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Warisan denies supporters roughed up Papagomo

Warisan has denied involvement in yesterday’s scuffle involving Umno Youth executive committee member Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris.

It was previously reported that Wan Muhammad Azri, also known as Papagomo, was approached by a group of men at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) last night.

In a statement today, Warisan secretary-general Loretto Padua said the party only learned about the incident after it made the news and said it did not condone such acts.

“Warisan denies involvement in the violent incident against Papagomo at the KKIA that happened on Sunday, Jan 19, 2020.

“We did not know about the incident until it went viral (online). Warisan does not condone samseng (gangster) culture of any sort because that is not our culture here,” Padua said.

“Even though Papagomo previously showed off his samseng actions and caused much dissatisfaction, this does not mean we need to descend to his level. Warisan does not compromise on samseng culture,” he added.

Papagomo had been in Sabah to canvas for BN ahead of the Kimanis by-election.

One day before the Jan 18 polls, he caused much furore when he tore a poster bearing an image of Warisan president and Sabah Chief Minister Shafie Apdal’s face.

This was during a demonstration protesting the state government’s plan to implement the Sabah Temporary Pass (PSS).

Read more: What is PSS and why is it important to the Kimanis by-election?

Umno Youth wants swift action

Meanwhile, Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki hoped that the authorities would take action on those involved in the scuffle.

Pointing to video recordings of the incident, Asyraf (above) opined that violence, provocation and physical attacks had been directed at Papagomo.

“We leave it to the authorities to take further and appropriate action, to immediately investigate and take stern action on those who were involved.

“Such violent samseng culture after the Kimanis by-election does not reflect the true nature of ‘original’ Sabahans, who are known for being harmonious and polite despite being of various ethnicities and religions,” he said in a separate statement.

Asyraf alleged that those involved were Warisan supporters who agreed with the state government’s move to introduce the PSS.

BN had made PSS a focal point of its attacks against Warisan during the Kimanis by-election.

Its candidate Mohamad Alamin eventually defeated Warisan’s Karim Bujang by 2,029 votes.

Slated to be rolled out on June 1, the government previously explained that the PSS is to streamline immigration processes involving migrants, who now hold either one of three documents - the IMM13, Burung-Burung cards and census certificates.