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YOURSAY | Muhyiddin the dark horse in GE15?

YOURSAY | ‘As far as who is most popular, it will be decided on Nov 19.’

Report: Muhyiddin more popular than Zahid

Determined Sarawakian: If anyone can remember, former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin botched the sourcing of the vaccines back in 2020, and then allowed a massive entourage of politicians to travel to Sabah to campaign and causing a massive rise in infections and deaths.

In the end, he had to relinquish his position to caretaker prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

How could this person be more popular than Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi? This man is a disaster!

Probably, Johoreans liked him because of his prominence as the state’s previous menteri besar.

Mazilamani: The coming 15th general election will tell the truth. What has Muhyiddin done to deserve to garner such a high percentage of public preference? How soon do people forget his betrayal of bringing down a democratically-elected government?

None among the present coalition party leaders are saints, because it is public knowledge who they really are. Everyone has hidden skeletons in their cupboard. What choice do we have?

We cannot see replacements, even if you identify fresh-face leaders, they come from the pool of the detestable. If we track back, corruption started taking root five prime ministers ago.

Since then, it has only been growing, enveloping even the public services. The entire system is corrupt beyond redemption.

Mat M Din: With the influx of young voters, who are highly educated and discernible, the voting pattern of the upcoming general election will show a radical change.

The young voters will not be easily swayed by racial and religious rhetoric anymore. They are very discernible and will scrutinise closely the backgrounds of every candidate standing for the election.

They will check the candidates' educational attainments, their command of Bahasa Malaysia and English and their competencies. It is expected that the outcome of GE15 will result in many surprises.

It will no longer depend on the popularity of the political parties or the individual candidates. It will solely be on merits, based on the best candidates with highly good education, competencies and good command of Malay and English.

These are the candidates who will have a field day and become the future true leaders to rule the country.

Unluckeee: These mini-surveys don’t mean anything. As far as credibility, integrity and intent, 99 percent of characters in Harapan, including even itchy-mouth PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli, would be far better than anyone in BN or Perikatan Nasional.

But as far as the coalition's sense of purpose, coalition unity and political strength and electability, I think Harapan is far behind, mainly due to not having the trust of most Malay voters who are the majority, and also the reported infighting daily.

As much as I hate to say this, the next federal government is looking likely to be BN+PAS+GPS+GRS. That should nicely set the country backwards by another 25 years.

Headhunter: Remember in the previous election, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak was so confident that Umno/BN was going to win with an overwhelming majority.

They are still living that dream. They are so thick that they need to be whacked twice before they realise that the rakyat are fed up with their thieving and crazy craving for power.

Remember this when you vote, they have been proven to be incompetent and their ministers all failed to deliver. Ask ourselves, do we want to continue with them leading us into the hell hole? Cast your vote wisely.

BobbyO: It is now a battle between Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri as to who will be the next prime minister if either PN or BN wins the most seats. It is common knowledge that it is the court cluster that stands in between their relationships.

As far as who is more popular, it will be decided on Nov 19. Will it be PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, Ismail Sabri, Zahid or Muhyiddin? It will be decided by millions of Malaysian voters.

Bill Price: BN’s popularity has been exaggerated? I'm glad someone finally said it! I'm feeling a big disconnect between BN's enthusiasm for the election and the vibe I'm getting on the streets of KL.

This is the same feeling I had in 2018. Everyone was expecting a BN victory, yet Malaysians woke up the next day and found they had a new government.

Corruption bothers people and those who think that "rural Malays" will save BN are crazy. Rural people are not stupid, and to treat them as such is both elitist and condescending.

VP Biden: Covid-19 exploded in Malaysia when Muhyiddin engineered the fall of the Sabah Harapan government, causing an unnecessary state election just like this upcoming general election.

It resulted in billions of ringgit in financial loss, job losses and most importantly, loss of peace of mind for millions of Malaysians. The country is still reeling from this due to the two-pronged attack on democracy by both Bersatu and Umno.

Keep voting for the same power and position, the same people and see the slide of the country continue. Malaysians need to wake up to the fact that they control the government and not the other way around.

Keep changing the coalition that rules the country. If they are not performing, remove them and your life will only get better. The ‘rakyat’ are king!

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