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This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | Hadi, effective leadership does not depend on race or religion

YOURSAY | ’Why shouldn't a non-Muslim Malaysian rule if he is capable?’

Hadi: Non-Muslims will rule if Malays have low political awareness

Mazilamani: Where does PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang get all his senseless ideas or information? What has PAS been doing to see itself more amicable with the non-Muslims? They keep dropping explosive words like communist, kafir, anti-Muslim cum Islamophobia, gamblers and drunkards. The non-Muslims don't need all this branding.

The non-Malays don't harbour any hatred for the Malays, go to shopping outlets and see how the Malays are treated by the non-Malays. The question of voting is not about anti-race sentiment, but for a party identified with capable leaders to drive the country to progress and development, not taking us backwards.

In the past, former prime ministers Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak were well respected by the non-Malays.

Many loved Najib until IMDB exploded. Otherwise, BN may continue to perform well in general elections. So it all depends on the contribution and inclusive thinking of leaders and the feeling that I have a rightful place as a Malaysian, that decides the choice of who to vote for.

As for a meeting between Hadi and Mahathir, it is something distantly new, and we are yet to hear from Mahathir. Maybe it happened since both appear to be pro-Malay and Islam.

Vijay47: Hadi, you warn the Malays that should they remain ignorant, the non-Malays would rule Malaysia. I shall for the moment disregard your propensity to dispensing rubbish to an audience that you pray will never have the wit or wisdom to recognise you for what you are despite your penchant for suddenly breaking into Arabic in the belief that linguistic skills reflect piety and righteousness.

The hard reality is that the non-Malays would never be able to govern Malaysia on their own; sheer mathematics dictates this, even though mathematics may never have been your strong suit in school and thereafter. And the attendant political truth is that a multi-racial nation led by a government with a fair racial composition would be to enjoy heaven on earth.

Heaven on earth insofar as Kelantan and Terengganu are concerned is visible only in its absence. You have been ruling in those unfortunate states almost from the time camels roamed desert terrain. What wonder have you wrought, what benefits have you brought to the pitiful folks around Pengkalan Chepa and the region stretching all the way south to Chukai, which you don’t pay anyway?

Other than its admittedly beautiful beaches and mek (women), what can your two states boast of? The high rate of unemployment compelling your youth to flee to the decadent west coast? The national record for visitors to internet porn sites? Oops, I forgot – perhaps the concentration of Mercedes Benz in elite neighbourhoods.

If indeed a government formed by non-Muslims is anathema to Islamic wellbeing, Hadi, why are there perpetual boatloads of your distant brethren daring tempests and drownings to seek sanctuary in Italy, Portugal, Spain, and France?

Or if your geography suffers the same limitations as your mathematics, let us turn our gaze to more nearby areas. What is the number of people wishing to migrate to Malaysia from Singapore?

David Dass: Non-Malays do not want to control the government. They just want to be part of the government. They acknowledge the Malays to be the majority in the country at more than 60 percent of the population. They accept the Constitution, the Malay rulers, the place of Islam and Article 153.

What Hadi says is absolute nonsense! The non-Malays do not want the country to become an Islamic ruled by mullahs like Iran and Afghanistan. This country is peaceful, and we should all try to keep it that way. We are multiracial and multi-religious. We all want the government to be fair and just to all.

We want the government to be free of corruption. All Malaysians should be united in our search for an honest competent government committed to the best interests of all our people. Racial rhetoric like Hadi’s is driving people away.

Iphonezours: Hadi’s brains work on overdrive when it comes to non-Muslims, non-Malays, women and LGBT. His entire world revolves only around these issues. On the other hand, his brain clogs when it comes to education, health, economy, corruption, high cost of living and so on.

Why is he so afraid of non-Muslims ruling this country? Just look at our southern neighbour which is ruled by non-Muslims but has a high standard of living, low corruption, good education, health, welfare, housing and retirement for its citizens to the extent that the Muslims are also successful.

Hmm: Why shouldn't a non-Muslim rule if he is capable and a Malaysian citizen? Are you saying a non-Muslim Malaysian should not have the same rights as a Muslim? If this country has more intelligent people, a non-Muslim leader would not be ruled out.

We should only look at the person's capability to bring the country to greater heights. What is the use of having a leader who behaves like a deer in headlights when approached with a problem? A leader who is clueless about how to bring in foreign investment or improve the economy and the lives of its citizens. Hadi's talk is typical racist talk which, unfortunately, resonates with his voters.

Thesaint: It’s not about Muslims or non-Muslims ruling the country. It’s about competence and integrity. If you don’t have competence and integrity it will give rise to low productivity and corruption. The country has experienced so many corruption and financial scandals.

The majority of Malaysians must not fall for religious and racial rhetoric by certain politicians who hardly know anything about economics. In the event we are unduly and negatively influenced by the same we will lose our competitiveness.

Hadi, instead of making unilateral statements, why not debate the issues with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim? Who knows we may be convinced by your intelligence.

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