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Yoursay: Big loss in graft war with Latheefa’s resignation

YOURSAY | ‘When the pillars of democracy are hacked, no nation can stand tall for long.’

Latheefa confirms resignation as MACC chief, says ‘own decision’

Vijay47: Whatever may be your reasons, Latheefa Koya, we have to respect your decision to resign (as MACC chief), just as we did when Tommy Thomas stepped down (as attorney-general). Yet, I cannot really agree with your explanation.

You say you want to fight for human rights, a most noble cause, but your battle would have been much more effective if it were in the form of anti-corruption efforts.

From the fortress of MACC, you could have surged out to take on the vermin and slay them in their high places; why did you leave that impenetrable position and allow the rats to take over the ship? Human rights would, henceforth, be mere fire-fighting.

You say you leave MACC in the capable hand of your officers; I do not doubt your men are of tough dedicated mettle. But again, why is the best general we have ever known walking away for the war to be continued by field commanders who soon will be assigned to desk jobs or selective targets?

In seven months, you transformed MACC into a formidable aircraft carrier. Maybe, unfairly again, we expected you to be the captain who goes down with the ship.

From the treachery that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his Bersatu wreaked upon the nation, there is nothing really worse that could happen.

Tomorrow, they can disband MACC, the police, or any enforcement agency, it would not matter since the “patients have taken over the asylum”. Frankly, my dear, I don’t care a damn.

Ian2003: How is it that all fair-minded and capable people tender their resignation on the first movement of change?

They need to be even more vigilant in the face of turmoil. By vacating their positions, that would make the appointment of the foul and bad that much easier and there will not be check and balance by the civil service.

I hope the Election Commission (EC) chief does not follow these reckless moves as there will no longer be any independence in the system. Such important positions need to be defended at all cost to ensure integrity will prevail.

Sadly, it is mostly the crooks who would not resign and all the good men/women will leave at the first instance of change. I call that irresponsible.

OMG!: It is not being irresponsible. Latheefa recognises the new PM must have a free hand to appoint anyone.

If the man who appointed her says that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin freely accepts kleptocrats and thieves, that repudiates everything Mahathir and she believed in. She cannot function as a fearless MACC leader anymore. Therefore, "fall on your sword", resign.

The PM has wide powers to nominate the most senior public servants. The king then appoints them on the advice of the PM. Malaysia functions as a constitutional monarchy with anachronistic rules. We follow because many think that these rules are partly holding the nation together.

Apa Harapan: Like the attorney-general, it is the right thing to do as you can't be associated with a backdoor government comprising of the very people you have been investigating without affecting your integrity.

We'll see if the new government, now seems in paralysis over appointments of a so-called “clean” cabinet, can appointment independent people with integrity to such positions.

If the prime minister decided to get into bed with crooks, how does he appoint a clean cabinet?

Anonymous_1570780627207.56231570780037973: From now onwards, I bet you that those who had been hauled up for corruption cases will walk free and we will see more new corrupt people being groomed in this country. Well done, Malaysia.

The notion of putting “race and religion” first is everything for those who are in power. By the way, we have to thank Mahathir for being the guru of this race and religion notion. With his guidance and blessings, he has produced many race and religion-centred politicians like him.

It seems like the corrupt and elite will rule this country for many more years to come. God bless Malaysia.

Cogito Ergo Sum: A tragic consequence of all the debacle by the politicians is that good men and women will leave because of principles.

Mohamed Apandi Ali was disgracefully removed as AG because he had no honour. Both Thomas and Latheefa have honourably left. For selfish reasons, we, the people, want them to stay on. But it is not correct or right.

We hope to see both of you again very soon.

Shanmugam V K Subrayan: It is not they want to walk away. What choice do they have with alleged thieves, robbers and the kleptocrats back at the helm of the nation?

They may be removed unceremoniously from their posts if they stick to their principles. Of course, Muhyiddin has no shame, working with the same people who removed him from office unceremoniously.

Don’t Just Talk: The resignation of Thomas and Latheefa are not a good sign for honest Malaysians in general and Malaysia in particular. Muhyiddin will have a difficult task filling up these posts with people of integrity.

Those corrupted Umno leaders who are facing trial have started laughing and, with their supporters, singing happy days are here again and the sky is blue.

Ian2003: They have the choice to stop thieves, robbers and kleptocrats in discharging their duty responsibly. It is precisely the lack of such people that we got into the trouble that we are in.

If all civil servants follow the system and do what is right, 1MDB could not have happened. It is because the agency was so corrupt that these things happened and all good people are being jailed. The more reason why these people should not resign.

Let them be sacked so that a similar judicial crisis of 1988 can be re-enacted for the people to rise against these oppressors.

JD Lovrenciear: The fault lines in Malaysia are beginning. Two have already resigned. More to come?

If we do not save this country and put it on track now, people, believe me, we will become a failed nation at some point. When the pillars of democracy are hacked, no nation can stand tall for long.

Traitors have no place in our land.

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