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Yoursay: 'Najib may be shocked, but he spent the money anyway'

YOURSAY | 'Any honest person would have returned it on finding that much money appearing in their account.'

'Najib so shocked he axed AG and DPM' - lawyer on witness' remarks

FairMind: Has there ever been any court cases in the past where the defence lawyer asked how an alleged thief felt (whether he was shocked, sad or happy) when he stole the money? Is there any relevance how he felt?

The relevant thing is whether he stole the money or not, period. Moreover, the good doctor (prosecution witness Dr Shamsul Anwar Sulaiman) is not trained in psychiatry to determine the shock or anger is due to being found out by MACC about his impropriety, or due to money being wrongly entered into his account.

This hotshot defence lawyer (Muhammad Shafee Abdullah) has no defence whatsoever other than to ask how the alleged thief felt instead of rebutting there is no impropriety in the money entering into his account.

Shafee is merely asking these irrelevant questions in court purely for the uninformed kampung (village) folks in the hope of them continuing their support for Umno and PAS. The judge would know better.

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: According to Shamsul, MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) was shocked and upset when told that RM42 million (from SRC) had gone into his personal bank account.

An innocent man would have gone berserk. The first thing he would have done is to check with his bank and lodge a police report.

MO1 did none of these thus implicating himself in the crime. Instead, he is surprised that the media, Malaysiakini in particular, has highlighted his failings, which in effect amounts to his complicity.

Oxymoronic Tendencies: Najib was so shocked that the money was in his account that he kept it.

Any honest person would have returned it on finding that much money appearing in their account, especially a prime minister.

Not Najib. What did he do? He kept the money and spent it on what? His own personal political gain.

It’s tedious to hear Najib whining that he didn’t do anything for personal gain. It’s semantics, Najib! Everything you did was for the political benefit of yourself, your wife, your family and your acolytes.

As for all these people blindly transferring millions of ringgit to unknown people. Really? Clearly, they should never have had the roles they had and they are in clear breach of the fiduciary responsibilities those roles obligated them to.

Do these witnesses really expect people to believe they just blindly transferred millions of ringgit without knowing where it was going? Lock up these fools.

They are either lying or in criminal breach of the fiduciary responsibilities of their positions. Ignorance is no defence under the law.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Najib, stop pretending to be dumb.

After what the witness told you, why didn't you lodge a report with the MACC or at least complain to the relevant parties, Ambank and Bank Negara, about the RM42 million that was purportedly transferred into your bank account without your knowledge?

Ipohcrite: Najib must have been rightly shocked that the money was traced to his personal accounts perhaps despite all the assurances given to him by that “Billion Dollar Whale” (Jho Low) that elaborate layering and multilevel transfers would erase all money trails of wrongdoing.

So, imagine when a naive and foolhardy underling like that managing director at Ihsan Perdana (Dr Shamsul) should pop up and tell him that someone had mysteriously transferred money into his personal accounts.

Of course, he would be shocked, just like anyone should be. Or, the poor fellow was simply totally taken in by his studied show of shock and innocence.

Abasir: Shocked because he had no choice but to face an underling who was released from remand. Shocked because he had to scramble a plan to hide the evidence.

But will the good doctor who apparently aided and abetted say how he concluded the accused was shocked? Did he say “I am shocked”, or did he just act like he was shocked?

Blue Mountains: Shocked and upset, but spent the money anyway.

If he was really shocked and upset, he would have made a police report. If he was really shocked and upset, he would not have spent the money. If he was really shocked and upset, he would have returned the money.

Roar for Truth: Perhaps he was shocked and upset because it was a measly RM42 million donation compared to the hundreds of millions, and the RM2.6 billion donation that he was accustomed to.

After getting over the shock, he spent the money without any attempt to return it.

Never once, it crossed his mind it could be DAP or the Jews that secretly deposited the amount to compromise him. Maybe he knows the truth - that DAP is too poor to have that kind of money to waste.

Tidak Harapan: He was shocked because the attorney-general was going to charge him, so he got rid of him.

The shock that money paid into his account is a red herring. Why spend the money then if it is not yours?

Cicak Boy: Najib was so shocked he forgot that being the PM, he could have picked up the phone and called the inspector-general of police (IGP), the Special Branch, the Attorney-General’s office, the MACC and the entire board of AmBank to find out within 2 minutes who deposited money in his account.

ABC123: Malaysiakini, you misreported. When he saw the money, Najib felt syiok, not shocked.

Newday: Indeed, it is totally shocking actions that the accused in 2015 sacked, harassed, and removed anyone that queried 1MDB and SRC issues.

Totally shocking that the accused attacked, harassed, and blocked any news outlet that publicised the issues.

Totally shocking that the accused, through the speaker of the parliament at the time shut down any debate on the matter, which given the amount of money involved was and still is an issue of national importance.

What is most shocking is that there are many who still sincerely believe that he is the most gentlemanly innocent person on the planet.

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