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Time to realise 'anti-Penang' NGOs are taking the public for a ride

ADUN SPEAKS | I would like to respond to a Facebook post dated July 28 on the Sia Boey Rejuvenation project, in which NGO Penang Forum criticised the so-called ‘hiding’ of dirty water.

This is a very disgusting and uncalled for comment by the Penang Forum, a small group of people who just do not want to see any improvement or development in the state.

The Sia Boey Rejuvenation project was launched March 25, 2018, with the aim of transforming the run-down Sia Boey into an area that facilitates the coexistence of development and heritage conservation. 

As part of the history of George Town, with Sia Boey being the gateway to the area for 300 years, the rejuvenation project aims to add value to the Unesco World Heritage site by enhancing its outstanding universal value (OUV) as well as to provide space for heritage conservation, cultural heritage education, a green park and sustainable development for the city of George Town.

A July 27 site visit by Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow revealed to the press the rejuvenated site prior to its estimated official opening in September. 

Since the visit, photos of the rejuvenated Prangin Canal had gained interest, especially on social media, where koi and tilapia are swimming actively in the restored Prangin Canal.

This rejuvenation project marks the commitment and effort by the Penang government in the appreciation of heritage conservation and sustainable development, by turning what was once a dirty and rubbish-filled canal into a new icon for George Town, as with the rivers and ponds found in Japan or South Korea.

Apparently, this success story has irked and discouraged Penang Forum, who only wish to see efforts by the state government in making Penang a better state for its citizens go south. 

This is not the first time that the group of people hiding behind the name of Penang Forum have tried to intimidate, using wrong facts to justify their evil agenda.

One Facebook post by the Penang Forum dated May 29 in relation to the ‘imaginary pollution’ happening at Clan Jetties was solid proof of Penang Forum’s evil agenda to use wrong facts to confuse the public.

The ‘imaginary pollution’ was nothing new, and in fact was a normal phenomenon that occurred around Clan Jetties. 

Kwong Wah Yit Poh interview with local residents noted that this phenomenon happens on the first and 15th day of the lunar calendar and it is nothing new – and surely it is not the ‘imaginary pollution’ claimed by Penang Forum. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kwong Wah Yit Poh and other press who contributed to the clarification, which is a big slap to the face of Penang Forum.

Once again, Penangites have witnessed coordinated tactics by Penang Forum, or rather the 'anti-Penang' Penang Forum, to see everything fail in Penang. 

It is time for the people of Penang to realise that the NGO is taking them for a ride, and reject the nonsense coming from them.

Enough is enough. If Penang Forum only wishes to be positioned as stooges of rejected political parties and continue their act of damaging whatever is good for the state, then so be it. 

But please step aside and allow improvements by the Penang government to make our beloved state great again.

The numerous success stories of the state government prove that we are on track to elevate Penang to the next level, and to become a family-focused, green and smart state that stands to inspire the nation. 

Penangites have heard enough and are extremely tired of the 'anti-Penang' Penang Forum. 

DANIEL GOOI is the state assemblyperson for Pengkalan Kota.

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