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YOURSAY | 'Suppressive' conditions won't spur innovation

YOURSAY | ‘Institutionalised racism, discrimination and corruption drive out innovators.’

MP SPEAKS | Seeing ourselves as creators, not merely consumers

Traveloka Winning: Who is Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli? Is he someone whose penchant to rely on artificial pseudo-intelligence to analyse voting sentiments only to get it spectacularly wrong, now extolls on us what are creativity and innovation?

Firstly, Rafizi, you are the government, it's your job to provide a conducive environment for innovators to thrive. But providing a good environment is not something that can be done in a vacuum - you can't just announce one or two initiatives and hope that the innovation just happens.

It must come from a holistic approach. Is our country good at attracting capital? Why should foreigners invest in us? Do we allow dissenters, or we are keen to shut them down the moment they "fall out of line"?

Is our education system capable of producing creative thinkers? Malaysia's domestic market is small and weak, so do we have the capital/ability to target the international market from day one? And how's the government going to support that?

Steven Ong: ''Part of the reason is that well-meaning innovators and start-ups often find it hard to thrive in an environment that is unconducive to succeed.''

Rafizi said it but was shy of saying the reason he knew long ago. Many knew this but were afraid to rock the boat lest they too stop receiving the “gift” that they are entitled to from the shameless policies officiated by a shameless or ignorant government.

The recent talk down, “You listen and obey” at the town hall on University and University College Act (UUCA) 1971 is another example of why Malaysians are not encouraged to think and reason but to obey and follow as the government-that-knows-all instructed.

The government should know by now after 60 years to set the people free to think for themselves and the government to do what the people want, not the other way round.

It’s time for all Malaysians to choose how to live their lives, what to believe, how to dress, and what they like except the extreme that is unprofitable to anyone.

Maya: The environment and mindset in this country do not and will not allow for visionaries. We are all educated to be just passers-by.

Show me one politician or high-level officer who thinks with a creative or innovative mind. Zero. Some fit in more for their corrective ideas only.

The very reason is the worst take up all these jobs and posts. Ninety-nine percent are just enslaved workers. Even now, they are moving away to work under better working conditions and higher remuneration.

Rafizi, creators and innovators need a great environment to grow. Not a suppressive one. Worst still, we seem to be moving to be an oppressive one.

Knucklehead: Rafizi, your "we rank low on innovation and creativity" is absolutely correct. Let me give you my perspective on being a "non-son of the land".

Yes, Malaysians are a creative lot but when we need to grow the product and approach the “fund available”, your (read: government) little Napoleons have the mentality that these funds exist for the “son of the land”, and mostly scam jobs.

Funds never reach where it is needed but politicians and cronies get millions from these grants and they spend like there is no tomorrow - it is like their right to get these angpows to spend as they please, thanks to taxpayers.

The one with the creative idea can never progress in this country - just look at those who ventured out of this country, the number of entrepreneurs even in Singapore who originated from beloved Malaysia.

Go, sit down with these people, and get to the root cause - why they left and used another country to progress. Find the root problem with our system.

Our system is just not conducive for non “sons of the land” to progress, so till you fix those issues, don't expect a sudden jump.

Many of us are really frustrated, that our ideas were never given even small funding no matter how bright it was. But some pea-brained copycat ideas managed to get millions. Just go look at our local universities and how much is allocated for research done by some deadwood professors.

BluePanther4725: Another reason why Malaysians are low on innovation is that many of our brightest Malaysian talents have migrated overseas due to our institutionalised racist policy, discrimination and corruption.

These talented Malaysians are unable to succeed in our own country, blocked by obstacles created by those in power. There are many talented, successful Malaysians overseas in the fields of science, arts, entertainment and medicine.

It's such a pity and a waste that our country ignores and drives away our own talents because of racism and cronyism.

I hope Rafizi and our new government will address our brain drain problem.

Jingo: All Rafizi and his ministry have to do are vet the IPOs (initial public offers) that have been registered by Malaysians. Then proactively reach out to the inventors that have potentially a product that will generate jobs and recognition for our country.

No point applying for grants, if it’s all a conspiracy by the haves to plunder our coffers. Analyse the number of people who received grants with success stories. I think we can count on our fingers and toes.

The rest are just wasted taxpayers’ money. Innovation must proceed to the commercialisation of the invention. That’s a true success story.

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