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YOURSAY | Malacca reclamation project’s link to Umno 'same old, same old'

YOURSAY | 'It’s in the party’s culture to award projects to cronies.’

Malacca Umno duo linked to reclamation project

Malacca reclamation project: No conflict of interest, claims Umno man

OCT: The Malacca reclamation project’s link to two Umno leaders is not surprising or unexpected from the state government.

Somehow, it has become the standard operating procedure (SOP) to award projects to their cronies. Outsiders have no chance to bid for it. It is part of the gravy train and entitlement for supporting Umno.

This is the main reason why politicians with no brains, ethics and morals are eyeing to become Aduns (state representatives) or MPs (parliamentarians). National service is never in their mind. Lining their own pockets through unscrupulous deals is their top priority.

Such politicians are vultures who will eat up the nation’s resources to their bare bones.

The rakyat may not mind if the projects are completed within the time stipulated and budget. But many a time, the projects are abandoned. The government has to bail them out. Nobody is prosecuted for the failure. It's a no-lose job for the politicians.

Of course, former Rim assemblyperson Ghazale Muhamad has to say there was no conflict of interest. It will be self-incrimination if he does.

In a normal selection of successful tender, the company must have the necessary financial stability, possess the competent technical staff and a track record to prove their capabilities.

When all these requirements are ignored, the project is compromised. It is likely to be abandoned or corners cut. In the end, the project runs behind schedule with cost overrun. This is the SOP for government projects.

Apa Ini: A project of such a grandiose scheme has lots of potential for corruption and failure.

Meanwhile, annual floods get worse as development projects and deforestation continue with no thought for the environment, essential upgrading of infrastructure in drainage systems and roads, etc.

Then, when disaster strikes, the government is ever ready to shrug off blame. But, malu apa?

JaguhKampung5757: It’s in the Umno culture - all projects given to cronies and wife's/husband's companies.

They still haven't learnt the lesson from the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) scandal where the rakyat's money was spent on buying luxurious condos in Singapore and still no one was convicted all these years.

Now when exposed, they spin new stories to fool us that there is no conflict of interest. Do they think we’re stupid?

Newday: Indeed, this is another shameful expose of Umno and its inherent corruption. Does this make a difference to the voters of Malacca? Not one bit.

We need a massive shakeup from top to bottom. Will it make any difference to start a MACC investigation? I hope so, but I can only hope.

Malaysia Bharu: A project as immense as this cannot be beyond the nose of the MACC.

Malaysiakini has basically scratched the surface showing just enough in the hope that the real worms will start to crawl out of the woodwork.

The project is too massive to be in the hands of two lowly politicians at the state level. The two named could be mere scapegoats to divert from the real crocodiles that hold the reins.

Let us wait and see what MACC does as there is much more than mere conflict of interest. If MACC feigns ignorance, that means the cable is too strong.

OceanMaster: This investigative report is commendable and most of us know the whole system of check and balance is so extremely corrupt and should this project will fail, no one will be held accountable with hundreds of billions of wasted public funds.

Malays with any iota of self-respect and concern for the future of their race must really ponder about this cancerous disease of corruption and accepting it as a way of life among the majority of their race.

Generally, the minority races have shown how much they hold true universal values of fairness, meritocracy, difference between right and wrong and hold their leaders accountable.

When the MIC and MCA withered from their original purpose, they were abandoned. With Malacca back in Umno folds, the rot continues.

VP Biden: This just goes to show Malay politics is mired in falsehood, lies and betrayal. And the majority of Malays condone this behaviour making those who mark X on the ballot for this lot are equally, if not more, proponents of falsehood, lies and betrayal.

In the age of digital information, the Malay supporters of these types of politicians cannot hide and blame these politicians for doing what they are doing as these politicians are chosen and empowered by the voters.

Ex-Wfw: As long as the majority, and we all know, is not interested in the well-being of this nation, nothing can be done. They will continue to support leaders who literally take them for a ride.

Seeing so many multinational companies fleeing with their investments, we can all conclude the outcome.

They seem to think that all these actions could be swept under the carpet. Unless those aged under 35 are awakened and act decisively in the coming election, this nation is doomed.

Falcon: This blueprint is always used in political power circles, aided, abetted and financed to reap the needed returns to create a war chest and wealth for incumbents and insiders.

What surprises us is when the same playbook is used elsewhere by one's political opponents, these same politicians manufacture a political crisis using race, religion and allegations of corruption.

Welcome to Malaysian politics… then, now and forever.

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