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YOURSAY | 100pct vaccinated by October – what if Muhyiddin fails?

YOURSAY | 'Don't forget the undocumented foreign workers.'

M'sia sets new target of fully vaccinating 100pct adult population by October

MP SPEAKS | Is Muhyiddin's new vaccination target achievable?

Poppy: All adult population fully vaccinated by October? Are you kidding? Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, you are leaving out the undocumented foreign workers.

Please do not be like your finance minister - take figures out of a hat.

The target is to vaccinate 500,000 a day. With 10 million already vaccinated, it will take another 20 days to complete another 10 million. So, at this rate by Aug 10 we would have completed 90 percent of the adult population.

This is possible if we rope in all the private clinics - just allow for everybody to walk into the nearest clinic to be vaccinated.

Don't forget the undocumented foreign workers. They should be allowed to be vaccinated at any clinic without much hassle.

Otherwise, it will be a vain exercise, as millions of them will still be roaming around passing the virus back into the population.

A Little Bit Crazy: To dream big is laudable. To talk big is laughable. To mislead us by painting a merry future is irresponsible, especially now, when more people have died and more are infected with Covid-19.

Are you now trying to paint a nice picture before the Parliament is reconvened? Are you trying to divert our attention from the record number of cases and deaths?

Anyway, please get the vaccines delivered on time, this is the last contribution you should do for Malaysians. After that, kindly make way for the next PM.

We, peace-loving Malaysians, from all walks of life, surely deserve a much better PM.

DalvinK: It's very hard to believe your words, Muhyiddin.

The first thing you need to do is gain our trust - reconvene Parliament in full - not the 'sesi penerangan' (lecture) version. Then put your fully vaccinated adult population by October plan in Parliament for debate.

We will see if it is workable. All your plans so far have only pushed the daily cases higher and higher.

Apa Nama: Initially, the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government did not have any vaccine stocks. It was due to slow and late orders by the government (failure to plan). Of course, we cannot forget their blunders and incompetence.

However, I am willing to give the government the benefit of a doubt this time in meeting the October target, since they mentioned the supply of vaccines as:

"Muhyiddin said the government had booked more than 76.1 million doses of vaccines, 70 percent of which are Pfizer and the rest comprising Sinovac, AstraZeneca and CanSino.

“Delivery of the vaccines is expected to total 30 million doses by the end of this month, 40 million doses in August, 53 million doses in September and 58 million doses in October. The balance will be received between November and January 2022, he added."

We may not trust their target due to the prolonged trust deficit that we have towards Muhyiddin's administration. But let me ask one question: Do we have any other choice, besides vaccination, to reduce the daily Covid-19 infection number and deaths? No, we don’t.

I will give them until the end of this month - Aug 1 is the dateline since they mentioned that the government is also aiming for 100 percent of the adult population in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur to be given at least one dose of the vaccine by then under the Operation Surge Capacity (OSC), while Sarawak is also expected to hit this target by the end of August.

Meanwhile, for the next 13 days, we can see how they cooperate with Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming in implementing, monitoring and following up on this OSC in the Klang Valley.

If they can meet these August targets in Klang Valley and Sarawak, then there is no reason why they can’t meet the October target. If not, of course, we will demand answers.

GanMu: Thanks to the hard work and initiative of the minister in charge of the vaccination programme, Khairy Jamaluddin. Credit should go entirely to him and his team.

His initiative in collaborating with the Selangor MB and Ong is highly commendable and is producing the desired results.

The PM should also address the other two conditions under the various phases - overcrowding in ICUs (intensive care units) and bringing down the number of new Covid-19 cases.

There is no point beating your chest and proclaiming vaccination success, whilst ignoring the other critical success factors.

Saya Memang Tak Reti: How about documented and undocumented foreign workers? Especially since there are many undocumented workers who are afraid to come forward despite being very sick with symptoms.

Yes, thank you for tests that confirmed them as positive but how many have spread the virus and made others close contacts since they live near us all? They are not being taken care of and can't step forward as they are fearful of deportation.

The only place they can go to is the local clinics, so please make the vaccine available there to cater for these workers, especially when you can't give them the assurance that they won’t be deported.

Kiwi: It’s funny to say 100 percent when you don't have a 100 percent registration rate. How do you plan to get those that have not registered to come to the centre to get vaccinated?

So far there is no campaign to gather up those who are unvaccinated. Please have a plan and act on it.

PinkParrot5874: By October, all adults will be fully vaccinated? Currently, my wife and I who are in our mid-50s have not even received our first jab.

We’ve been checking all the time on MySejahtera and have even sent an email but got a message it was not delivered.

I think all this is talk only. I have no confidence that the system is working well.

GrayTuna3678: Pray tell how this is achievable when there are many senior citizens who have yet to receive their first dose of vaccine and there are a few days left for the targeted August deadline in Klang Valley?

So, the PM is now a magician, ready to perform a miracle?

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