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'When will Harapan leaders stop bickering, instead of nation-building?'

A DAP senator has expressed concern over Pakatan Harapan coalition partners issuing controversial remarks against one another, giving the opposition the chance to sow discord among them.

Penang-based senator Lim Hui Ying asked when her comrades in Harapan would stop bickering and focus fully on developing the country together, as mandated by the people in the last general election 17 months ago.

"Politics like this is a waste of time, energy and disturbs the work done by our leaders to restore the country.

"We ought to often ask ourselves if we are going to continue to focus our attention on issues that are being used by the opposition to create discord among the Harapan partners," Hui Ying said in a statement today.

Describing it as a gentle reminder to her comrades, Hui Ying said the people have given Harapan the mandate to advance the country and "right the wrongs" done by the previous ruling government, the BN.

The Penang DAP secretary added: "We were not given the mandate to spark irrelevant issues.

"I urge the youths in our coalition not to purposely issue statements without discussing with one another.

"We should not be giving space to those who only know how to play up race and religious issues to break up apart.

"Without realising it, we allow this (the bickering) to make us lose focus on the most important issue, (which is) to develop this country for the benefit of all."

Hui Ying was referring to the recent fuss over the criticism of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad by DAP central executive committee member Ronnie Liu (photo), who also declared that Harapan could form the government without Bersatu.

Liu has been issued a show-cause letter for his statement, which invited rebuke from Bersatu leaders, including its Youth chief, Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.

Syed Saddiq had threatened an open political attack against all DAP leaders if Liu failed to apologise or if no action was taken against him.

The DAP, too, has come under pressure for the publishing of the comic book, Belt and Road Initiative for Win-Winism, by the Asian Comic and Cultural Museum, which featured forewords from party chairperson Tan Kok Wai and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

The book was recently banned by the Home Ministry, which cited reasons, among others, that it promoted and spread erroneous facts about the communist ideology.

In the wake of these controversies, Hui Ying urged all Harapan leaders to take a leaf from Mahathir's advice to all component parties.

Mahathir had said if that Harapan were to lose power, they would only be judged by what they had achieved in fulfilling the responsibilities and faith that was given to them.

"We have only one focus, to bring shared prosperity to all Malaysians. Please do not forget or divert attention from this mission," Hui Ying said.