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YOURSAY | Flying parcels: Both management and workers at fault

YOURSAY | 'Replace or refund all damaged goods. And sack the errant workers in the video.'

Video of raging courier service workers and flying parcels sparks concern

Flying parcels: J&T Express apologises, cites bonus dispute

Apa Nama: While the apology by the management of courier company J&T Express is acceptable, their explanation on the lack of training is not.

They are responsible for hiring new staff members and putting them to work on the factory line. This is what courier companies usually will do, especially due to the sudden surge in packages. When an incriminating video goes viral, they apologise and play ignorant.

The partial bonus payment should have been stated in their letters of appointment, even for contract and temporary staff. Unless no letter was previously given and they were all verbally hired.

The management's explanation actually raises a lot of questions here.

Bluemountains: From my experience, J&T delivery personnel will message or call the receiver when they arrived at their destination. However, they still leave the parcel near the gate when there is no reply.

The above method is risky as the receiver may not be at home at that very moment. The parcel could have been taken away by any passers-by before the receiver gets home.

Many online purchasers have complained of not receiving their goods despite the courier company's claims that they have already been delivered.

The root cause of the problem can be easily resolved if the delivery personnel are instructed to leave a note and not leave the parcel at the gate when the receiver is not in.

Newday: Regardless of the chaos caused by the parcel-tossing and obvious parcel damage, the whole sorting facility looks terribly disorganised from one end to the other with the massive heap of parcels at the end of the conveyor.

Where are the line supervisors? Where is the Covid-19 prevention SOP (standard operating procedure)? Not one person is seen wearing a mask or gloves, which I thought would be compulsory in the package-handling process.

J&T Express, you were a small-time player at the start of the pandemic. No doubt your business has grown exponentially. Get it sorted out!

WhiteRaven7519: Don’t apologise. Just replace or refund all damaged goods. And sack the errant workers in the video. Talk is cheap. Show us some action.

GreenFalcon8474: @WhiteRaven7519, it is not easy to sack workers. The labour office may find the employers guilty and they may have to pay compensation.

Sometimes, employers’ hands are tied when dealing with such employees. They know there’s nothing much they can do.

WhiteRaven7519: @GreenFalcon8474, there is evidence on film. It will be easy to sack them. What is the labour office going to say? I am sure their staff also order stuff online. What these people have done is cowardly and despicable.

If you are angry with the employer, take it out on them. Don’t take it out on the customers who spent hard-earned cash (probably without bonus too) to buy their goods online.

Zoro: J&T, don’t behave like the Top Glove management. Do not take things for granted.

The management is just thinking of their profits and not bothered about the workers' plight. I am quite sure these problems do not emerge suddenly. There must have been signs of discontentment which the management ignored.

Sure, the easiest way out is to apologise to the customers.

Headhunter: This is nothing short of a criminal act and should be reported to the police. No matter what your problem with the company is, you should take it up with them or with the Labour Department.

This is going to damage the reputation of Malaysian workers. Who would want to trust them with this kind of attitude? Is this going to solve their problems? They should be sacked.

Clever Voter: It's easy for outsiders to comment on what took place.

Granted, goods meant for customers were damaged and the actions were regrettable. The employer owes an explanation. Staff grievances are symptoms that should be addressed.

Outsourcing companies, including courier services, operate in a competitive environment. Everyone wants the lowest price with the quickest delivery.

That's not possible all the time, especially if one has to pay good and reliable people. That's something customers have to be reminded of.

Backdoor Club: I've used J&T's services and must say that they are reliable and the personnel are polite. This could be an isolated incident and hopefully, it doesn't spread to other locations/providers.

It’s good that they've apologised, it's the first step to fixing this issue. Take action against the culprits and put things on the right path again.

We need good service from ethical firms and Malaysians need employment.

Iphonezours: Even if the workers have any dissatisfaction pertaining to the job or the employer, they should not behave in this manner by throwing the items and causing possible damage to the goods.

Didn’t they think for a moment that customers have paid and trusted them for the safe delivery of their purchases?

This act is unacceptable and they should all be sacked so they will know the value of a job, especially in this difficult time.

Mat Public: Yes, it’s totally irresponsible. Why damage some third parties' properties just because of a dispute with the employer. Should doctors start treating patients badly for the same reason?

Lionking: This is what will happen when the authorities sit and don’t do anything about people’s plight; just like the politicians who are messing things up for everyone.

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