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YOURSAY | Can Anwar remain neutral in Pardons Board role?

YOURSAY | 'Pardon for Najib would be death knell for Anwar's 'zero tolerance' on corruption.'

Anwar: Agong has sole discretion on pardons, no conflict of interest

Proarte: The Federal Court has ruled in a 4-1 decision that former premier Najib Abdul Razak is guilty as charged and upheld his 12-year sentence. What is at stake is the sanctity of the rule of law and the dignity of our nation if he’s granted a pardon.

Najib was involved in what has been described as the largest act of kleptocracy by a country’s leader. The US has expeditiously sentenced several individuals connected with the 1MDB mega heist under their jurisdiction. The US Department of Justice has done its utmost to return billions of stolen money to Malaysia.

How surreal and immoral that Umno, which is a coalition partner in our unity government is recommending the pardoning of a criminal involved in an act of monumental kleptocracy qualifying him for the Guinness Book of Records.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as the leader of the unity government cannot sit by and act neutral over Najib's conviction for grand-scale corruption. So far, Anwar has been long on rhetoric and short on action. Anwar must make a stand over Umno's calls for Najib to be pardoned.

Anwar, PKR, DAP and Amanah as part of Pakatan Harapan must clearly state that they as a coalition would not be supporting Umno's request for pardon because the Federal Court decision must be respected as the rule of law is fundamental in a civilised democracy.

To see Najib being granted a royal pardon on Umno’s recommendation would be the death knell for Anwar's claim that his administration would have ‘zero tolerance’ for corruption. I am beginning to understand why Malaysia Madani has excluded justice and integrity as its pillars.

Vijay47: Anwar, first of all, let me congratulate you on the valiant efforts you have been taking to establish good relations with neighbouring and distant countries.

Further, you have been seeking to invite investors to our shores, enhance our exports, and in the process, strengthen our economy. I am sure that we will soon be seeing the fruits of your labour even as you tap new horizons.

As though such demanding work and the task of controlling racial and religious fanatics on the local front is not enough, you will shortly be saddled with the additional burden of participating in the Pardons Board, a role you must perform as the premier. I have no doubt you will fulfil this call in the most admirable manner.

Conflict of interest is not an issue you need fret about when evaluating applications for pardon, you will be required only to adhere to the law, to play it as it lays. This heartens us no end since in the case of the Kajang resident and convicted criminal - he is surely fighting a futile battle, his plea totally devoid of any merit.

Your work is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel; you merely must advise His Majesty what worth Najib’s application holds.

My fear, sir, is that these newfound responsibilities may prove to be an unending toll on your time and strength. I say this because his present languishing amidst the satay aroma is not said Najib’s sole tribulation.

The former premier has other charges challenging him and depending on how the cookie crumbles, there is every likelihood he might again be found guilty and asked to occupy the cell next to his current one.

Goodness, sir, are you expected to vacate the duties you were essentially elected for and instead perpetually listen repeatedly to the sorry but unconvincing lament of our national embarrassment? One is reminded of Bill Murray’s misery in ‘Groundhog Day’.

Be that as it may, I am sure that in his wisdom, the Agong is equally convinced that 12 years will fly by in a whiff.

BlueMouse0551: I shudder to think of the consequences if a pardon is given. The backlash on our judiciary's independence and rule of law is undermined and made a mockery.

How can our judiciary be independent and act without fear and favour if their conviction of a world "renowned" kleptomaniac with undeniable evidence and facts is being overturned by a pardon?

In fact, Malaysia's corruption index is now further being degraded by the humongous corruption that's still actively taking place. This implies that corruption is not viewed seriously. Politicians and people appointed to high levels of civil service are not averse to corruption and greed for self-enrichment and enjoying lavish and high-class lifestyles are motivation enough.

Big conglomerates are also not averse to bribery dealings as they can make millions or billions with their projects.

Ultimately a pardon for Najib at this stage will definitely not be a wise decision. Let him serve time and maybe review only after our next general election. Respecting the judiciary is of utmost importance to uphold its integrity.

LimePanther5220: Any pardon for Najib will be a very bad precedent for this country. It will give a free hand to all politicians in power to steal the country’s wealth without consequences. Taking a leaf from AirAsia, ‘Everyone Can Be Corrupt Now’.

Umno has no shame to put forward the petition for Najib’s pardon. The matter should not be considered at all. They care only for Najib and zilch for the rakyat. They are false champions of their race and religion who make up the bulk of the rakyat.

The rakyat is suffering greatly. How long can this country withstand the grand scale of corruption before she finally collapses? It is so disheartening. Should the pardon go through, it will be time for capable citizens to start fleeing this sinking ship.

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