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YOURSAY | In Bung we trust?

YOURSAY | ‘Maybe Bung would like to remove ‘In God we trust’ from Rukun Negara.’

Kit Siang shocked Bung objects to 'In God we trust' slogan

Hrrmph: People such as Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin just loves to twist everything.

Had the Warisan’s slogan said "Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan" instead of "In God we trust", there would be no protest. What is the difference between the two? One is in English, the other Bahasa Malaysia.

Granted, it could be a world of difference for some. For them, it does not matter that they mean almost the same.

Form is all that matters to many in this country. And Bung knows his audience, most of whom cannot see pass the cover of a book.

FlabberPro: Indeed, translate that into BM and we get "Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan". It is very likely Bung is protesting for the sake of protesting.

As usual, he cannot differentiate the truth, the good, the bad, the ugly and the lies.

Did anyone notice the Umno people did not even bat an eyelid that their party’s name "United Malays National Organisation" is in English?

MS: Maybe Bung would like to remove “In God we trust” from the Rukun Negara.

And that shouldn’t be a problem for him and the "ketuanan kompany" (supremacy company) he keeps, given their trademark ungodly ways ... like thieving, embezzling and money laundering.

Vgeorgemy: It seems Bung has no issues in copying former president Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines in looting our public wealth and funds. Bung is only having problems with "God we trust".

BusinessFirst: Maybe because he does not really believe in God?

I know they all claim to be religious but they really just worship money.

Gerard Lourdesamy: This is because money and power are perceived to be more important than God.

And disunity between the races is a well-tested method since the 1980s to obtain and remain in power while amassing personal wealth and privileges in the name of race and religion.

Quo Vadis: This is a clear indication of the calibre of a politician appointed to lead the campaign but also being touted for the post of chief minister, and an incontrovertible, outrageous display of cynicism by those hawking the case.

Does not baggage in the public domain count for anything?

Itslengry02: Well said, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang. We need to trust in God because it's one of our principles in Rukun Negara.

If Bung said that the slogan is not appropriate, then he doesn't agree with Rukun Negara.

This slogan is actually very proper because it shows how much we need to trust God in our daily life and also unity helps us to achieve a harmonious country.

Hang Babeuf: "In God We Trust", also written as "In God we trust", is the official motto of the United States of America and of the US state of Florida.

It was adopted by the US Congress in 1956, supplanting E pluribus unum, in use since the initial 1776 design of the Great Seal of the United States.

There is nothing and nobody left to trust. That's the sad truth. The sad truth about Malaysia in our present times.

6th Generation Immigrant: Indeed, Bung's view may not be correct at all because "In God we trust" is the official motto of the US and Florida, so the Philippines is not the only one.

A national or state motto is again not the same as a once every five-year campaign slogan. One is cast in stone, while the other is a simple election cry.

IndigoTrout2522: The words “In God we trust” is generic and is being used all over the world, including the United States. It is a common slogan.

Does Bung know this? It is not used exclusively by Christians. Maybe, he has never seen or read it. Or is he just playing politics? This is certainly not a trait of a leader.

OrangeKoala1303: This is a really shallow political attack – just find something unpopular and associate your opponent to it.

I guess can't expect much from such an uncouth half-wit. Spewing vulgarities in Parliament shall forever be his legacy.

The Wakandan: Don't worry about Bung. Going by his performance and the words he said, he doesn't know the finer things in life.

The slogan mentioned has no copyright, anybody can use it if they subscribe to it.

Lanaibeach: Bung can dream

In the Land below the Wind

He can play his games

The bad words we don't forget

Now he has his corruption case

On trial in High Court to seal his fate

Yet he still wants to contest a state seat

Dreaming to become the chief minister

He will always play his games

Everything to benefit his role

He will say as he thinks best

Not for the nation, state or people

The Sabah people should reject him

He hasn't told his truth in politics

He hasn't shown to be righteous

He shows us his bad behaviour and bad word

Cast out the bad leaders

‘Bee Anne’ and backdoor leaders

And the frogs who caused this snap election

They shouldn't be elected to guide the state

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