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YOURSAY | Live up to PM’s trust, Azam and Idrus

YOURSAY | ‘State polls will show contract extensions endorsed by rakyat or not.’

PM: Azam, Idrus' tenure extended as they're doing a good job

Vijay47: I have been a consistent critic of MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki, yet I must reluctantly agree that despite his earlier regrettable share-speculation passion, he has indeed been displaying a better performance record.

Even if there seems occasional misconduct within MACC itself, Azam has been doing a much better job in firmer enforcement of late. So congratulations, sir, may the force be with you.

But Attorney-General Idrus Harun? He is a different kettle of fish altogether.

For Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to formulate some evaluation favourable or otherwise of the attorney-general must border on the miraculous. He has been missing in inaction!

What has Idrus contributed to the Attorney-General Chambers’ responsibilities that makes him a work of art?

Of course, his track record may be privy only to the prime minister, clothed in secrecy as it must be like the perks and remuneration of state assemblypersons.

Where was the attorney general when the judiciary, especially Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali was being savaged?

One can only conclude that his paralysis indicates approval.

Come to think of it, he has never come forth to offer assurance to the nation when disturbing matters were surfacing with alarming frequency.

Idrus Harun may rebut that it is the police who should look into racial and religious instigation. PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, anyone?

Heck, Idrus must be as bashful as the Inspector-General of Police Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani!

Determined Sarawakian: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is to have their contracts extended. By the way, congratulations are in order and I hope that they will be making more arrests before and after the state elections.

What's important right now is to seek answers to unity queries, the most important being answers to the “enforced disappearances” and the forced conversions. Malaysia has to find the truth on these issues.

Secondly, the Teoh Beng Hock case is still shrouded in secrecy. If Azam can, in his final tenure, shed light on this, it will help in increasing the confidence and image of MACC.

Finally, the Attorney-General’s Chambers should also go to Australia and seek answers to the Mongolian model, Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder.

Arrests, convictions or not, that's beside the point. Her family ought to know the truth, to have some closure.

These issues are tantamount because they reap off the trust of justice, and the rakyat will always remain uneasy with the enforcement agencies.

We know that many of these senior officials in many of these cases, are either unavailable, incarcerated, on death row, retired, perhaps deceased, or abroad.

The point here is reconciliatory justice.

apanama is back: Need to wait for the state election to see the endorsement by people on the contract extension of these two appointments.

By the way, Anwar, what is your definition of “carrying out your duties satisfactorily”? Does this include integrity?

When you mentioned, "MACC has even raided ministers’ offices", I expect this will include the littoral combat ships (LCS) case so that you do not have that sword of Damocles or an albatross around your neck.

Doing a good job of carrying out their duties satisfactorily without that so-called fear and favour should be something that is done across the board, not selectively.

Good luck to both of them.

Focusapp: Pre- 15th general election they wanted Azam to be investigated and removed. Post the GE15, Azam is performing well and all is fine?

What difference would a few months make? How to reform and fight against corruption? Could Anwar have meant fighting corruption in the opposition?

What's wrong with revamping the whole MACC and placing it under direct parliamentary supervision if sincere in fighting corruption? Isn't this the best?

Maintaining Azam to prevent the perception of political prosecution is merely an excuse and betrayal of the rakyat’s trust.

MS: Doing a good job Anwar? Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat may not agree with you.

Neither does the Bar Council. Nor anyone who thinks integrity is vital in public service.

But then compromise is the name of your game, especially when it comes to keeping company with the tainted.

Smart Psychedelic Idiot: Anwar, I beg to differ with your views on the extension of Azam and Idrus’ contracts.

These are both unelected public officials. People with integrity must be in leadership positions.

Azam has issues for which he had not been cleared openly and transparently. As of Idrus, he has been censured by his peers. That says volumes.

MyTwoCents: Anwar, you said after giving them "leeway", they were doing their job "satisfactorily".

Don't we have anyone else to do the job better than "satisfactorily"?

There's no credible reason for this extension. Unless there is something we don’t know about yet. But it will show up this year for sure.

Methink: Subtly cunning reappointment by Anwar. Perikatan Nasional cannot attack Anwar when they get prosecuted or claim bias as Azam and Idrus were appointed by them when they were part of the previous government.

A taste of their own medicine, bitter and sour.

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