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What happened to the proposed Jalan V David in PJ?

MP SPEAKS | It has been asked as to what had been the difference to DAP between the days when it was in the opposition and the days when it was part of Pakatan Harapan federal government.

One simple answer is that DAP had only to think of itself when it was in opposition, but when it is part of the Harapan federal government, it must also think of the interests of the other three coalition parties, namely PKR, Bersatu and Amanah.

The political principles and objectives of the DAP cannot change but we are operating in a different milieu and we cannot speak out like in the past when we were in the opposition as we should pursue our principles and objectives internally within the Harapan coalition government.

The four political parties have different principles and objectives but we are bound by the common principles of the Harapan manifesto which formed the basis of the Harapan coalition government.

They are the five pillar-promises of the Harapan election manifesto in the 14th general election, viz:

  • Reduce the people’s burden.

  • Institutional and political reforms.

  • ·Spur sustainable and equitable economic growth.

  • Return Sabah and Sarawak to the status accorded in Malaysia Agreement 1963.

  • Create a Malaysia that is inclusive, moderate and respected globally.

We may not agree or be happy with everything that is being done in the name of the Harapan government but it is our duty and challenge to make a special effort to make the Harapan government succeed, achieving more of the goals and objectives of a "New Malaysia" with the passage of time.

I was shocked by the announcement of the Selangor Menteri Besar Amiruddin Shari on the renaming of Jalan Semangat in Petaling Jaya to Jalan Professor Khoo Kay Kim, not because of any objection to the honour bestowed on the prominent historian, but because it raises the question as to what has happened to the DAP suggestion for quite some time that Jalan Barat in Petaling Jaya should be renamed Jalan Dr V David, in honour of the trade unionist/parliamentarian who was instrumental in Malaysia adopting May Day as a workers’ holiday.

Penang has honoured illustrious political leaders with Karpal Singh Drive, Jalan Ahmad Nor, Jalan P Patoo and Jalan Chian Heng Kai. So we await clarification from the Selangor menteri besar.

LIM KIT SIANG is Iskandar Puteri MP.

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