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Yoursay: One person, one car – an overzealous, impractical rule

YOURSAY | ‘So, the passenger sits on the roof, is it? What if both are from the same family?’

'One person per car' rule effective April 1

Anonymous_1576493962799.39091576493037474: If it is one person per car, you will most definitely create the inconveniences of traffic jams and parking congestion everywhere.

If you have at least two people in a car, one of them can make a quick buy/purchase of necessities even if there is no parking. Passengers can be dropped off to run in and get what they want, while the driver can come back for the pickup.

People would just want to buy their things fast and go off. Who wants to hang around during a time of crisis? Use some common sense, please.

Puzzling: "Under the second phase of the movement control order (MCO), the government would restrict the number of people in a privately-owned car. ‘Only one person would be allowed to travel in a car effective April 1,’ said Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.”

These are my questions:

1) Does it mean that a "company or government-owned" car can carry more than one person?

2) Is this rule designed to allow for drivers to drive VIPs?

3) In any case, what is the rationale behind the one-person rule?

4) If the one-person rule is meant to curb the spreading of Covid-19, why does the government endanger passengers by allowing two persons in a government-owned vehicle?

Anonymous #33227154: I think this ‘one person, one car’ rule is overzealous and not practical.

A maximum of two persons travelling in a car is practical. In Germany, a gathering of up to two persons is allowed.

By the way, will our ministers drive their own car without their chauffeurs?

Mugi: What about taxis? Does it mean that taxis can only have one passenger? But then it will add up to two people - the taxi driver plus the passenger.

And, if there are two passengers who need a taxi (assuming it is an old man who cannot walk and needs a helper to assist and they don't have a car of their own to go to the hospital), do they have to call two cabs?

Anonymous_16760865429524: A bizarre rule, indeed. Besides the obvious issues, wouldn't this automatically stop Grab and other e-hailing services?

I suspect they will issue another poorly worded Frequently Asked Questions in an attempt to plug this hole but will end up raising further questions, as usual.

Anon Two: So, the passenger sits on the roof, is it? What if both are from the same family living together? This rule is another added inconvenience of no value.

Speaking Sense: How can you infect anyone or be infected by someone else if you are in the car with a person whom you already share the same space at home?

I think it is safe for two people. As long as when you get to your shopping destination, only one person in the car is allowed to get out and go into the supermarket or shop.

This is the problem when you have a government made up of those the voters had already wisely rejected at the last elections.

Come on, use your brains and come up with rules only when they make sense.

Vacuum: Yes, what difference does it make whether it is two or three people in a car if all of them are from the same family?

This is really a stupid ruling and these ministers are driven around by their chauffeurs. What do you call that?

Kahlil Gibran: What about parents with disable or mentally challenged children? How to leave them alone at home...

Myviews: My wife does not drive. Both of us are in our 70s. What if she falls sick and I have to drive her to the clinic or to a hospital?

Of course, the ill-advised authorities will allow you to go through the checkpoints provided that you show proof that you are going to where you are supposed to go.

But how to show proof when there is no appointment card or hospital recommendations since the wife happens to fall sick in the house?

GMan: Ismail Sabri has no idea that many supermarkets have suspended their grocery online capability since the start of MCO, leaving the rakyat no choice but to leave home to buy groceries in person.

Mr Minister, please advise us exactly which major supermarket chains are providing online shopping services. We would love to know.

Yoda: Ismail Sabri, it is better for you to stick to your own area of governance, like for instance keeping our country’s borders safe and preventing foreigners from going in and out of our country.

That will help prevent exports and imports of Covid-19 cases into Malaysia.

Have you succeeded in tracking the 5,084 tabligh attendees where the infection has now grown into five generations?

Anonymous_3f4b: What a stupid suggestion. How will the police know whether one or two people got in and out of a car unless they follow them everywhere?

Please use some logic.

Kawak: If that’s the case then I will travel by motorcycle or bicycle and bring a friend along since this senior backdoor government minister did not specifically mention anything about motorcycles or bicycles.

Clever Voter: This new rule is draconian. If bosses are allowed to be driven around, then what is wrong in having a wife being driven by her husband.

Not difficult to ask, but we all want a better answer.

The Analyser: So now, I’m supposed to let my driver have access to my finances?

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