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YOURSAY | Migrant quota fraud: HR Ministry needs to buck up

YOURSAY | ‘Minister seems to wake up only when such news makes headlines.’

Migrant quota fraud: HR minister orders strict action

Kilimanjaro: What is so believable in what Human Resources Minister V Sivakumar is talking about now?

There is already a report from a committee headed by the reputable judge Hishamuddin Yunus.

“All 11 members of the committee set up in 2018 under the first Pakatan Harapan cabinet, in its call to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's administration, noted that a majority of its recommendations have yet to be implemented by any of the governments since.”

If Sivakumar is genuinely interested in getting to the bottom of it, then make this report public.

Is he the serious person he claimed to be? Why should the people believe him now when he’s been underperforming?

Sivakumar seems to wake up only when such news makes the headlines. When has he been proactive, or will he ever be?

We want someone like Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Just imagine if Singapore had something like Petronas, it may be living among the golden stars. Even with no resources, they have done well.

What other conclusion can we come to other than to think that our country leaders don't have it in them to understand what is happening around them?

They lack the skills and knowledge and those who claim they have been cocooned in race and religion. We expect a leader who can lead, not someone who wants to preach sermons.

SealtheDeal: Certain elements in the Human Resources Ministry, the Labour Department, and the Immigration Department have been running scams and corruption for years. They continue to get away with it.

Nobody is ever charged; it's always a cover-up. The scandal of over 1,000 children in immigration internment camps and the extortion of internees is covered up.

The latest missive with no notice whatsoever coming out of immigration is the Malaysia Digital Arrival Card which must be completed three days before arrival, unlike Singapore, which can be completed on the day of arrival.

What happens if you haven't completed it on arrival? More extortion? The whole lot of them continue to invent fraudulent schemes and get away with it.

As to the current fraudulent allocation of migrant workers, nothing will be done, nobody will be prosecuted.

Newday: For the last few months, this is all we have been reading and hearing - that the ministry will take strict action. When will the “will” finally become has?

The journalists have done all the hard work for you.

Every time this comes up, the mind goes back to the time when Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was home minister.

This was when the floodgates of migrant workers, illegal and legal opened, with the resultant severe abuse of those workers’ rights during their time here.

GreenFalcon2290: This racket has been going on for 50 years. It’s far more lucrative than 1MDB ever was and yet no one in cabinet asked any questions and no one in opposition is making a noise about it.

Seven million migrants are being abused and exploited and this continues to this day as it’s embedded deep into the system.

Take security guards that the whole country has direct experience with. Twelve-hour shifts, seven days a week. How many laws do those timings contravene?

How can Sivakumar not know what is going on? How can Anwar and Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli not know?

How can former premier Muhyiddin Yassin and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, who always make noise about the government’s incompetency, not know?

MS: Is Star Domain allowed to continue this alleged modern slave trade racket because it is controlled by businesspersons connected to politicians connected to the Home Ministry?

Why is it always "the matter is under investigation" when there are already so many investigative reports in the media?

One of the companies publicly identified in this scandal is Star Domain. Why is it still allowed to operate?

If Sivakumar is dragging his feet in dealing with this scandal, he should be replaced unceremoniously.

RedMarlin1833: I am not being pessimistic, but every time a scandal like this erupts the tax-paying rakyat like me wishes the perpetrators are brought to book.

However, most of the time nothing happens or worse still someone is charged and then the prosecution does not want to proceed anymore.

Prove us wrong this time that this issue is also not hangat hangat tahi ayam (hot while it lasts) only.

Very concerned citizen: If corruption and bribery exist, this menace will never go away.

I am very sure Sivakumar and all other relevant bodies know that corruption and bribery between some of the immigration officers and those companies who bring in workers from overseas has been going on for so long.

However, the ministry prefers to turn a blind eye.

BluePanther4725: The Human Resources Ministry must buck up and perform its job properly. Enough talk, we need action fast.

This migrant quota fraud and human trafficking in Malaysia have been flourishing for decades since BN time and no action has been taken.

We need to see this reform implemented under the Pakatan Harapan government.

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