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Yoursay: Umno and PAS - birds of a feather flock together

YOURSAY | Moderation and common sense have been sold down the line in a desperate attempt to regain control.

Umno and PAS to ink cooperation charter on Sept 14

SV: Malaysians should be wary of this - this pact won't mind burning the harmony of this country to reach their ends of ruling the country.

I hope Malaysians who understand the need for inclusiveness of all its people, stand together to resist these 2 parties.

Notanonymous: The main reason why the coalition of PKR-DAP-PAS wasn't able to get as much Muslim support was simply DAP. DAP had be demonised beyond redemption.

Also, some non-Muslims decide not to support PAS due to BN's fear-mongering.

Now PAS/Umno are appealing to the same crowd. A crowd which is growing.

The line has been drawn. They are brazen with their disdain of non-Malays. While we don't like it, it seems like a lot of people subscribe to their song.

Shibboleth: Together they have 58 seats. There are about 22 seats the Umno/PAS alliance would have won in GE 14 had they signed this charter before GE14. Total 80 seats - formidable. Together with Sarawak and Sabah, who can be "persuaded," they may chest the tape at 112 seats.

PH, you cannot sit on your laurels. Tun M, better kick some butts.

Gerard Lourdesamy: They will never get 112 seats on their own. By the time GE15 arrives the Constitution would have been amended by PH to redo the flawed 2018 delineation exercise undertaken by the EC to keep Umno/BN in power.

Since the country is 80 percent urbanised, the EC will create more mixed urban and semi-urban seats and reduce the huge malapportionment at present between urban and rural seats. It will be near impossible for Umno-Pas to win other than in Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang.

David Dass: In ordinary times and circumstances a PAS-Umno pact would be reasonable. In Kelantan, Terengganu, and perhaps even in Perlis and Kedah, PAS has a substantial influence.

PAS also has a very effective grassroots machinery. Their use of Islam to capture Muslim support has been very effective.

Their previous pact with PKR and DAP proved formidable. It is unfortunate that pact died with the passing of Nik Aziz.

The PAS- Umno pact would make them formidable.

But there are several flaws. PAS under Hadi Awang is not PAS under Nik Aziz. It has veered to the extreme right. It wants an Islamic state. It wants shariah Law. It wants hudud. It does not accept non-Muslims as equal to Muslims. It does not accept non-Muslims in the cabinet or in senior positions in government.

Its pact with Umno leaders, who are facing many charges involving financial impropriety, makes one wonder what it is that brings them together.

MCA and MIC may nominally stay with them because as race-based parties who have lost the support of their people, they have no place else to be.

If Harapan gets its act together, they should be able to defeat them.

Gotcha: Racist Umno, What's wrong with DAP's Malaysian Malaysia agenda? Malaysian Malaysia is truly the people's agenda for a united Malaysian Malaysia.

Newday: You talk up the Muslim angle as if it is our Malay/Muslim obligation to support only Umno and PAS. One a party of severe corruption and the other a party of syariah compliant liars and manipulators of the Prophet's words to suit their own power-mad ends.

This little old Muslim is not buying the scam. Malaysia for Malaysians is the only way that this country can truly be an Asian Tiger.

Under PAS/Umno - corruption and control of the minds of a compliant and dumbed down population. Is that what you really want?

Clear Thinking: The Prophet of Islam will be reeling in his grave seeing this pact between partners in crime. This means PAS supports ethnic favouritism practised by Umno - forbidden in Islam.

This also means PAS supports corruption and money-laundering, rife in Umno - also forbidden in Islam.

BagusCurryPuff: Moderation and common sense sold down the line in desperation to get back control of the money-making machinery.

Anonnon2: The question is whether the leaders of MCA and MIC will make themselves useful by serving as footstools to the theocratic-kleptos of Umno/PAS. 

Thanks again, Zahid, for the latest explanation on 'klepto-theocracy'

Vijay47: To be born with mental impairment is a misfortune of nature.

Yet what confuses is that there are some who wear such deficiency with pride on their sleeves, proclaiming to the world the limitation of intelligence they are afflicted with.

Leading the pack in this roll-call is Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who simply cannot resist lending himself to public ridicule.

What surprises is that a person boasting of the lack of quality that Zahid is endowed with, could rise to the upper echelons of government.

Then again, it may not be that surprising when one considers that in Umno, facing a record number of criminal charges is viewed as badges of achievement where shame can be dispensed with. 

Acknowledging his constraints, Zahid’s role within Umno has been kept to the minimum – apart from occasional jumping through hoops during the circus that is the Umno General Assembly. He is required only to mouth repeatedly the danger that DAP supposedly poses to the nation, warning by extension that the Chinese and non-Malays are on the advance, that the race, Islam, and the rulers are under attack. 

Lim Kit Siang’s well-written, hard-hitting article reveals another sad fact; Mahathir’s recent call that the majority should not be cowed by demands from a vocal minority is shown to be hollow and insincere. Where was this noble principle when the prime minister decided to retreat from Malaysia’s stand on Icerd?

Even if this had to be seen from a religious perspective, which I disagree with, isn’t an overwhelming majority of 55 out of 57 Muslim countries signing Icerd enough?

Maybe Mahathir is employing a strategy of slow attrition. Let Zahid continue his clownish exploits, but Mahathir should not join the troupe.

The Wakandan: Well said, Kit Siang, but know that their hatred for DAP is bigger than thievery, corruption, intolerance, bigotry, lies and falsehoods.

Zahid is merely parroting the theme of the Umno-PAS cooperation – that DAP is the bogeyman, the enemy of the Malays. If you notice their political strategy now, everything else does not matter except for the DAP.

The target is the DAP and how dangerous DAP is to the Malays, Islam, King and country. That is their rallying point, and it seems their followers are well in agreement with it.

Cynic: 55 out of the 57 Muslim countries that ratified ICERD must have been influenced by the DAP.

Roger 5201: Hadi's syariah compliant lies have just expanded to cover corruption, “donations”, theft and kleptocracy.

And “taawun,” a bombastic word for justifying cooperation with "Malu Apa Bossku" is nothing but another farce of two political parties, bankrupt of morals. hiding behind the sanctity of Islam.

Shibboleth: Umno leaders are not dumb; only their followers.

We pray for the longevity of Tun M and Lim Kit Siang. We need to have another win in GE15 to steer our nation to calmer waters.

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