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Yoursay: So Mat Hasan is admitting Umno received 1MDB money?

YOURSAY | ‘Every time Mat Hasan opens his mouth, he digs his grave a bit deeper.’

Mat Hasan: How to return '1MDB money' when Umno's accounts frozen?

Anonymous 770241447347646: If the money is from 1MDB, Umno can ask for unfreezing of its bank account and give the money back. This can only be done if the monies are still in the account and not spent.

As far as the evidence that the monies are from 1MDB, the transactions would prove it. So do not try to avoid the issue. Acting Umno president Mohamad Hasan can verify the evidence with MACC.

The question is how honest and sincere is his statement of returning the monies if indeed it’s proven they are from 1MDB.

BH Yap: Yes, if Umno is sincere about wanting to return 1MDB money but is unable to do so, it can always apply to the courts to lift the freeze and give an undertaking to the courts to pay back all the monies taken.

Toffeesturn: Mohamad Hasan, are you sure all the money went to Umno and not the pockets of those who received it on behalf of Umno?

Anyway, if Umno accounts are frozen and the money can't be taken out, you are being given that blessed opportunity to reveal where the money is and that it did not go into your own pockets, if as you say it went to Umno, you'll have to prove it, not sit there and make statements.

This is becoming like your president's claim that he met the Saudi donor. It looks like all Umno politicians have the same kind of logic.

Mission Accomplished: Mat Hasan, if there is a genuine desire on the part of Umno to return the ‘haram’ money taken from 1MBD, an arrangement with the authority to legally facilitate your worry in disbursing the fund is not a problem.

Any technical hitches could easily be overcome. The ball is in your court and let us see how honourable a man you are.

Open Mind: True, it is not possible to return the money when the account is frozen currently. Acknowledge that the money is from 1MDB is just as good as returning the money. Mat Hasan is following the process of law.

Roger 5201: Granted, returning stolen money is a process - Umno must first establish how much of its money is legitimately earned and what portions are "illegitimate", then offer to return the latter to their rightful owners.

Umno has over a year to prove the legitimacy of their inheritance but why have they not sued the authorities for the return of their legitimate money?

If there was any intent to return stolen money and unfreeze their account, where are the action and proof?

Wira: Mat Hasan, the amount claimed are not just the frozen money but all money siphoned from 1MDB, including those used by your divisions to win elections.

You had better start raising funds as otherwise, you may have to sell Umno assets for MACC to recover all stolen money.

Johor Bahru MP Akmal Nasir is thinking far ahead of you.

TC Chan: Mohamad, it is good that the money has been frozen. Once the court decides that the money actually came from 1MDB, MACC can apply to have it unfrozen.

The money is there, just that MACC needs to prove its case and you have a chance to rebut. Isn’t it simple?

Boeyks: You said you can’t pay because the account had been frozen. Umno Sabah had said they can’t pay because the money in question had been spent and they want to challenge the forfeiture in court.

What is that you want to do?

Worried Sick: Every time Mat Hasan opens his mouth, he digs his grave a bit deeper.

Earlier he said the 1MDB money was all spent and what is in the frozen accounts is clean money. Now he says Umno cannot pay back the money because the money in the bank has been frozen.

Don't be selective, Hisham says after 7-hour grilling by MACC

Ipohcrite: Former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein shouldn't be telling the MACC how to do their job and playing the victim by claiming selective prosecution.

Investigation and prosecution should be done selectively, that is, only against the wrongdoers. Going after innocent parties is abuse of power, of which Umno was infamous for.

Hisham should go out and smell the roses; there are actually roses out there now, replacing the stink of corruption left behind by the previous government.

Wira: On the purchase of six helicopters worth over RM300 million by the Defence Ministry in 2015, how could this scam be carried out without the knowledge of the defence minister?

It took his successor less than a year to dig up his past misdeeds and now the cousin of the biggest kleptocrat in human history is blaming his ministry officials.

What was his job then as a minister?

Toffeesturn: It looks like he is worming himself out by implicating former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak. Implicating Najib is certainly something he must do, he must not be the only one to suffer, there are others; that is what he seems to be saying.

All said and done from the way he talks, he knew what was happening all the time and allowed it to happen.

Men of integrity would have walked out if they could not do anything about such corruption if it was there or else suffer the consequences of being accomplices.

Let the truth be told in full so that it does not take place again and the perpetrators charged and punished to the fullest extent of the law, these are lawmakers flouting the very laws they are supposed to uphold by way of an oath when they took office.

In China, they would be shot dead.

The Wakandan: Hishammuddin had earlier promised to deliver fugitive financier Jho Low, what happened to that? Was it just a bargaining chip in anticipation of the charge brought about by MACC?

His usage of the armed forces personnel as his bodyguards was also not resolved. There is much dirt on this man.

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