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YOURSAY | Muda is burning the bridge

YOURSAY | ’Its decision to go solo in six state elections proves it.’

Don't 'burn the bridge' with Muda, PKR MP tells Harapan

IndigoTrout2522: Speeches and comments by Syed Saddiq and his associates since leaving the government side have mostly been attacking Pakatan Harapan.

He is the one burning the bridge with Harapan. Muda's decision to contest in the recent state elections causing Harapan to lose several seats is certainly not helpful in building relations.

It is the right and strategy of each party whether to accept new partners but this does not mean Muda should burn bridges.

Muda has no traction with the people at this time and should focus on strengthening the party, especially in the Malay-majority and rural areas to prepare for the 16th general election.

Enough of politics. People want political stability to focus on the economy, bread-and-butter issues, jobs and structural changes, among others.

BOBBYO: The question is, did Muda pull out of the coalition as soon as the DNAA (dismissal not amounting to an acquittal) verdict was given?

Or did they wait until just after the announcement made concerning the results of the Johor state and parliamentary elections?

If they pulled out after the Johor election results were announced, it shows that it was a calculated move - to deprive the coalition government of its two-thirds majority.

They also used it (their support for the unity government) as a bargaining chip for his (Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman) support.

When you talk of principles, it was the coalition government that gave you this seat. They also sent in their manpower and may have even financed the campaign which led to the victory of the Muda president.

MarioT: Syed Saddiq knows he holds the trump card and so he holds to ransom the very coalition that gained him victory.

If he is wise, he will know very well that in politics, compromise plays a vital role especially when there is no clear majority to form the government.

Being the sole MP from his party, it is best to work within the ranks rather than throw a tantrum to gain his way.

I do not think he consulted his fellow party members, before arriving at the decision to pull out.

The way he behaves gives the impression that he acts on his own just like the senior leader (former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad) who brought him in.

We want our younger generation to have an active role in politics but they must realise that working alone, trying to make demands and issuing ultimatums will only eventually lead to their early demise.

A political party of youngsters must not be too hasty or ambitious to have their way.

It takes time, patience and flexibility to slowly gain popularity.

OrangePanther1466: Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Abdul Karim is right. Accept Muda-PSM as a third force and deal with them as mature professionals.

Do not pay attention to name calling which is the norm in politics. Anyway, the lapdog moniker is not entirely misplaced given DAP's difficult position in the Madani government.

Malaysia should encourage a third force in politics to provide alternatives for the people. It may take time to develop the third force but "Rome was not built in a year".

Proarte: I think it is good that this government does not have a two-thirds majority. It will prevent the Madani government from becoming too arrogant.

From its actions and inaction, the Madani government has made the non-Malays feel disenfranchised. It is behaving in a cavalier manner and taking the non-Malays for granted.

It is good that Muda has said it will support the government on institutional reforms. I do not know why most of the commentators here are so antagonistic towards Muda.

Why did Anwar not accept Muda into the Harapan coalition despite repeated requests?

Syed Saddiq and his party were humiliated. So why complain when he pulls out of the government voting bloc?

He has said he will support Madani on vital issues which benefit the rakyat such as institutional reforms, so what more does Madani want?

Hassan is the conscience and rational voice of PKR and his advice should be heeded - "don’t burn bridges".

ProMalaysia: I disagree with Proarte's comment for the following reasons. Firstly, every Harapan component party has youth wings.

If you accept Muda as a component party, how would you accommodate Muda without disenfranchising its youth members?

In GE15 and state elections in Johor and Malacca, Harapan gave Muda a few seats to contest but all were lost except Muar. That win was with Harapan’s support.

In the state elections, Muda went ahead to contest against Harapan's advice and lost all deposits.

They also caused Harapan to lose some seats (by a small margin) in Selangor. Harapan saw this as sabotage by Muda.

What values can Muda provide which is not presently provided by the Harapan Youth wing?

When Muda decided to sit on the opposition bench, Syed Saddiq was basically using his one seat to threaten Harapan.

With the above reasons, why would Harapan bend over backwards to accommodate Muda?

Muda is burning the bridge with his threat of one seat. Syed Saddiq has an ego that is bigger than his head.

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