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Yoursay: A confession from ‘not the gov’t you voted for’ PM

YOURSAY | ‘I don’t deny that the latest stimulus package is more than welcome but…’

You did not vote for us but we care about you – PM to M'sians

Vijay47: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, can’t you get it into your head that right now the last thing we want to discuss is politics and worse, to be reminded by you that you ascended to the throne through the betrayal of the people?

I am surprised that you have no backroom speech coaches to tell you what to say or not to say, or at least that the damn thing flying is Covid-19 and not Kobis-19.

Each time you appear before us on TV, you come across as the typical ‘jaguh kampong’ (village champion) wondering why the buildings in the city are so tall. Like that fish in the angler’s basket, there is a time to open your mouth and a time to keep it close.

I don’t deny that the latest package is more than welcome, but you would have gained more of our respect and perhaps some gratitude had you focused on the stimulus programme rather than also indulging in cheap tactics to score cheap political “I still love you” points.

Lawman66: Is there some evidence to show that the previous government did not care for the people? Or that we would be faring worse under the previous administration?

If all you've got is "we care for the people", why should anyone believe you? Why would anyone believe a turncoat? In this case, we may have well stuck with former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Sans Prejudice: Well, Muhyiddin, you finally had to confess that you usurped the legitimate government mandated by the people. Call it ill-timed or karma, the country is now in turmoil.

You are probably cursing the day the coup was hatched. Too late for retrospection now. You have crossed the Rubicon. Let's see how capable your bloated cabinet is.

FellowMalaysian: Muhyiddin, I appreciate your sincerity when you admitted that the people did not choose you, suggesting that you and your coterie took over the government through a 'backdoor' coup.

But why did you connive with the 'Satanic bunch' and wrestle the government from Pakatan Harapan when it was, in your own words, such a challenging time to you in terms of politics, economy and health?

Gerard Lourdesamy: To date, Muhyiddin has not given us a single rational and legitimate reason for ditching Harapan against the wishes of Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the voters in GE14, and forming a government with the kleptocrats from Umno and the religious zealots of PAS.

As such, the jury remains out on this so-called "caring" government. A caring leader would not have betrayed the mandate of the people and sacrificed principles for the sake of political expediency.

I cringe when I watch the videos of the putative 8th PM prior to GE14 condemning and cursing both Umno and PAS. And now he is sharing the same bed with them despite both parties having failed to change and reform in any meaningful or substantive way since GE14.

Anonymous 93887546720228: It is quite clear why Muhyiddin and former PKR leader Azmin Ali launched the coup – it was to create a Malay-Muslim supermajority government. For them, a Malay-Muslim majority government is not good enough, it has to be 90 percent majority.

And so, they harped on race and religion to bring down the Harapan government. And now that they are in power, and having established a Malay-Muslim supermajority cabinet, they are calling non-Malays “brothers and sisters” when before they were “pendatang”.

Yes, the government has to spend money - even money that it does not have - to save the country from the ravages of Covid-19. What is more important is whether there will be transparency in how this staggering amount - a debt that future generations of Malaysians will have to pay - is spent.

Knowing the devils in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, don’t hold your breath. This is time that the rakyat and the independent media should keep a hawk’s eye on these politicians to ensure not a single cent will turn into someone’s pocket money.

Anonymous 435551439668541: Can Malay-Muslim politicians who believe in Malay-Muslim supremacy and allegedly in corruption and kleptocracy, really care for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, disability or sexuality?

Odysseus: If you appoint me as the PM, regardless if people vote for me or not, and I have RM250 billion to spread around, I can also say the same thing.

Don't we still remember he was completely silent on his first week on the job? That's when the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic started.

SL Yeap: Well, Mr PM, I pay my taxes whether I like the ruling government or not, so it is expected that the government of the day should take care of the rakyat, especially in times of major crises, regardless of whether they voted for you or not.

JD Lovrenciear: Muhyiddin, thank you for your honesty. Your government was not voted in by the people. We had a government that was legitimately voted in.

The guilt of this unprecedented robbery on democracy, you and your team will have to account for on the Day of Judgement. Remember that.

Free and Fair Election: Finally, it comes from your mouth that we did not vote for you and thus agree that yours is a backdoor government.

The real issue is not who cares for us. In a democracy, it’s who we voted for.

Melvin: Most commenters here are stuck in their bubble. Muhyiddin's speech has been very well received by many people who don't support PN, especially bumiputeras but a good number of non-bumis as well.

A smart PR strategy for Harapan right now is to shut up and sound supportive. If PN had an election today, with Umno and PAS avoiding three-way fights, they will win.

Macky: We are just being held hostage, that's all. What can we say? But don't expect us to love you, Muhyiddin.

Indeed, if anyone has any iota of morality, how can treachery and betrayal be accepted? So don't expect praises from us.

Cyclonus: A guy walks into an office building and got a job as a big boss without an interview and starts drawing a fat paycheck with all the perks.

After a few months on the job, he expects a pat on the back for a job that was really done by the workers on the factory floor putting in 12-hour shifts amidst hazardous conditions.

All the boss had to do was sign a few documents to approve a plan that was painstakingly drawn up by the foremen who had the support of the workers.

Sorry, but I got more respect for the people on the ground and the civil servants on the frontlines. They all deserve a special medal when this is all over, God willing.

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