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Yoursay: No amount of excuses, rationalisation can justify the betrayal

YOURSAY | ‘The jury is still out on who really is the mastermind.’

Shame on you - Guan Eng slams rebels, likens drama to 'Game of Thrones'

Anonymous_1544340881: Let's look at this objectively. If after GE14, 11 PKR and eight Bersatu MPs suddenly said now that we will join BN and PAS to form a government, I think any right-minded person would, put it mildly, say it is wrong and that those elected have defrauded the electorate that voted them in.

As such, no amount of excuses, self-serving rationalisation, et cetera, changes the fact that this is exactly what Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin and former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and their supporters have done, albeit 20 months later.

Hopefully cooler heads in Bersatu will follow now interim prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s example.

Existential Turd: The problem is, DAP had no role in anything, except for being the punching bag.

So now all the blame is put solely on Azmin and his supporters after reading some yarn from the Sarawak Report. Mahathir is clueless, PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim is clueless, everybody is clueless until the last minute? Give me a break.

Sarawak Report paints a picture of a senile old man easily swayed by whispers in his ear. That does not give me any confidence at all.

Mahathir resolute in not working with Umno? How about all those Umno defectors to Bersatu?

If indeed Azmin is the mastermind of all this treachery, I would say this of him - he has more cojones than the entire Pakatan Harapan combined. Everybody else hides behind "integrity" and "magnanimity".

There is a fine line between having "integrity" and being visionless, rudderless and cowardly. Willingly being robbed is not magnanimity. Willingly being swindled, again and again, is not integrity. Your lack of response emboldens the right-wing supremacists.

Where was your integrity when International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) were not ratified?

Where was your integrity when your own members were charged with having connections to Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)? Where is your integrity where controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik hurls insults at your face?

You lost your integrity along with your voice when you become Mahathir's apologists.

Looking On: Hold your horses, Existential Turd. DAP leader Lim Guan Eng was getting Mahathir to stay on, true, but only for the remaining time to complete his promised two-year term to fulfil the GE14 manifesto. There is no reneging on their earlier stance at their Harapan presidential council meeting.

Appreciate that Mahathir not leaving the government effectively put an end to all the tempestuous storm in the country caused by the snaky traitors in the night of the long knives.

Why turn your anger against the leaders who saved the day? It should rightly be directed at the correct people unless you want to vent out your bitter vengeance, either personal or political, rather than for the good of the nation.

Unspin: I was at one of the top hotels in Petaling Jaya at 1.30pm this afternoon. Normally, this hotel is packed from noon onwards because it offers great buffet dishes at a reasonable price. I was surprised to see that there were only two tables being occupied out of 50 tables - presumably due to the fear of Covid-19.

For Azmin and gang as well as their shameless collaborators to attempt to hijack the mandate of the rakyat in GE14 during this uncertain time is totally pathetic and despicable. They are a complete disgrace and should be banished to the political wilderness for the rest of their lives.

Yong Yeok Fong: If Azmin and his collaborators from the opposition claimed that they did it for the people, this does not make sense because the country is in the middle of a global pandemic.

True leaders must be the first help to tackle this crisis to protect the people before thinking about politicking.

Shame on the opposition and especially all of those traitors - Azmin and his cronies and also some members of Bersatu - because they help to subvert their own government in the middle of a health crisis that may affect thousands of Malaysians.

Bersatu rejects Dr M's resignation

Quigonbond: The jury is still out who really is the mastermind. The whole thing could still be a show. After all, Bersatu, Umno and PAS already have their wishes come true, which is to remove DAP from power. Now not a single cabinet position.

What exactly is going on with Mahathir and Bersatu, no one really knows. Could be I resign first then you say no then I relent... ending up status quo with me as PM, me deciding on cabinet positions, me not giving space to Anwar gang and DAP.

As far as Mahathir is concerned, he has fulfilled his promise of transition to Anwar by resigning. When he goes to Parliament, he will still have Umno, PAS, Bersatu and Azmin faction supporting him as PM so he will get his confidence vote.

But the deal with Harapan on Anwar is off unless Anwar is able to cobble together a majority. As Warisan's support is to Mahathir and not Anwar, Anwar has to cobble up another 20 MPs. That's a tall order.

Even if Azmin stayed loyal, if Bersatu is not loyal, Harapan is still walking a tightrope, which is not healthy for a reformist government.

Everyone's a kingmaker now, so it's up to Anwar's reputed political acumen now to see if a deal can be struck with them.

Vijay47: The way the good ship Hope has been tossing and heaving in the capricious sea, one cannot decide whether this is a Shakespearean comedy or tragedy - one minute in turbulent waters ridden with Brutuses and Iagos, the next moment tranquil waters where Falstaff and Prospero return to soothe and repair.

The constantly changing tide never offered a steady glimpse to understand the weather, the distant horizon as well as the close at hand running from here to there and back each second.

In such wavering climes, many, including me, drew irrelevant and incorrect conclusions and have now to eat their words.

Yet the villains and traitors have been made known, their plotting and cunning has been shown false, and they head into a vague future where the only fate certain is that it would prove most uncomfortable anon.

In the meantime, they can ponder on life’s enlightening lessons like don’t count your chickens before they are hatched and that there is many a slip between cup and lip.

As we bid adieu, however the story may go, forsooth, all’s well that ends well. Pass the salt, please.

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