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YOURSAY | Be prepared for race-religion onslaught from PAS

YOURSAY | ‘This is a Harapan-led govt, not a Harapan-DAP govt. Get it?’

PAS will not be part of 'Harapan-DAP' federal govt

VioletGopher4717: Why, thank you, PAS, for choosing to stay out of the government. We, the people who didn't vote for your brand of politics and PAS, which uses race and religion to gain power, appreciate it very much.

Also, we see what you're trying to do. Without - for the lack of a better word - demonising DAP and ‘othering’ everyone who don't accept your ideology, including Malaysians who identify as Malays and Muslims, do you have anything of value to contribute?

Perhaps show us how well the states under your governance perform in terms of the economy, education, healthcare, welfare, and lifting the people out of poverty. Can you do that? If not, please, take a seat and leave governing to people who can.

YellowKancil0051: As usual, PAS will use divisive tactics by somehow singling out DAP in their statement. No doubt, they will use this in their propaganda to say Harapan is somehow controlled by non-Malays (read: DAP) when that is far from the truth taking into consideration all the government's component parties.

Truly, I hope Malaysians will wise up to PAS and their race/religion rhetoric and open their eyes to broader politics that focus on bread-and-butter issues that are more important - issues that PAS have shown they fail miserably in states that they govern.

The non-Malays have already rejected parties like MIC and MCA because they are no longer relevant when they condone corruption in BN - issues that affect all Malaysians regardless of race or religion.

Thankfully, there are Muslim Malaysians who reject PAS and accurately identify them as ‘penunggang agama’ (religious manipulators) who use religion to justify all their misgivings. Let’s hope all Malaysians, especially the Malay youth, open their eyes.

The non-Malays are not trying to supplant Islam or overthrow Malay institutions

A Little Bit Crazy: I hope someone here passes PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan this message.

Harapan-DAP are Malaysians too. This round, they form the government, I am confident they will treat all Malaysians well, and take care of every Malaysian from Perlis to Johor Bahru, from east of Sabah to the west of Sarawak.

Give them a chance to prove their capabilities. Anwar and DAP leaders are old friends of PAS, all of you were ‘married’ some time ago. Though currently you are separated politically, in reality, all of you are still in a marriage of the Malaysian brotherhood.

Agong’s advice must be obeyed. Please join the unity government, and contribute your ideas and efforts to make Malaysia a better and more productive country. Join them to lend your helping hands to make this country a great one.

We, lovely Malaysians, irrespective of skin colour, religious belief, age, or educational background, surely deserve to live happily, harmoniously, and peacefully, in a modern, prosperous, and full-of-love Malaysia.

Believe me, I will take a bullet for you if the bullet is fired by our nation's enemy. And I am sure, when I face the same situation, you will take a bullet for me too.

GreenLlama8942: I, for one, am pleased that PAS is not joining the government. Can you also please stop harping on DAP? This is a Harapan-led government, not a Harapan-DAP government.

To have democracy is to have a good opposition. So PN/PAS, please do your job properly.

PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang, given your poor parliamentary attendance whilst you are in power, I would like to see your full attendance for the next five years.

Your salary is not given to you blindly. You have an obligation to the rakyat. If this was a private sector, where there is a performance review, you would be given a warning and be put on a Poor Performance Development programme to improve over a period of time.

If you don’t improve, you may be demoted, or worse, sacked. So do what you said. We will be watching.

Purple Occa 8200: PN/PAS are very vengeful, there is no sincerity in whatever they say about the unity government.

There seems to be a plan to plot the downfall of the 10th PM through their supporters. They always provide wrong or misleading information to their supporters so that they would react negatively to the government.

Anwar needs to monitor them closely and be cautious with them.

The Middle Man: PAS is always playing up the race card. Why can’t Takiyuddin state that it is the Harapan-led government instead of Harapan-DAP government? This continuous rhetorical propaganda must be stopped.

Frankly, when one sees and listens to their supporters voicing the same rhetorical slogans, you can’t help but feel most of them don’t have a clue why they are against DAP or what the issues are at hand.

The Harapan-led unity government should make concerted efforts to debunk such rhetoric by ensuring our public institutions, especially educational institutions, are free from bias, race and religious indoctrination, and work towards an inclusive, integrated, and holistic system.

This is the opportune time to begin the healing and transformation process towards that goal.

Tupi: The unity government should ensure fair allocations to opposition parties and MPs. This should become a norm going forward regardless of the coalition in power.

On religious matters and sensitive issues, the unity government must also consult PAS and opposition parties. Legislation should be introduced to ban politics based on racial hatred, religious falsehoods and bigotry.

The unity government should also focus on institutional reforms, rectify gerrymandering, and make Sabah and Sarawak equal partners in this country of ours.

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