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With crosshairs on their backs, DAP reps raise 'deep state' poser

The ongoing attempts by the authorities to target DAP for links to a defunct terrorist group and spreading communist propaganda has led to party leaders questioning if they are victims of a "deep state".

According to DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, this question was posed during a meeting of party lawmakers last night.

Questions were raised as to why similar action was not taken against opposition leaders when they were in government, before the 2018 general elections.

"A common question that remains unanswered was why action was taken against DAP elected representatives by the present government for alleged offences committed before 2018 when the previous BN government had not taken similar action against them.

"Failure to take similar action against the then government leaders who are now in opposition, some who have given funds, raises questions of the existence of a deep state," said Lim in a statement today.

While Lim did not elaborate on what he meant by "some who have given funds", it was a likely an allusion to the links between some figures in the previous administration and the defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Earlier this month, two DAP lawmakers - G Saminathan and P Gunasekaran - and another DAP member were among 12 men detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 over alleged links with LTTE.

The men were recently slapped with various charges under Section 130J of the Penal Code for charges related to the support of the LTTE, as well as the possessing and displaying of materials related to the group.

The meeting last night at the DAP headquarters involved MPs and state lawmakers from the entire country. Such meetings are usually called only under special circumstances.

Lim said another issue raised during the meeting was the banning of a comic book for allegedly promoting communism.

"Again questions were raised as to why no action was also taken against former government leaders who attended a communist party training school or gave speeches at a communist party congress," he said.

Lim said the views of the meeting participants were raised in cabinet today.

"An explanation should be forthcoming by the authorities on LTTE, which does not exist any more, vis-a-vis other existing terrorist organisations like ISIS," he said.

He said the party will continue to support the DAP members incarcerated under Sosma and work towards the fulfilment of Pakatan Harapan's election promises.

"(We will) ensure that promises made in the Harapan general election manifesto will be implemented and complied with not only in spirit but also in words and deeds," he said.