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Refugees lack access to mental health professionals, UNHCR says

Lack of access to mental health professionals is a major issue for refugees, said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Malaysia.

In a statement to Malaysiakini following Tuesday's murder-suicide involving a refugee family in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, the humanitarian agency said the problem was usually due to financial constraints and lack of awareness.

“Refugees who have gone through forced displacement often face psychological stress from experiences in countries of origin, transit country, and in the country of asylum.

“Maintaining mental health is crucial to the overall wellbeing of individuals. In refugee settings, lack of access to mental health professionals is often a major issue, due to financial constraints and lack of awareness.

“It is also compounded by the lack of specialised expertise in the country dealing with the mental health needs of refugees that arise from their unique circumstances,” said spokesperson Yante Ismail.

Malaysiakini contacted UNHCR Malaysia for comments on the incident early Tuesday morning, which saw two Myanmar children killed while another sibling was seriously injured after they were thrown from a flyover by their father, who then plunged to his death from the same spot.

It was later revealed that the father, 38, had been suffering from depression for about a year after he was unable to find employment and was infected with Covid-19.

Seek support from UNHCR partners

Factors contributing to suicide are often complex, and mental health problems do not necessarily lead to suicide.

Although a serious public health problem, suicides are preventable with timely, evidence-based, and often low-cost interventions, according to the World Health Organization.

Yante said refugees in Malaysia can access mental health and psychosocial support services that are provided by UNHCR NGO partners here.

They include the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Health Equity Initiatives, Acts, Humankind, and the QFFD Clinic run by Mercy Malaysia.

Those who wish to engage in the services can find their contact information via UNHCR’s information portal or by clicking here.

According to Yante, UNHCR also has an online psychosocial support group project with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) for refugee women.

They may seek assistance on matters concerning their mental health and emotional well-being, especially in a time of Covid-19.

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, or know someone who is, please call the following hotlines:

Talian Kasih
Hotline: 15999

The Befrienders
Hotline: 03-76272929

Agape Counselling Centre Malaysia
Hotline: 03-77855955 or 03-77810800

Life Line Association Malaysia
Hotline: 03-42657995

The Health Ministry and Mercy Malaysia have also set up a support line for frontline workers and others who are emotionally affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

The line can be reached at 014-3223392, 011-63996482, 011-63994236, or 03-29359935, from 8am to 5pm.