and evidence.

In the meantime, everything should remain quiet. No point in making excuses or defence statements ahead of the outcome.

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