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YOURSAY | Spoilt for choice – yet another Malay political party

YOURSAY | ‘You can’t be a member of a race-based party and be honourable and fair to others.’

Dr M announces 'independent' Malay party, not tied to Harapan or PN

Ferdtan: Since there is the scenario where it would be possible for Warisan to tie up with Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s new party, Pakatan Harapan should play hardball and review its cooperation with Warisan in Sabah.

Harapan should contest more seats in the coming Sabah election. Win or loss should not the issue as Harapan can use it to prepare for the next federal general election.

Why jeopardise Warisan's chance of winning the state, you may ask? The answer is why not? Warisan has not, and will not, be a real ally of Harapan - so there is no obligation for Harapan to treat them as one.

That is, unless Warisan is willing to come back with a better proposition for an agreement with Harapan.

In the coming state election, Warisan has more to lose than Harapan parties. They have a government to save. The ball is at their feet.

In any case, the more race-based (Malay) parties to split the Malay votes, whether it is Umno, PAS, Bersatu, Amanah and now, Mahathir's independent Malay party, the better it would be for multiracial parties like PKR and to a lesser extent, DAP.

Clever Voter: Yet another race-based party to compete for the growing Malay votes. It is well known all the other races don't matter much. Indeed, this is for the better since it has been that way for a very long time.

Assuming the votes are split into three or even four parties with almost identical purpose and values, it would be interesting to see how they can compete or cooperate among themselves.

It will not be a surprise if the day will come when all will converge into one coalition pushing for a narrow race-based agenda.

Moontime: Another Malay party? No wonder we can’t progress to a mature and developed country that is free from race-based politics.

Mahathir, please have confidence in the younger generation to manage this country. Learn to let go.

Anonymous_Reader: I think we have to see the reality of the situation. What Mahathir said about the fears of the Malays towards other races is true.

I asked my Malay friends why the traditional/conservative Malays are afraid of supporting PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim. The response - they fear that Anwar’s liberal outlook will not look after Malay interests.

But with how politics have drastically changed, and if they could see the efforts made to get back money from the 1MDB case (I don’t know if other media organisations are free to report the issue), perhaps they may know the truth of who is genuine in protecting them.

OrangeIguana6746: All I can say is both Mahathir and Anwar are selfish. They are all about their personal ambition and agenda. They would rather see the country go down the drain.

By the way, aren't the Malays 'safe' now since they are now under the care of the 'all-Malay' government?

GMan: A lot of respect goes out to these individuals who have rejected great temptation and chosen to stay loyal to Mahathir. I have much respect for Mahathir for staying true to the cause.

If he had been power-hungry, he would have clung on to prime minister post at any cost. He would not have resigned.

Action (i.e. setting up a new party) speaks much louder than mere empty rhetoric. May this new party be a beacon of hope to the people - a party that is truly fair to all races.

Optimus: "We are very conscious this is a multiracial country..." Mahathir said, but he still insists on a political game based on racial lines.

This shows a leopard cannot change its spots. He cannot be trusted and should retire gracefully.

ToGodtheglory: Mahathir said the new party would prove to other races that the Malays are an honourable people and not traitorous. But how can you, or any member of a race-based party, act honourably?

The manifesto of a race-based party is race above all else. To say that you'd be fair to others when you are a member of a race-based party is a contradiction. How is this honourable?

VP Biden: Honourable people of any race do not reject the platform they were chosen to govern on. They do not reject reforms and succession plans, encouraging their party to scuttle the political coalition chosen by the majority of the rakyat.

‘Bebas’ (independent) means you can swing any which way. Is that honourable?

Ruslan Bahari: Mahathir, you said you are ‘bebas’ but later you “may join others”. Malays are not traitorous, says the man, I agree. Only some are.

Some include those who formed an alliance and then plans to backstab the other parties of the alliance. Some who make major decisions like resigning without discussing with other allies. Some who say something else but do other things.

Not all Malays, just some. Look at yourself in the mirror.

MVA: Fantastic idea. Let Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Dusun, Bajau and all the rest form independent parties respectively to fight for their respective rights as Malaysians.

Anonymous 79: Mahathir, please rejoin Umno lah.

We can all see who betrayed whom. I wasted the support that I gave to you in the last general election. I believed you in 1999, and again in 2018.

But this time, you want us to trust you again? Look what you have already done to our country.

Vijay47: I am sorry, Mahathir, but of late your ramblings and meanderings have all the hallmarks of a comedy act or a circus show. I presume that may not be your objective.

I am sorry, Mahathir, but we have seen it all before, more times than we care to count. Now nobody is laughing. Nobody is even watching.

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