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YOURSAY | 'We can’t afford to wait for KJ to reform Umno'

YOURSAY | 'He has done nothing to buck the rotting trend of his party?'

Khairy wants to 'cleanse' Umno, bring it back to former glory

Kim Quek: Khairy Jamaluddin has just confessed that his party Umno has gone astray, become rotten and lacks good leaders and he wants the voters in Sungai Buloh to return him as an Umno MP so that he can reform his party and the country in five or 10 years’ time when he becomes the PM. Good thinking.

But what will become of Malaysia when it is subjected to another five to 10 years of such corrupt and incompetent rule if Umno is returned to power now?

Can we risk Malaysia’s fate to the wishful thinking of someone who has been a prominent Umno leader for some two decades (most of which in the cabinet) during which he has done nothing to buck the rotting trend of his party?

If Khairy is such a man of stern reformist principles as he professes himself to be, shouldn’t he have left Umno and joined the reformist movement spearheaded by Pakatan Harapan a long time ago?

Make no mistake, a vote for Khairy is a vote for Umno and a vote for corrupt rule - till God knows how long.

Vote for Harapan now to ensure that it is returned to power to bring institutional reforms that will upgrade governance and rejuvenate the economy.

MS: So, Umno needs reformasi! But Umno does not think so, which is why Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is president. And which is why you, KJ, was rudely extracted from Rembau and 'banished' to Sungai Buloh.

But seriously, when exactly did you decide Umno needs to be cleansed? Before the felon went to jail or after? What or who stopped you from saying that when the felon and his friends were busy helping themselves to the people's money?

And speaking of money, how much do you have? You are in public life with aspirations to occupy the best seat in Putrajaya. So the people want to know where, when and how you accumulated all that you have.

Cogito Ergo Sum: KJ, you are still thinking like a bigot. The way forward is to think like a Malaysian. Every elected representative must be a representative for all races.

Why in the world would you want to clean up Umno, which is only for one particular race and religion? Umno self-destructed after its former president Najib Abdul Razak was convicted and jailed for 12 years.

Its only aim now is to get him a pardon and save the rest of the court cluster from a similar fate.

Why would anyone want to support you or Umno, which is bent on marginalising Malaysians?

The greatest stumbling block to Malaysia’s success and progress, KJ, is Umno itself - from fighting nationalism, it is now fighting for marginalisation.

KJ, leave Umno for your own integrity,

Lone_Star: KJ is now the self-proclaimed reformist and self-proclaimed cleanser of Umno Baru. The rakyat knows that he is a conformist and will not be further conned by his sweet talk (cakap manis)!

Only now, a week into the campaign, does he realise that his party, which he has been holding high up there, needs reform and cleansing.

What have his boss number one and boss number two been doing? Too busy kicking out those who don't toe the line?

Can he, please, name some friends of his who would also like to reform and cleanse his Umno Baru?

Finally, he admits that Umno cabinet ministers only contest safe seats during general elections and this time, this time only, he, a former Umno cabinet minister, has been kicked out to contest in a not-so-safe seat.

Do the rakyat want to test him in his quest for Sungai Buloh? He has already been tested and found wanting.

Now he wants to be known as "KJ-15-minutes". Where was he when the contract doctors were on ‘hartal’ (on strike)?

Remember how he ‘janji’ (promised) to give those who were not keen on the Covid-19 vaccine a hard time? Can he be trusted? Do the rakyat still want to give "KJ-15-minutes" a test drive?

Man on the Silver Mountain: So, KJ goes public against Zahid, effectively saying the latter is corrupt and that Umno needs to be cleansed of people like him. But KJ is a part of this mess and he was no different.

What is clear from this is that the feud between KJ and Zahid has come into the open. Maybe Zahid regrets now for appointing KJ as a candidate. Perhaps he should have discarded him, like the others who were not his men.

One thing is clear, KJ is no different, despite trying to whitewash and distance himself from the rest of Umno. He is a diehard Umno man, actively supporting the corrupt and racist politics that Umno practices. His history would vouch for all that.

Shibboleth: KJ, you claim you are a reformist and you will cleanse Umno from within if you win Sungai Buloh. You were an MP and a minister in the past 30 months. Why didn't you speak your mind on this singular issue of corruption? Instead, you kept quiet. ‘Qui tacet consentire videtur’ - your silence was deafening consent.

You are a conformist. Voters in Sungai Buloh, don't be charmed by this young man.

Cyclonus: But you had no disdain for BossKu when you did a video with him during GE14 supporting his claim that he had nothing to do with 1MDB and saying it was all lies by the opposition.

At the end of the day, KJ is just a political animal. He lusts for power and wealth, and rakyat be damned. He just wants to be PM so he can have it all.

Hmmmmmmmm: Khairy appears to change his message according to the comments he receives. Now he is saying that Umno is led by unsavoury leaders and he wants to rid it of them.

If the party is unsavoury why should the people of Sungai Buloh back you and prop up your party? The people can do you and the rest of BN a great favour by rejecting all of you.

That will stop the gravy train and a lot of opportunists will hop off while the unsavoury leaders may end up in jail. Then it is easier for you to reform the party, that is if you haven't hopped off too. Just make sure you don't end up in the wrong section of Sungai Buloh yourself.

Come to think of it, what has cleaning up your party got to do with the general election? Winning Sungai Buloh is your personal goal. We are looking for people who can bring the country to greater heights.

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