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Yoursay: 'If Jho Low indeed gets asylum, what we did to India, UAE can do to us'

YOURSAY | 'I suppose what we think is fair for Zakir Naik is also fair for others to do the same for Jho Low.'

Jho Low given asylum in third country, currently in UAE

Vijay47: I always thought that poetic justice, more commonly referred to as that “beach-birch” karma, takes a somewhat long time to come home to roost and serve its just desserts to all those deserving of it.

But boy, in the case of Jho Low, has it done a Usain Bolt on all of us? Or more correctly, on you, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad?

Truly, it is the season of celebration – Deepavali just a week ago, Christmas just around the corner and we are relishing every moment of it.

I don’t know or care which country has welcomed Jho Low to its warm bosom, but what delightfully satisfying revenge it is that other countries are giving the good doctor a dose of his own medicine, especially since it is quinine.

But nothing to fret, Mahathir, that country is merely following your cue that your comrade, companion and confidante Dr Zakir Naik will not receive a fair trial in India.

Not that I grieve or lose sleep, Mahathir, but there’s nothing much you can do to that country. Maybe you can stop selling it palm oil.

No, better still, you should just invade and occupy it!

Proarte: In the same way Mahathir feels fugitive Zakir 'may be killed' in India and that the Indian legal system may not serve him justice, it is likely that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and another country giving Jho Low asylum feel that he may be killed in Mahathir's Malaysia and that the courts here will not give him a fair trial.

Norman Fernandez: I suppose what we think is fair for Zakir is also fair for others to do the same for Jho Low.

Pelanduk: Jho Low is living in UAE and Saudi Arabia? It must be a mistake. How can it be?

Malaysia prides itself as an Islamic nation and by this logic should have a relationship with UAE and Saudi which is unbreakable.

These two Islamic nations should return Jho Low to us without question. After all, Jho Low has committed an offence which Islam regards as ‘haram’ (sinful).

Gaji Buta: This may go to show that the idea of Muslim brotherhood may be just a romantic notion by some dreamers here.

We all know most Middle East nations are at one another’s throats most of the time, and those that seem to cooperate with us may be doing so only when it suits their agenda.

There has never been any real unified stand or full cooperation on any matter. The sooner the majority here realise that, and all they really have and can rely on are only other Malaysians whom they grew up with - Indians, Chinese, Iban, Kadazan, Orang Asli, etc - the sooner we can unite and work together for a brighter future.

Anonymous_2679c6e5: Why is it that Muslim countries and Muslim-controlled countries like Malaysia have no qualms about giving safe haven to wanted criminals and terrorists?

Jho Low should also seek asylum in India. That is now the safest country in the world from Malaysian law unless Malaysia decides to extradite Zakir Naik, or unless Mahathir retracts its criticism of India, which is never.

Jagara: It is sad how corrupt this world is - how money can buy asylum in another country and make an alleged billionaire thief like Jho Low get away scot-free.

It is sad also how people can still support or want to have anything to do with former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, who is allegedly the ultimate culprit and robber of this land, Malaysia. I wouldn't even want to shake his hand.

FellowMalaysian: How is it possible that Jho Low, the No 1 wanted man in Malaysia who is in US Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) most-wanted list, where his whereabout apparently has now been positively identified, is still roaming around freely?

What happened to Interpol's Red Notice?

Clever Voter: What a national embarrassment. But why would anyone be surprised?

Especially with a national leadership that even got the history of India wrong, plus a cabinet that has no clue to solve national issues, let alone international issues.

Jho Low is not only a few steps ahead, he certainly has the influence to build access and perhaps freedom.

Given that the national leadership is busy with race and religion, one can assume that Jho Low will now have the last laugh.

Rentap Returns: Malaysian authorities are incapable of doing anything. They are utterly useless.

They could not negotiate themselves out of a wet paper bag.

Where there is no will, there is no way.

BagusCurryPuff: So, what about the rights of every Malaysian Jho Low has stolen money from? The schools that could have been built, youth training programmes funded and roads repaired?

What about those people who have died waiting for treatment in public hospitals that could have been paid for if Jho Low, Najib and their cronies had not spent everyone's cash on living the good life?

This attitude that this was a victimless crime stinks. This was not some rich banks or companies being scammed.

It was us - all of us - and it still seems so strange that large numbers of people are not still incredibly pissed off about that.

Foodforthought: Yes, the warped world we live in. One is insulting the human race, the other is stealing from the human race.

And both are insulting human intelligence.

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