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YOURSAY | ‘Harapan shared blame for failure to probe Beng Hock’s death’

YOURSAY | ‘What were DAP, Amanah, PKR doing when they comprised the majority in the previous cabinet?’

'Under Harapan, Muhyiddin had no intention to reinvestigate Beng Hock's death'

Annonymous: DAP leader Lim Guan Eng should blame Pakatan Harapan – after all, DAP, PKR and Amanah had a powerful majority in the previous cabinet - for not giving priority to seeking justice for the rakyat.

DAP politicians, with the exception of Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu, have proven yet again that they have no principles, zero integrity, zero courage and only in the cabinet to enjoy their ministerial perks as well as kissing the boots of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

That was the root cause of the Harapan government’s downfall - they allowed Mahathir and his Bersatu gang total freedom to do what they pleased.

Why are you now blindly protecting Mahathir and only put the blame on then home minister and current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin? Why did your then PM (Mahathir) ignore DAP and deny justice to the many victims of various injustices?

It is not only about Teoh Beng Hock’s murder. What about the suffering of Indira Gandhi and her plea to be reunited with her kidnapped daughter?

Manoharan Malayalam: Indeed, DAP got all their priorities wrong when they were in power.

Teoh’s case should have been on their top 10 list of things to get done in their first 100 days in power, together with the disappearance of Indira’s child.

Lim has forgotten about collective responsibility.

How can he now blame Muhyiddin when he (Lim) slept on the cases and missed the boat, bus, caravan and everything?

AnonLone1945: Good story, Lim. When the party is down and on the way out, you quickly jump on the Teoh Beng Hock wagon to resurrect your fortunes.

As a matter of principle, the entire lot of DAP ministers and deputy ministers should have resigned once it was clear that neither the sitting PM nor the home minister was going to seriously reopen the case.

Clearly, Teoh's family has called your bluff. If you are not sure, re-read the last part of this article.

Muhibah 76: Actually, there is no excuse, Lim. Either you were royally played or you were negligent in ignoring all these types of things, like Teoh’s case.

Maybe you were naive, I don’t know. But now it’s water under the bridge, you lost your opportunity. I wish you were more assertive and stood your ground.

But you didn’t, and our confidence in you is shaken but not stirred. So stop whining and get on with being a strong opposition.

Mat MD: If I am not mistaken, Teoh’s family have been compensated by the government, therefore, the case was closed.

If the family wanted the case to be investigated further, it should not accept the compensation in the first place, so that the case could be investigated to its final end.

With the new request to review the case now, the issue has been blatantly politicised to gain political mileage.

Malaysia Bharu: @Mat MD, can you let us know which law stipulates accepting compensation nullifies any further pursuit into the cause of the victim's death? Or was the compensation conditional upon ending any further investigation into Teoh's death?

Are you aware that Teoh's death was as a result of a MACC investigation into alleged impropriety of a paltry RM2,400?

How fair is that compared with those who have stolen millions and openly living an opulent life with aspirations of seeking the highest political office?

Anonymous 5237890145285379: DAP knew they can’t change things overnight as expected by many of their supporters. It is too tall an order as many unresolved issues still loom large.

For example, racial and religious issues. These issues will not be resolved for another one or two generations unless the country changes.

Whether the country has to go down further before all the people decide to vote for real change or we get a strong leader who can overcome the prejudices amongst the people.

Hopefully, it is the latter as the former will be very painful for the country. Unfortunately, there is no one who fits the “strong leader” mould at the present moment.

Anonymous_15897060865429524: I feel sorry for Indira and the families of Teoh, pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat.

Before GE14, they were ignored by BN and used by Pakatan Harapan to win votes. Then when Harapan had power, they were ignored.

Now, they are ignored by Perikatan Nasional and being used again by Harapan.

Our politicians on both sides have failed them.

Bobby0: Whether an investigation is made or not, those responsible for his death or those responsible for covering it up will have to answer to the Creator.

An innocent life has been lost and the Creator is the one responsible for breathing life into him. They have to answer to Him and all these false excuses are not going to work with Him.

It has been years since Teoh’s death and up to now, there has been no urgency by any part of the justice system to seek the truth.

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