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YOURSAY | Annuar, country not ready for Ramadan bazaars yet

YOURSAY | ‘Keep the distance and don't take chances. It's an issue of life and death.’

No decision yet on FT Ramadan bazaars, Annuar Musa stresses

Vijay47: Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa, you are another of the typical Umno RM2-chickens acting tough, strutting about rattling your rusty keris and when challenged, scuttling back into your hole.

This week you were defiantly crowing how the Ramadan bazaars would continue this year, but with readjusted management to cater for urban folks who have no time to cook. You even had the details all figured out, that the circus would not exceed 50 stalls and would be spread out to prevent something called corona striking everyone.

You thought you would be hailed as a national hero, but when you received universal condemnation for your bird-brained virus-infected idea, you fled to the usual hole that Umno leaders rely on, that you were misquoted.

So where are your Hang Tuah silat poses now? When did you qualify to comment on and embark on measures to confront the virus when you are nothing but a jaguh kampung (village champion)? From Mara, let me add. Remember that gold mine?

In your grand speech, there was also the touch of insecurity all of you suffer from, proudly announcing that there was no need to cancel the ‘pesta’ just because Singapore had decided to do so on the island.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, that other imbecile senior minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob wants to impose conditions on NGOs that feed the poor, restrictions that sound the death-knell of one of the few avenues where the destitute and the hungry could look forward to a meal.

Between the two of you, it would be a miracle if we can make it out alive from Covid-19. The only consolation is that we have Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

Lionheart: It will be a sad day for Malaysia if a popular decision is made on Ramadan bazaars. A child knows he has to do whatever it takes to put out the fire in the house. A popular decision on this issue is like dangling rakyat’s lives in a crocodile-infested pool.

Keep the distance and don't take chances. It's an issue of life and death. Unlike a lucky draw, if you are not lucky, life goes on.

Anonymous_1585728711974.74121585727914770: Our track record when it comes to developing sound regulations and then adhering to them leaves much to be desired.

Allowing these bazaars to continue is extremely irresponsible. People from all walks of life have had to make do with inconveniences over the past few weeks for the good of the nation. We can continue to do so.

Instead of wasting resources, manpower and time thinking of how to address the crowds during these bazaars, more effort should be made in improving the infrastructure that is currently available.

Yes, many people rely on these bazaars as a source of income and others need them to have meals ready in time in order to break fast.

Why not mobilise some sort of delivery system that will allow stall owners to operate from their homes while still being able to get their goods to buyers?

Anonymous_1576493962799.39091576493037474: Annuar, your concern about urban folks who have no time to cook after returning from work is noted.

Just order food delivery and not cook as what they are doing now. You need not rush to buy food at the bazaar and contribute to more infection.

This is so simple and effective in stopping the spread and I am not sure why it cannot be followed.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Why is this backdoor minister so keen on these bazaars when the pandemic has not yet peaked? Is it because some people need to collect their commissions and kickbacks from the allocation and sale of business licences for these bazaars?

I cannot imagine why Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin appointed him into the cabinet given all the allegations about his role in Mara prior to GE14.

Clever Voter: When self-serving politicians wait and see, one can expect some kind of hanky panky.

For years, the one month long open bazaars are no short of scandals. Complaints of bribery and corrupt practices are well known, much of these can be traced back to good old politicians sitting behind their desks.

Anonymous 2043581479977820: I was told, certain parties stand to make lots of money rented out Ramadan bazaar lots to traders and hawkers whilst Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) get pittance.

You go figure it out who will stand to gain.

Gotcha: To have Ramadan bazaars could mean many more clusters like Sri Petaling tabligh cluster. Let’s not look for unnecessary trouble as we should learn to live according to the current situation in the world.

Kneazle: The tabligh people have contributed to us losing productivity and income for 30 days. Don't make it worse if there is another outbreak before Raya. Stay alive as there will still be a Raya next year.

Sphzxcv: How can our ‘belakang pintu’ (backdoor) ministers be so naive to think that come April 23, the country will be completely free of Covid-19?

Even if we manage to “flatten the curve”, there is still a very strong possibility of undetected carriers lurking around. Please don’t give false hopes to the traders.

If another wave of infection occurs because of these bazaars, all the efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 will be flushed down the toilet. The efforts of the medical personnel will be just wasted.

Always take the safest route to ensure safety to all.

Drngsc: If the movement control order (MCO) is based on health concerns for the good of the nation, and closing Easter, Wesak, Ching Ming is based on health concerns, then what to do with Ramadan bazaars should also be based on health concern.

This government must be consistent.

Anonymous_1545691035: For Annuar to even contemplate the idea of having the bazaar this year show his level of intelligence. Go ahead with the bazaar and the next business to flourish after the bazaar ends will be funeral services.

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