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Yoursay: A real leader accepts responsibility for one’s failings

YOURSAY | ‘Dr M, are you the solution to a strong Harapan or the problem leading to its downfall?’

Mahathir: Ruling coalition could be a one-term government

Clever Voter: This seems to be the consensus among many fence-sitters - that Pakatan Harapan could well be a one-term government.

There are many who are aware of the unique circumstances of why BN was brought down. The real challenge facing Harapan is the people the coalition appointed.

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad as leader of this pact must accept his responsibility. If he blames others, he is no better. A true leader is one who accepts responsibility for the outcome.

His coalition partners too are partly to be blamed, but the internal jostling for power and positions would not have happened had Mahathir not created the conditions.

If Mahathir genuinely believes the mandate given by the people, he should become a senior adviser, coach and mentor those in Harapan. But he has chosen to do things his ways and giving others the impression that only he knows best.

He needs to change his style if he is sincere. But so far, Mahathir finds it difficult to convince anyone that he has what it takes.

Serembanpau: If the coalition is in disarray, then its members will look for direction from the leader. But if the coalition’s leader himself is stoking disunity then the cause is lost.

While Mahathir is still needed, he has to start preparing for the handover as time is of the essence and set an actual date for the power transition. If the next leader is found wanting, the damage is limited to maybe two years.

People, especially the millennials, are not going to accept politicians who have nothing to offer. The Hong Kong protest can offer an insight into what bad governance may lead to.

Antiracial: “I told them in a democracy you need strong support from the people. But instead, they fight amongst themselves and divide the people... They are not going to win unless they change their ways,” said Mahathir.

It is not for you to tell them, it is rakyat telling all of you by voting for the opposition that they are not happy with your government and your leadership.

You allowed racial issues to take place under your nose. Then there are the Zakir Naik, LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) and Jawi issues, among many others.

You once punished PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim for what he might do or did not do during your previous term as PM, but now you let PKR deputy president and Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali go for the same thing, even if the evidence is very obvious.

The rakyat also don’t like you interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, especially if those nations have a decent relationship with us.

If Harapan becomes a one-term government, you would be 99 percent responsible for that.

Is There Still Hope: Yes, Harapan could be a one-term government and you are absolutely right about this, Mahathir.

But be sincere and ask yourself, are you the solution to a strong Harapan government or the problem leading to its downfall? What have you contributed to the country in the last 20 months?

Instead of rebuilding the country, you are dividing it further.

Blackbeak: Indeed, Mahathir needs a big mirror to see he is the biggest cause of Harapan’s division. When has he ever admit to his own failings?

He chose all the wrong successors. He has never groomed his deputy. It's his way of administration and he doesn't take well to different opinions. He has also never admitted his interference of India and China domestic politics led to his unpopularity.

Anonymous_0cb0104a: The infighting inside Harapan parties as well as between parties are just two of the many reasons why Harapan is losing its grip.

Knowing that Harapan received 30 percent of the Malay votes in GE14, you disassociate yourself from the other parties by participating in events seen and felt not in tune with what Harapan represents - a coalition for all Malaysians – and this has made the divide even greater.

And seeing you support those that are against Anwar in PKR have further emboldened them. Could these be part of your grand scheme to create havoc so that this government fail?

Please, enough of saying the benefits from change needs time as it's already been 20 months since Harapan took over. How much more time do you need? Another 40 months? If so, say bye-bye then.

And that would be a shame for we all worked hard to make you the government.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Harapan is really a one-term wonder. The collapse is from within as the coalition has allowed Mahathir to dictate terms and is now paying the price.

DAP is finished after this as Mahathir has successfully made it the whipping boy for urban Chinese voters and rural Indians as well. PKR is split and fracturing every day. Eventually, Bersatu will emerge as the most stable party in Harapan, and it may even align itself with PAS and Umno.

By that time, elements in PKR would have jumped ship and joined the new coalition. The biggest losers will be DAP because there will be no place for them in the old or new alliance. They fell for it by their own ignorance and self-delusions of grandeur.

Mahathir just took one puff and the mighty rocket toppled. It will back to Umno/PAS/BN again. Nothing can stop this juggernaut of corruption as it bribes its way back to power.

Mo Saladin: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the hope for Harapan government to finally live up to its reform pledges is fast dwindling.

The depressing truth is Mahathir's track record already reveals what he stands for, and the Harapan presidential council is guilty of wishful thinking because they have failed to consider his penchant to consolidate personal control on the national coffers.

And by projecting his far-right nationalist ideological whims at every political opportunity, Mahathir is clearly a wrong choice for any reform-minded government to have him at the helm and it's time for a face-saving exit.

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