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Yoursay: Some still fighting 20th century battles in the 21st century

YOURSAY | 'Let the nation and Chin Peng rest in peace.'

Former top cop Hanif claims AG was Chin Peng's 'good friend'

Dont Just Talk: It looks like being a friend of the late Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) leader Chin Peng is a bigger crime than what the kleptocratic government under Umno did to Malaysia.

Why didn't former police chief Hanif Omar find fault with the two previous AGs who were silent on the crimes committed by Maluapa Bossku?

Owing to the 1MDB financial scandal, and to cover up the numerous holes, Malaysia was literally sold-off to communist China with parcels of the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) and Bandar Malaysia prime land.

The construction costs of the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) and the Sabah gas pipe projects were inflated by billions. Did these people get worked up? No.

Jay: Following Hanif's logic, then-premier Tunku Abdul Rahman was also a friend of Chin Peng, and so too the inspector-general of police (IGP) who helped put together the Hat Yai Accord.

Hanif is struggling to resurrect a dead man. Communists are now investing in Malaysia. Maybe we should stop ECRL and other Chinese projects so that we can remain uninfluenced by communists.

Vgeorgemy: In Islam, gambling is forbidden and no Muslim should financially benefit from it. Hanif is known for his association with a casino in Genting Highlands.

If Hanif can earn money from ‘haram’ activities as a Muslim, there is nothing wrong with the current AG who, as a practising lawyer then, represented a communist.

Such a legal representation by the current AG was done during the BN regime, and the authorities never initiated any legal action against Tommy Thomas for his “friendship” with Chin Peng.

Thomas is a well-known believer in and practising St Thomas Christian, the Christianity brought by Christ’s apostle St Thomas to Kerala, India, in AD 48. Hanif's accusation has no basis.

Wong Fei Hoong: Enough, Hanif. Just because Thomas was the defence lawyer for Chin Peng doesn't mean that he was a good friend of Chin Peng. You worked in Genting. It doesn't mean that you, a Muslim, support gambling, does it?

Enough is enough. Let Chin Peng and the nation rest in peace.

Bersih@428: How low can Hanif Omar go? Such deranged thinking. Just to support his biased viewpoint, he claims a link between Thomas and Chin Peng.

Never mind that Chin Peng and Thomas are decades apart, historically unconnected, and in their faith/ideology at opposite poles.

David Dass: Hanif was both IGP and a lawyer. He must know a lawyer acts for a client.

In Thomas' case the client was Chin Peng. Chin Peng was not accused of anything. He was an old man who wanted to come back and die in his homeland. Something he felt that he was entitled to do under the terms of the peace accord. Thomas argued his case and lost.

The second thing is the CPM is a long-dead organisation. China has embraced capitalism. There is nothing to revive. All the former communists are old men and women. They are no threat to the nation.

PB: We are fighting the battles of the 20th century even as we approach the start of the third decade of the 21st century. Tilting at windmills comes to mind.

Vladivostokian: Why beat a dead horse? Nobody wants to bring back communism. It’s a failed ideology.

I’m sure those who attended the Kajang meeting (to commemorate the Hat Yai Peace Accord) are no more keen on this archaic ideology than Hanif.

Muruga: I was a counsel along with Raja Aziz Addruse, and Chin Peng also had a solicitor on record. Why is Raja Aziz not targeted? Why selectively pick on a non-Malay?

P Dev Anand Pillai: Yes, typical responses from former top guns in the civil service when their favoured political lords are no more in power.

It is the modus operandi which is used to keep diverting issues, issuing statements which have no relevance and basically lying or creating stories for the gullible masses.

Why is Chin Peng's ashes such an issue with the Malays? Have the Malays forgotten that part of the CPM was made up of Malays?

Chin Peng is a non-issue, the man is dead, and Thomas had the right to represent whoever he wanted to and who sought his services when he was practising at the Bar. So, what has that got to do with his position now as the AG?

FairMalaysian: A former IGP, Abdul Rahim Noor, who was in the thick and thin of the Hat Yai accord, had not only supported the return of Chin Peng when he was alive, but expressed his unhappiness that the "spirit of the letter" of the accord was not observed, citing flimsy reasons.

If Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is correct, Hanif was responsible for Operation Lalang, the big stain that still hurts this country.

If I were Thomas, for sure I will go after Hanif and make sure he pays for his racist sensationalism and his unwarranted indiscretions. These guys cannot take it that the AG is a non-Malay.

This humbug never commented on the previous AG, who schemed with a "traitor" who had no problem in stealing billions from the people of Malaysia.

Anonymous_1577638541238.97951547637684420: So what if they were good friends? Thomas has done nothing wrong yet.

Until then, to speculate he won’t take action against ex-CPM members, is just your imagination. So stop speculating because, then, there will be no end.

Gone are the times when you were IGP, when people had less information, or were always scared to report. These days, transparency is the main theme.

Hang Babeuf: More useless mischief-making, now by Hanif. Does the Hat Yai Agreement stand or does it not?

If it does, then all this carrying-on is just mischief-making. Just a distraction.

The Analyser: I don’t care about what has gone on in the past. I’m more interested in what the future has in store for us.

And with Mahathir in control, you can pretty well assume he hasn’t learned anything from the past. So I guess we are doomed to repeat it.

Fonr: There are more important issues to overcome, but everyone wants five minutes of fame. Thomas must be doing something right if so many people are starting to feel the heat.

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