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YOURSAY | Rafizi will make the right decision at the right time

YOURSAY | ‘If you still love your party, come back and save it.’

PKR may not be ready for radical change - Rafizi on political comeback

Undecided: PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli is pragmatic and strategic when it comes to important decisions, but at the same time he is prepared to take risks.

One can understand where he is coming from as the politics in the country is like a loaded dice in favour of the supremacists with their racial/religious polity.

Until this polity is destroyed, it is difficult for the unity of the country’s multiracial and multireligious citizenry to be realised. Without true unity, Malaysia can only go from bad to worse.

Unlike many political leaders, Rafizi is multi-talented and does not depend on politics for his livelihood. I believe the former Pandan MP will make the right decision at the right time.

Malaysia Bharu: Rafizi, your contribution to PKR and helping Pakatan Harapan achieve a great victory at the 14th General Election is second to none.

Though you left with some bitterness, the people are missing you. And when Nurul Izzah Anwar also turned her back to politics, PKR started sliding. Then the PKR snakes left with the Sheraton crooks, burying Harapan for good.

The saddest part is PKR never recovered from former deputy president Azmin Ali's betrayal. Things are not the same anymore, even among the Harapan components. It has been a downhill ride with Harapan losing all recent by-elections and state elections.

It has nothing to show as an effective opposition, other than the disgraceful MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the remnants of the kleptocracy that, in effect, is digging its corrupt roots deeper, ironically with the full backing of Harapan as its partners.

The shenanigans at Harapan and PKR, in particular, are now in the open at full display for all to see in the Johor polls. The reset at a national level that Harapan speaks about needs to start at PKR.

More than a reset, Harapan and PKR, in particular, need a major overhaul and sadly that may not be in tandem with the current pack of 'wannabes' that cling to straws for self-survival.

As you yourself admit, your views are radical - it will not gel with the current disposition to let sleeping dogs lie. Your conviction and commitment appear at the opposite end of the pole where PKR is concerned.

Put together your own team as Azmin did. Let the people decide for you.

Cure for Stupidity: PKR is filled with discarded BN politicians and will continue to be that way for a long time as several of them are in key leadership positions.

Rafizi, there is no need to seek their approval. What is needed is whether you will obtain the support of the people.

I am sure there are many (including my one "miserable" vote) who will support you as the country needs new ideas and probably a major political paradigm shift.

PKR may not be your platform, but you and many like-minded individuals can build a new platform. You have done it before with the voters by going from house to house to convince them. I am sure you can do it again.

Headhunter: Rafizi should lay all his cards on the table and let PKR members make their choice of whether to support or reject him.

PKR has no choice but to evolve if they want to stay relevant. The party and most of its leaders, especially PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, have become stale and unattractive. So is their reformation mantra. Nothing short of a radical change will make it attractive again.

Personally, I think Rafizi is better suited to be with Muda than with PKR. I don't see PKR reinventing itself.

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: “I want to make sure that (my return to politics) has an impact towards nation-building, and it is worth the time and sacrifice,” said Rafizi.

Just reading that gives some assurance for change to take place. For the useless politicians we have today, nation-building is the last thing on their minds. ‘Nation-ruining’ seems to be the agenda of the day for every bungling mutt we have now.

When Rafizi mentioned “intensity of campaigning”, it brings to mind a skit done by Allan Perera of the Comedy Court fame, which perfectly sums up the insane energy and schedules you had stacked up for yourself then. So much done in so little time.

Amirhamzahamha: Wow, big words from someone who sulked and walked away leaving us to face our foes. Take note that these types of words were also uttered by former PKR leaders Mohamad Ezam Mohd Noor, Azmin and others when they abandoned the ship.

They want us to “remember their personal sacrifices” and support them, as if we did not make the same sacrifices.

Well, Rafizi, I hate to break it to you but many of us were here fighting before you came and are still here after you abandoned your post. You are spitting in the faces of those who remained loyal to the party, even during its darkest days.

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from your friends and loved ones, including those whom we thought had the political stamina.

Mazilamani: So long as responsible, honest and dynamic persons like you, Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman delay in coming forward to help and heal Malaysians, the rakyat will continue to wallow in divisive politics and it will prove disastrous for the current young generation and the future generation.

There will be nothing left for them to fall back on or to retrieve. It might not be a beautiful country anymore.

I believe the young generation is smart enough to take over the political reins, to drive the nation forward towards progress with a changed and inclusive mindset, and unity among Malaysians.

Rafizi, come back soon, and along with other reliable young leaders, to lift this nation to its former glory during the early years of independence.

GreenLeopard4021: If you still love your party come back and save it. Serve alongside Anwar again and guide him through these difficult times.

If what you have professed is for the good of the party, the others will welcome you back. At the moment, PKR is losing momentum. Bring back the reformasi days.

Iammi: Rafizi, don't wait for a red carpet to be laid out for you, or the obstacles to be cleared before you go back in. It's either you're in or out.

With your talent, mind and the support of many, if you're not willing to take a risk or go through the struggle, then there is nothing much we all can do. It's the rakyat's loss. No need for any justification.

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