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YOURSAY | Hadi, Umno no longer needs PAS

YOURSAY | ‘BN and Umno have regained their confidence.’

Rebel accuses Hadi of bulldozing PAS' entry into PN

BobbyO: With BN’s wins in last November’s Malacca election and the recently concluded Johor election, Umno does not need a partner.

They need parties that will toe the line and take instructions, like MCA and MIC. They do not need PAS, which wants to be an equal partner.

So Kuala Nerus MP Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, you should be happy that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang is paying for his sins like Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin. In no time, PAS will be reduced to be a kampung (village) party.

You were right in advising PAS to stay with Umno but Hadi saw the positions and perks that Muhyiddin could offer. Being blinded by it, he did not think of a long-term strategy.

So no amount of weeping and beating of the chest is going to move Umno now. They are on a winning streak and have regained their confidence.

BusinessFirst: @BobbyO, I agree with you. Umno doesn’t need PAS.

PAS will be a burden for BN. The non-Malay votes have shifted a little back to BN.

Having PAS with BN will not just stop the shift, it will reverse it and worse, encourage the voters who did not want to vote to do so because they fear what PAS’ influence would be in a future BN government.

The best thing for Pakatan Harapan is if PAS is a BN ally.

Coward: Hadi not following due process? That's par for the course.

Hadi, PAS and you (Khairuddin) never had any respect for due process or logic: the Turkey trip, syariah-compliant lying, test-driving during the movement control order (MCO) to name a few.

You all just do whatever benefits you, and drag Islam through the mud as you do.

MS: So, it looks like it is not “PAS for all”, at least not for you, Khairuddin. So what happened to that crowing about the unity of the ummah and all that?

But all that aside, it looks like you will not be enjoying a sponsored trip to Turkey anytime soon.

And now that you are no longer one among Hadi's flock, could you tell us what happened to the RM82 billion investment you single-handedly got the Turks to commit?

JazliSalleh: Khairuddin, if Hadi bulldozed decisions through, why didn't you protest?

Why did you even accept the post of plantation industries and commodities minister under the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government if you felt Hadi bulldozed through the agreement?

This is the problem with many of our Malay politicians. They have no issues if it benefits them, but if it does not, then it becomes an issue. So pathetic!

Steven Ong: PAS was once labelled as looking for clients to survive.

As the world knew well, oppression, persecution and discrimination can have no moral bearing on people who believe they are superior, can do no wrong, and who accept all means for their own benefit and victory.

So it is not a surprise that Hadi, as the party president, acted as mentioned.

No criticism of leaders is allowed in a country that practices lawlessness. Hence “Malu apa Bossku” is an acceptable custom of these people.

Scarecrow: Khairuddin, in times of emergency, the party leader must be decisive and be able to call the shots without consulting too many people.

You should have been happy that PAS is blessed with such a strong and wise leader in Tok Guru Hadi.

Just because you do not agree with him and he did not consult you, it does not mean that he is wrong.

You are too young and inexperienced to remember the days when PAS was screwed by Umno in the past.

Also, Umno has never agreed to PAS’ proposal to implement hudud laws, let alone MCA and MIC who are Umno’s lifelong friends.

Tok Guru is aware that the best way to implement hudud is to work together with PN which has no issue with it.

By joining PN, even Gerakan seems ready to support and embrace hudud laws, which are just and fair to all.

Anonymous: PAS is a party for hypocrites and greed. Khairuddin, you were part of them and yet you failed to recognise your leader’s character.

This was due to your arrogance and ignorance deriving from the wealth gained by taking a cabinet post.

What it means is because of your greed and hypocrisy while you were the minister of plantation industries and commodities, you were blinded.

So now that you have awoken from your slumber, what are you going to do? Form another splinter party like Amanah/Pejuang?

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