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This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | Can Umno reform? Don't hold your breath

YOURSAY | ‘Why has Umno failed to uplift the Malays the way it had intended?’

MP SPEAKS | Can Umno return to having leaders with integrity?

Kim Quek: DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has competently presented in a nutshell the current Malay dilemma that the Malays, particularly Umno, must face with honesty and courage if they want the Malays and the nation to move forward and be successful.

While the seeds of an Umno-Pakatan Harapan cooperation appear to have been sown, perhaps this is the right time for leaders of Umno to give this subject some serious thoughts, not only from the party’s parochial point of view but more importantly, also from the point of view of the larger interests of the Malays and the country.

Why has Umno failed to uplift the Malays the way it had intended? What is the best course of action that it must pursue now to achieve this elusive objective?

This is a rare moment of our history when major political forces are undergoing re-alignment. Seize this unique opportunity to do what is right for our country and all our people.

Vote4changejohor: The current Perikatan Nasional (PN) government is not heading anywhere and has merely keen to continue "business as usual", which is not the aspiration of the multiracial community of Malaysia.

Hence, the Umno-Harapan cooperation as pointed out by Kim Quek is timely. It will be able to implement more inclusive policies in line with the aspiration of all Malaysian citizens.

The leaders of the various political parties - Umno, PKR, DAP and Amanah - should seriously consider this opportunity to create a stable coalition in this current crisis.

Just A Malaysian: Can Umno return to having leaders with integrity?

The short answer is no. Once you have tasted easy money, it becomes an obsession and an addiction. See how Umno members scream and shout when challenged?

Prominority: Leaders in any party with baggage should never be given any chance to come back to politics. Once they know how to enrich themselves, they will go back to the old ways to steal government money.

We have seen it in a lot of them. Come nomination time, any candidate with a history of corruption must not be entertained.

Coward: Never say never, but it will take time. Umno will morph. Into what? Nobody knows.

Corporate entities like political parties don't have a natural life. They morph. Normally it is an evolution, not a revolution.

Evolution is slow, so there are circumstances where we will see a revolution. It requires a shock or a jolt, with the overthrowing of the political party, especially the governing party.

In this sense, Umno has lost its chance.

Shadowplay: Lim, what you mentioned in the article will remain as a dream so long as racial parties like Umno, PAS, Bersatu, Amanah, Pejuang, MCA, MIC, etc, still exist.

These parties are based on race and religion. They may form coalitions to lessen their racial selves, but their intention is to remain in power.

So, as long as these politicians cannot think out-of-the-box, our dream will still remain as dream.

Sputnik M: Lim has articulated his opinion very well. While we agree on certain weaknesses in government policies, we as Malaysians must also agree that there should changes in the private sector too.

Why are we dead silent about that? We know what the chauvinists will say - since they are private companies, they have all the right to pick and promote workers based on their preferences.

What about the moral obligations of these leaders who preach equal opportunity to all Malaysians? What about equal opportunity in the DAP ruling state up north? Why can’t the Indian or Malay deputy chief minister be promoted to CM?

Please preach that to DAP members. Then, you can roll out your success to the whole of Malaysia.

YellowKancil0051: The fact that mainstream politics in Malaysia is based on racial and religious parties is not a good sign.

A party that champions race and religion will be at most be considered as a fringe or even extremist in countries like UK, Australia and Singapore. Our colonial masters left us in this state and after more than 60 years, we haven't moved on.

Budget 2021 still differentiates Malaysians by race rather than economic status. The government and opposition leaders both talk about ‘protecting the Malays’ as their priority. This gives room to abuse as these leaders rule by instilling xenophobia.

If the opposition truly wants a better Malaysia, then this is the first priority - unite Malaysians. Malaysians should be recognised as one people. Reject all forms of racism. Write it into law.

This is truly the plague on Malaysia's politics since independence as it has distracted us from focusing on the bigger picture and core issues like improving education and fighting corruption.

People talk about former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad being the evil plaguing Malaysia are missing the point. It isn't him that is evil, it is what he stands for: racist politics.

Quo Vadis: Alas, rational thinking is a pipedream, there is not even a semblance, an iota of reason in the corridors of power where whatever is hits the fan, frogs leap, chameleons change colour, and the witches stir the brew.

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