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Yoursay: Mat Hasan insulting Rantau folk by feeding them fiction

YOURSAY | ‘He dares to publicly and glaringly twist the facts without so much as batting an eyelid.’

If 1MDB a problem, arrest and charge Najib - Mat Hasan says of 'lies'

Anonymous 1689721435778173: BN candidate for Rantau Mohamad Hasan, are you for real?

You told a ceramah crowd in Felda Sendayan that former premier Najib Abdul Razak has not been arrested or charged over 1MDB – on the first day of his trial for criminal breach of trust and money laundering in relation to former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International Sdn Bhd!

Have you been living under a coconut shell?

Anonymous_3e68: What has Mohamad been smoking? Najib not arrested and charged is a blatant lie. He is facing 42 1MDB-related charges.

This man has no respect for the people whose votes he seeks.

King Kriolle: Mohamad, where have you been all this time? Either you have been living in a cave or on another planet, because you are way off target with what you said about 1MDB.

There is no way on earth you cannot know that Najib has been hit with over 40 charges in relation to 1MDB, or that Wednesday was the first day of a historic trial of a former prime minister.

But then again, knowing the game that Umno leaders usually play, you are trying to hoodwink uninformed rural folk and, in the process, retain their support for Umno.

Meerkat: After all the hue and cry of Umno ex-ministers saying they regretted not having brought up the issue of 1MDB earlier and blaming the party’s loss in last year’s general election on Najib, here comes this numbskull to say 1MDB didn’t happen.

With this one statement, Mohamad’s credibility of being at the top of the list of Umno leaders – the best of a horrible lot – has been undone. Even those at the bottom of the Umno pile admit that 1MDB is a problem.

Anonymous 1543918786: When you have someone like this leading a party, you can rest assured that you cannot expect too much from the said party.

Mohamad dares to publicly and glaringly twist the facts without so much as batting an eyelid.

It has been widely reported that the former prime minister had been arrested and charged, and is out on bail, and yet Mohamad says the opposite.

KL Bob: Mohamad is a shrewd veteran politician. What he is doing now is a by-election pitching - to win the hearts and minds of the rural electorate.

Never mind if it’s a cock and bull story, so long as he wins the race at the end of the day.

Anonymous_cdb4fb5d: Witness Mohamad’s ‘fever dream’ or bald-faced lie to fool rural voters.

No wonder when he served as the menteri besar of Negeri Sembilan, he did nothing but help himself and his cronies.

It seems like everyone from Umno and PAS are full of spins, half-truths and outright lies.

Headhunter: It hard to fathom that a person, let alone the acting Umno acting president, can still say 1MDB is all lies.

This despite the piles of evidence presented over the years, and the ostentatious lifestyles of the whole Najib family openly displayed for all to see.

Is he that blind or that stupid?

Kangkung: There may be voters in certain pockets of the country who will believe any lie told to them. I wouldn't be surprised if some don’t even know that Najib has been slapped with multiple charges.

These are the areas where Umno and PAS will thrive.

Malaysian-United: The misinformation fed by Mohamad to the voters in Rantau doesn’t matter.

Umno and PAS’ winning streak will come to an end when all their frogs leap into Bersatu, and the ones that don’t get sent to prison.

Let them be elated, it will be short lived.

Mat Hasan moots 'P Ramlee formula' for Umno-PAS GE15 seat sharing

Frankie: So Mohamad wants to use a ‘formula’ from P Ramlee movie ‘Nujum Pak Belalang’ to divide seats between Umno and PAS in the 15th general election?

Only thieves would ape the thieves they see in a movie.

Mohd Isnin: One for you and two for me, none for the Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Iban and Orang Asli.

So much for the supposed inclusiveness of BN. Let’s all laugh at the fools who still support this failed coalition.

Anonymous #33227154: The acting Umno president looks like he can't wait to grab power and divide the spoils with PAS.

Mohamad and his band of thieves don't care a damn about the country and the people. They are only interested in continuing with the corruption and enriching themselves.

Rantau voters, don't get conned by these conmen.

Anonymous_cdb4fb5d: This unholy union of Umno and PAS will turn Malaysia into another Talbian-esque state, like Brunei.

What’s to stop them expanding the scope of syariah law once they are in power?

The Analyser: I wouldn’t be so optimistic as to think that Umno and PAS will still be viable forces come GE15.

All this planning and strategising might well come to nothing because the people will decide what they want.

Umno and PAS are as delusional as Pakatan Harapan, in that they still think their actions will decide election outcomes.

Hang Babeuf: After explaining his ‘formula’, Mohamad tells the PAS leaders at the ceramah in Felda Sendayan that he is only joking.

I ought to be splitting my sides laughing, but I am not.

When leading politicians don’t take political questions seriously, you know that ‘public life’ has atrophied and is dying. You know that the nation itself has become a bad comedian’s stunt prop.

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