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YOURSAY | Enough spinning, PN still lost

YOURSAY | ’Not even recruiting Mahathir could help as he is irrelevant.’

Muhyiddin: BN won Pelangai but support for PN rising

Mazhilamani: Perikatan Nasional chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin, had you won, then it is fair to make a victory speech or an after-election-comment.

Your coalition only received 37.2 percent of the votes. How can you make such a claim of voters’ increasing support for PN?

What was your party’s development commitment to the people of the Pelangai state constituency? Your campaigning centred around abuse of power, threats from other races, religion.

Did you speak to the voters about the corruption charges against Bersatu leaders and PN’s newly minted mentor-leader former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Or plans PN has to bring improvement and prosperity to Pelangai and Felda settlements?

At the eleventh hour, PN even dragged in a 98-year-old Mahathir to speak at a ceramah. I don’t know about his mode of transportation but given his age, health, and the distance, was it right to take him to Pelangai?

Just a Malaysian: PN leaders are hallucinating about being in power so much that they just cannot accept the reality of elected governments being allowed to run the country for five years.

As the opposition, you are supposed to check-and-balance constructively. You do not go around making false claims and lies and making personal attacks on the government day in and day out.

To crow about how well you managed the Covid-19 pandemic and how wonderful you were as prime minister even though you held that position for about 1.5 years.

You acted as though only Malaysia was out of the pandemic while others were still struggling.

You failed to mention the billions of debts incurred during that time plus the Jana Wibawa issue.

Picture: You would not expect Muhyiddin to say otherwise. To be fair, there is a definite increase in support for PN in certain areas.

However, the big picture is there is a definite transfer of votes from Harapan to BN especially among non-Malays.

The even bigger picture is that PN cannot capture Putrajaya without non-Malay support.

Therefore, the racial rhetoric helped you win Malay votes, but it has come to a stage where the extra Malay votes will not be enough any more.

The consequence is you lose the non-Malay vote permanently. The simple logic is when you insult the non-Malays and claim the Malays are losing power, it seals your fate, no?

BusinessFirst: Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin should stop consoling himself.

I recall that Umno under Mahathir lost a lot of support from the Malay community during the fallout with his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim in the early 2000s.

It is well known that, at that time, the non-Malays saved Umno and voted en masse for BN.

Yes, PN along with PAS seems to control the narrative of the Malay community.

However, save for those indoctrinated by PAS since birth in their network of schools and so on, the rest are swing voters.

If Pakatan Harapan-BN play their cards right, they can win this group back by improving the economy.

Hence, for Harapan-BN to survive despite its mediocrity, the one smart thing they should do is give more power to the states.

Take the Swiss canton system as an example. There, they also have to navigate the German, French, and Italian communities and their demands.

With each state having the ability to regulate many of its day-to-day affairs, a change in the federal government with PAS in the driver’s seat may be terrible, but not necessarily a cataclysm.

Moontime: The fact of the matter is this: PN lost. Your pathetic rhetoric about rising support for PN is just to placate and boost an already declining morale among your party members.

Rumours are speculating about a major rift in PN involving three camps: you and other Bersatu leaders, versus Azmin Ali, as well as Hamzah Zainudin.

I hope it’s true. Perhaps you are having sleepless nights now thinking about it. It would be poetic justice when you’re brought down by your lieutenants.

A bitter taste of your own medicine!

PurpleTurtle8618: You lost, just accept it! The voters are more dynamic these days. In the next election, there is no guarantee of anything!

Don’t count too much on the current trend as tomorrow it may turn upside down. If the Madani government is doing good, those voters who support you now may not vote for your party any more!

That’s the main reason why PN is trying to topple the Madani government. They are too scared that the Madani government would be wholly accepted by the people!

IndigoTrout2522: It is simple. PN lost and no amount of spinning will change the fact.

Just admit that the voters are tired of PAS and PN with their toxic messages and policies of abusing the 3Rs.

Not even recruiting Mahathir can help as he is irrelevant. So don’t try Sheraton Move 2.

This is good for Malaysia and the government should now focus on the economy and make changes to institutional reforms.

Koel: Please explain the shift in current figures. Vague generalisations mean nothing.

PN is a grouping of various parties, so it would not be unusual for an increase in numbers.

If so, which party in PN shows a clear increase and which shows a decrease? Please crunch the numbers.

The same is necessary with the winning coalition. It is not enough to just take the word of a politician.

BOBBYO: Four years down the road, if the federal government performs better, it will be different. Now that many by-elections are over, it is time to work the ground.

In the last two by-elections, the coalition government succeeded in at least winning a percentage of Malay votes. It is time to reach out to the other Malays by performing at the ground level. The honeymoon is over.

It has been 10 months of politicking. No more excuses that the government cannot deliver what they promised.

So Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, no more dancing and prancing on stage. No more empty promises. No more colourful political speeches. It is time to work and lift this nation higher.

Hearing the speech from the Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (CID) chief Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain raises hope for the nation.

Will all the heads of the other departments, especially MACC, wake up from their comfortable positions to clean up their department of rogue officers?

Traitors of the nation should be sacked. It is a wake-up call for the government.

It is not religion that will win the Malays over, but avenues where they can earn higher incomes. So, no more excuses, Anwar.

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