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YOURSAY | Nazri practising double standards

YOURSAY | ‘We must condemn any action that disregards human lives.’

No sympathy for Israel, Nazri tells displeased Washington

OrangPigeon0985: Malaysia should just stop doing business with the United States, and not use any Israeli products. Let’s see how long that will last.

Why is he (Nazri Abdul Aziz) even an ambassador? Better yet, please send a big ship over and bring all the Palestinians here to save them.

They do not understand that none of the Arab countries want to do so, given their experience with how their economy and security deteriorated when they allowed refugees in previously.

But this is Malaysia boleh (can), bring them here immediately.

Existential Turd: Talk is cheap. Is Malaysia going to send soldiers to fight for Hamas? Will we send humanitarian aid or accept Palestinian refugees? Both sides are not innocent.

Both the Hamas and Israeli governments are legitimately elected by their respective people.

When Israel bulldozes Palestinian homes to make way for settlements, where was Hamas to defend Palestinians? It hides underground, allowing Israel to run roughshod over Palestinians.

They keep the hatred boiling and instead of devoting its energy and effort to running Gaza, Hamas devoted its energy to lobbing rockets into Israel,  kidnapping, and killing civilians.

Gaza only continues to exist because of international aid.

Macau Hijau: People who blindly support any “sides” are the ones with mental problems. We have to consider each incident separately and not take sides.

Why is there no mention of the deaths of hundreds of Israeli civilians in the initial surprise strike by Hamas? No condemnation at all by us, why?

Any sane person would have condemned this action, just like any action by Israel that disregarded civilian lives.

I’m no fan of Israel, I do not condone what they have done. But facts are facts, it’s time we stop talking about sides. We condemn any action which disregards human life.

Man on the Silver Mountain: See, Nazri, when you practise double standards, how ridiculous can you get? It makes no sense.

It’s like saying something without knowing what you are talking about. That’s why you lose so much credibility.

Who acts with humanity in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict? Based on your standard, nobody, least of all, Hamas, has acted with humanity.

With your double standards, you sympathise with them, thus, supporting their atrocities. Why are we supporting atrocities? What would it make Malaysia to be?

Sometimes, it is hard to be proud of the policy that our government is defending. It is so hypocritical.

Vent: Mr Ambassador please do not assume every Malaysian’s “undivided support” for Hamas. My support is only for the Palestinian people who have suffered at the hands of Israel’s occupation.

The Palestinians are not Hamas! I despise Hamas and its unconscionable attempts even now to harm the Palestinian people while pursuing the war in their name but clearly intending to use them as human shields by preventing them from moving out of Gaza.

It was a mistake of the gravest order to appoint you as an ambassador given that you were nothing but a loose cannon of an MP and minister previously.

You are not only throwing away our delicate diplomacy with the US, but more palpably, making it more arduous for Malaysians to enter and travel in the US among other possible difficulties. You are nothing but self-inflated.

Just a Malaysian: As a small country, nobody will heed our voices. Just watch and learn how weak countries are being bullied and rammed over like the Gazans.

So stop all infighting among our politicians. Stop creating divisions among race and religion. Stop squandering our resources.

Build a strong country so other nations cannot run roughshod over us. Malaysia’s enemies are not the minority Chinese or non-Muslims.

It’s the bigger global power that loves to step on smaller badly managed countries like Malaysia.

RZee: As Hamas is the Gaza people’s elected government, they should not complain if Hamas has dragged them into this war to die.

As you say, they elected Hamas, so let them live with their elected government’s decisions. They should not complain. If they don’t like their elected government, they can vote them out next time.

That is if their own government has not already destroyed them first. Everybody is entitled to a view, Nazri. People are not sheep.

Freethinker: On the domestic front, Nazri questioned the sanity of Malaysians who backed Israel.

Malaysians are questioning the sanity of those who refuse to condemn Hamas’ actions and brutality against civilians. If you deem Hamas’ action justified despite knowing what they did, it would equally be justified for Israel to do the same.

If both are the same, how could Palestinians claim the moral high ground on the killing of innocent civilians?

Malaysia should and must condemn violence on both sides and seek a political solution but is Hamas interested?

Their constitution calls for the total destruction of Israel and the wiping out of Jews on the face of the earth. Are you supporting that? Are you out of your mind?

Doc: “Nazri also criticised the Department of State for not facilitating communication between Foreign Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir and Secretary of State Anthony J Blinken.”

Most likely the US State Department is having trouble finding a Malay language interpreter to facilitate the call between Zambry and Blinken.

Also, I think Blinken is busy shuffling between the Arab nations trying to talk to the Arab leadership to prevent war in the Middle East.

He was probably trying to get them to exert pressure on Hamas to free the hostages. It’s very unlikely a chit-chat with Zambry is going to prevent the Middle East from going down in flames.

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