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YOURSAY | ‘Ku Li is right, Umno does not need Bersatu’

YOURSAY | 'Umno and PAS will insist on polls… Bersatu will certainly be left out in the cold.'

Ku Li: Bersatu shouldn't come into the picture

Bobby0: One Umno politician after another is telling Bersatu that they are not needed.

If Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin does not get the message, then he will end up as the shortest-serving PM. By the time the court cases of former Umno politicians are concluded with what many are expecting to be in the favour of those charged, the rug will be pulled under Muhyiddin’s feet.

All seats that Bersatu contested under the banner of Pakatan Harapan will be in danger. Umno will want to contest in the seats that they had stood in before.

It is time for Muhyiddin to wake up and protect his men. Unless, of course, he is content as to what he had already achieved for himself personally.

Umno does not even need PAS. All the last five by-elections had been won by them. This shows that support for Umno has returned and they are preparing to get back into the driver’s seat.

The confirmation by Umno senior members such as Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, or Ku Li, shows that Umno does not need Bersatu. They will definitely prepare for the coming elections with one agenda in mind, that is, to return to the seat of power.

Even PAS will be treated like MCA and MIC in the future, once Umno has consolidated power.

Given this, the PM's seat is not secured for Muhyiddin. Unless Muhyiddin forms a new party combining Bersatu with Senior Minister Azmin Ali’s faction and those in Umno who are loyal to him, only then will he be in position to dictate terms to Umno.

Gajah Duduk: The biggest favour Muhyiddin can do for the country and Umno is to make sure that former Umno ministers Najib Abdul Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are actually held accountable for what had happened in the past when they were in power.

A serious message should be sent – that there are limits to corruption and the era of complete impunity is over.

As for Muhyiddin and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, they believed Pakatan Harapan was bleeding Malay support due to a mix of missteps and relentless propaganda by Umno/PAS.

I think if they had pulled through and handed power to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as promised, Malay support might have been regained based on a track record of two years of solid Harapan government.

But they didn't because that would transform Bersatu from kingmaker to cheerleader and face the difficult task of really taking on Umno/PAS and the Malay-first ideology. Because aside from opposing Najib, what is the ideology of Bersatu? There is none.

In response to what Ku Li said, if we must have a BN-PAS government, then let's pray its relatively clean and competent. With all the information coming out from the corruption trials, we just cannot have team Najib/Zahid back in power. Their reign must end.

Malaysia Bharu: Ku Li knows Malaysians are waiting with bated breath for GE15 to teach a lesson to those who betrayed the masses.

On one hand, Muafakat Nasional supporters are gunning for those Bersatu frogs who leapt to Harapan to topple their kleptocracy. On the other hand, Harapan supporters are also out to dump Bersatu and PKR frogs who brought about the downfall of the mandated Harapan government.

It is a forgone conclusion that GE15 will be fought mainly to nail crooked and immoral politicians, and it will see an avalanche of protest votes against traitors and thieves who have abandoned the voters in the pursuit of self-interest.

PurpleJaguar0553: I agree with Ku Li but first Umno needs to show that it is led by clean and capable leaders who want to serve Malaysia rather than look after their own pockets. So far, they have not shown either.

They seem to still be in the twin vice grip of Najib and Zahid both of whom are tainted beyond redemption. Umno MPs being appointed to GLCs for perks and benefits does not improve their image.

Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan’s act in declining an appointment shows the new kind of leadership the public expects from Umno.

The party should return to its original purpose of building and growing society and the nation as a place for all rather than instigate racial and religious intolerance. Then they would be returned to a dominant position as they would earn the votes of non-Malays and enlightened Malays as in the past.

Headhunter: I hate to agree with Ku Li but he's right, Umno should replace the old and tainted with young and clean leaders, if they do exist. If Umno can rebrand and reinvent itself, chances are they will win the next general election.

But having been on the gravy train for such a long time, can they now get off so easily? Personally, I don't think it’s possible.

Even the younger members are emulating their elders to be as greedy as one can get. None of the politicians talks about the welfare of the rakyat these days. It's all about how to benefit themselves.

BusinessFirst: Of course, as a matter of politics and survival of the fittest what Ku Li says makes 100 percent sense.

This is the truth. They need each other now to be government. Both Umno and Bersatu figure that Harapan in power is worse for them. It is not as if they like each other. They each just want power and with that, position and money. It is not win-win, but you win, I lose, and vice versa.

Come GE15 they would prefer to win on their own so there is no need to divide the spoils. Umno is bigger, stronger and richer. Why would they want to share the spoils with Bersatu?

Blue Shark: Bersatu’s days are numbered. Azmin seems to already be preparing to leave because his Bersatu membership has yet to be accepted and he is rumoured to be setting up a new party.

As for Muhyiddin, it is likely he will not contest as he could not be PM again.

Come GE15, Mahathir, Anwar, Najib, Zahid and many others would be put to pasture. Younger leaders should come forward and if necessary, push those over 65 years old to step aside.

Ipohcrite: Ku Li is actually a political dinosaur - out of touch with the current political reality - who thinks the rakyat would want to return Umno and PAS to helm the government.

Sure, Harapan could have done more during the two years in power but it did not forsake the rakyat's trust as spun by Umno and its allies.

However, it failed to wise up to the traitorous double-crossing by some in its own ranks and the political chicanery of its political rivals, thus ended up being pushed out of government into the opposition realm.

But make no mistake, the rakyat does not wish to be governed by the kleptocratic ways of the previous BN-led regime.

As it is, the old kleptocratic ways of the current backdoor government are already manifest in the appointment of inept political figures into high power GLCs and other government positions.

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