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Azalina's letter on Nazlan probe never discussed by cabinet - Loke

Multi Racial: Transport Minister Anthony Loke responded correctly about the letter sent by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s lawyers affirming MACC findings on judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd.

He knew he was walking a thin line and wanted to make sure he did not give the impression he had jumped the gun.

He didn't want to offend his unity government ally, Umno, so he said it is the right of every convicted criminal to apply for a pardon, which is true.

He had also said Umno did not bring the matter to the cabinet, which means it is an Umno matter and they are dissociating the government from the pardon application.

Finally, Loke, who is also DAP secretary-general, said he has confidence in due process and the wisdom of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

This statement means that the application will have to go through the Pardons Board before making a recommendation to the Agong.

He uses the word wisdom, meaning those right-thinking people on the pardon board as well as the king will make the right decision.

There is only one right decision here, which is to reject the former prime minister’s request for pardon. Those who get angry with Loke don't understand Malaysian politics.

If Loke used harsh words against Umno, he will create a problem between the DAP and Umno which may lead to the collapse of the unity government.

If Loke supports pardoning Najib, it would be like a death sentence to his party. So, his answer may not be perfect, but it is politically correct.

GanMu: Agree. It was a good response without delving too much into the matter which is not under his purview. Azalina is wearing two hats, one as a minister in the government and the other as information chief in Umno.

Obviously, by replying to Najib's lead counsel, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, affirming MACC findings, she had made known her support for Najib.

This brings us to the question of ethics. As a minister in charge of law and institutional reform, does legal ethics allow her to divulge confidential info to third parties, who are defence lawyers in a case brought up by the government?

If she has violated the code of ethics, what is the next recourse? Will she be left off the hook because she comes from a party that is part of the government?

Where do we draw the line between party politics and ethics? That is for the prime minister to address as this is a governance issue.

Mind you, the problem does not evaporate by remaining silent. Perhaps Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli who is a stickler for integrity should raise this in the cabinet.

Anonymous9483: Finally, DAP emerges from its hiding place. I would have thought DAP didn't exist anymore given how quiet they are recently on the issues that matter.

Loke, what is DAP's stand on the pardon of a convicted former prime minister whom you all spent all your political capital on bringing down previously?

Why no comment on this huge issue?

OrangePanther1466: Azalina ought to be sacked from the cabinet for this. She has no business disclosing confidential MACC matters to a convict's lawyer.

Once you are appointed to the cabinet, your loyalty must be to the government and people of Malaysia, not your former party president. This woman needs to get her priority right or leave the cabinet.

OCT: Did Azalina overstep her authority? She is privy to the MACC report, but she may not have the authority to reply to the letter from Najib’s lawyer on the result of MACC's findings.

MACC findings are for confirmation by a higher authority. Azalina jumped the gun by disclosing and confirming that the result of the investigation is affirmative.

It is seldom that ministers reply to any letter that fast. She is not protecting the interests of the government but is against the government.

She has a trust deficit in the government now. So, her post is no longer tenable. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim cannot retain a minister with trust issues.

Hmmmmmmmm: What Loke said is so true. Any convict can apply for pardon but whether it will be granted is another matter.

Since this is a private initiative by a political party and not by the government, it is none of DAP's business. Just stay neutral.

What I find more telling is PAS' silence over this matter. I wonder why.

Shadows: Loke, you have the right to bring it up in the cabinet. You lead the DAP team and any act by any minister in the unity government that affects the rakyat is surely deemed urgent.

Azalina put her position and the unity government into disrepute. That includes the Pakatan Harapan team. I hope no one taught you to close your eyes to any wrongdoing.

You said it is the right of any convict to apply for a pardon, and the government will leave it to the wisdom of the Agong to make his decision and whether the application will be allowed or not. It is up to the Agong.

Anwar must come out of his elegant silence and declare outright his and the unity government's stand.

Is it right for the 'rakyat' to languish in the mud, billions stolen by the convict, leaving the nation in debt in trillions? We voted you and Anwar in, we can vote you out just as easily.

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