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YOURSAY | Nation on autopilot, best to put Dzulkefly back in charge

YOURSAY | ‘Under emergency, Agong should just appoint Dzulkefly to be health minister…’

Take charge or step down, Dzul tells health minister, deputies

P Ramlee: Former health minister Dzulkefly Ahmad, we miss you and all the other highly qualified and capable Pakatan Harapan ministers.

How can we trust our current ministers when they don't even know how to protect themselves and we are reporting more than 5,000 cases two weeks into the movement control order (MCO) and the emergency?

At this current autopilot way of management, Malaysia is doomed for a massive failure in both the public health and economic sectors.

Health Minister Adham Baba, his deputies Noor Azmi Ghazali and Aaron Ago Dagang, along with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, should be held accountable for the failure to stop the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps they should all resign and return power to Harapan.

Pegasus: I think Dzulkefly can do a much better job than the current incompetent health minister and his two deputies. If Harapan were to come back to power, the country will have a better chance of recovering because it has many smarter people to helm the government.

The prime minister himself isn’t doing much except handing out money. Our foreign direct investment is spiralling downwards, the economy is tanking, and people are jobless.

Perhaps the Yang di-Pertuan Agong should consider lifting the emergency so that Harapan will have a chance to make a comeback and fix the country before it spirals to the point of no return.

MokhtarAhmad: Under the emergency, the Agong should just appoint Dzulkefly to be the health minister. After all, His Majesty recently asked lawmakers to accept Budget 2021 irrespective of political allegiance.

So, on that same basis, Tuanku should also do what is best for the nation and the rakyat.

BluePanther4725: It’s not just Adham; the entire incompetent, backdoor Perikatan Nasional (PN) cabinet should resign now. This bunch of politicians have mismanaged our country, causing our economy to collapse and the pandemic to go out of control.

When these ‘traitors’ hijacked our country with the Sheraton Move, they didn't expect to handle the pandemic crisis. All they wanted was to make a quick buck enriching themselves.

Now they found that the responsibility is beyond their capabilities, they still don't want to let go until they destroy the country completely. The only thing that enables them to stay in power now is the emergency. We must get rid of them somehow.

Vasantha: Right on, Dzulkefly! It is likely the pandemic situation is not getting better as it seems nobody knows exactly who to refer to. Everyone is just pointing their fingers to somebody else.

I say this due to the experience of a friend of mine. She tested positive and was quarantined in a hotel on Jan 8 and only got her release letter on Jan 29-21 days later!

Fortunately for her and for Malaysia, her employer was careful enough to keep her in self-isolation.

There was not a single call from the Health Ministry to ensure the patient was in solitary confinement and calls to the ministry were not answered, emails had terribly delayed responses, and it was only on the 19th day that there was a clear reply to contact the Covid-19 Assessment Centre (CAC), for which you can never google the contact number!

I cannot understand why all the secrecy and why the need to send people on an endless wild goose chase. Can the ministry not have clear-cut standard operating procedures (SOPs) or reliable staff to give clear answers on the who, what and where?

I’m quite sure this would have been handled better by Dzulkefly and his team. Save Malaysia!

Ipoh Pp: Mr PM, open your eyes and keep your ear to the ground. Look at all the complaints about these three stooges - the health minister and his two deputies.

Mr PM, get more qualified people to lead the Health Ministry, especially now with the Covid-19 problem getting worse by the day.

How many more of us must die before you do the right thing? Your ministers haven’t a clue in the world. Please co-op personnel even if it means they are from the opposition. It’s a life and death situation, Mr PM. Please!

OrangePony5652: The health minister and his two deputies are riding on the pandemic waves in silence, collecting their fat monthly salaries. They have not taken ownership of the ministry because all three are incompetent.

The overworked Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah has finally admitted that he is “just a messenger.”

There is certainly no necessity for the health minister and his two deputies, and the savings made from their salaries and allowances can be re-channelled to the frontliners who have been working their butts off since the outbreak.

Rupert16: The backdoor PM can afford RM35 million to build three community halls in his constituency of Pagoh as a priority, but he has no priority in having enough personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospital staff.

PPE shortage is currently happening and will only get worse. What a disgrace.

PinkCougar9549: Muhyiddin spent all the government money he could lay his hands on to build a nice and fatherly image as PM but fell truly short of a good strategy to lead the country out of this pandemic situation.

Now, many SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) have bled dry, are desperate, and the eventual decision will be to close down and terminate all employees. This has started and will be worse soon.

The goal of a 95 percent Malay cabinet is only nice to look at for a race extremist like Muhyiddin. You destroyed the country simply because you can't lead effectively and have a bunch of useless cabinet members.

If the B40 (bottom 40 percent) Malays don't wake up and reject all corrupted Malay leaders, we must prepare for a lot more suffering to come.

SME owners can close down, retrench all their employees, and live for years on their accumulated wealth. However, unemployed Malays can't sustain long with no income.

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