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This article is 4 years old

25 individuals sworn in as political secretaries to ministers

Twenty-five individuals were sworn in as political secretaries to cabinet ministers before Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today.

The simple ceremony held in Putrajaya was also attended by the Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali.

Muhyiddin, in a posting on his Twitter and Facebook pages, said that the swearing-in ceremony was led by political secretary to the prime minister Mohd Nardin Awang.

The prime minister also attached several pictures of the ceremony to the posting.

The 25 political secretaries are as follows:

Mohd Nardin Haji Awang (Prime Minister)

Saiful Adli Mohd Arshad (Prime Minister)

Azlinda Abdul Latiff (Prime Minister)

Muhammad Hilman Idham (International Trade and Industry Minister)

Syed Mohd Fazmi Sayid Mohammad (Defence Minister)

Hamzah Brahim (Works Minister)

Hafiz Che Yusoff (Education Minister)

Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki (Environment and Water Minister)

Khamarulazlan Mohamad Hanafiah (Human Resources Minister)

Armizan Mohd Ali (Women, Family and Community Development Minister)

Maizatul Akmam Alawi @ Ad Badawi (Higher Education Minister)

Samad Jambri @ Jamri (Agriculture and Food Industries Minister)

Zahari Kechik (de facto Economy Minister)

Sayed Amir Muzakkor Sayed Mohamad (Home Minister)

Budiman Mohd Zuhdi (Federal Territories Minister)

Ahmad Darus (Youth and Sports Minister)

Azizan Md, Zain (Natural Resources and Energy Minister)

Abd Halim Jalil (Foreign Minister)

Md Jais Sarday (Unity Minister)

Shamsul Najmi Shamsuddin (Health Minister)

Lidam Anak Assan (Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister)

Syed Hamzah Syed Paie (Entreprenuer and Cooperatives Minister)

Wan Rohimi Wan Daud (de facto Parliament and Law Minister)

Mohd Kamal Nazmi Kamaruddin (Commodities and Plantations Minister)

Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz (de facto Islamic Affairs Minister)

- Bernama

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